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Posts posted by bookcooker

  1. A little advice please. I went on holiday in August and left access to the usual crowd of rabble to use whilst I was away. Now I have received a PPN for parking at Gatwick MacDonalds on 21st August, whilst I was away. Pinching freely from your site is the following a decent reply to send?


    Dear Sir or Madam,


    I am in receipt of your invoice for parking at the (details of location) on the (insert date). I note you have written to me as the registered keeper of the vehicle. Please be advised that I could not have been the driver of the vehicle at the time of the alleged offence as I was out of the country on holiday.

    As the registered keeper of the vehicle concerned that I have no liability whatsoever to pay your invoice. You need to contact the driver and invoice them directly.


    Please do not correspond with me any further on this matter except to confirm that you will be not taking the matter any further with me as the registered keeper of the vehicle.


    Yours sincerely


    I want to attack them on the grounds of obtaining my personal details without leaving a letter on the vehicle, and also ask them to prove the vehicle was actually parked and not being driven round slowly, but wonder if briefness in reply is a better option. My wife is a worrier and hates the thought of being taken to court.


    many thanks for any suggestions you can come up with

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