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Posts posted by Digital-D

  1. I will let you all into a little secret about Bh

    If you have had ur item for over 2 yrs and the book price has dropped under £100, They will not chase you.The collectors will not come out for a book price lower than £100 because they will not get paid.Something to think about people.Am not saying thats wot all the shops do but i know certain shops will not bother..You may ask how would i know..I used to work for them..

    Plus if you buy a item second hand and the book price is lower than £100

    and u stop paying for a good reason they will not pester you..Its not worth the debt managers {bailiffs} to call

    Now dont get confused if you have more than 1 item thats under £100 they will come,as they see it has 2 cards =£200..

    Plus the only time the bailiffs do call if the item has gone late for 90 days or more..

    After 90 days if they have had no luck contacting you they let the item fall off

  2. Right let me introduce myself

    I have worked for this company for a number of years and just left,As the customer service doesnt exist.And i will not let my good name go to shame....

    Any way i have to say something on this matter.

    First of all why do u think its callled optional cover {Optional}.

    They say this cover gives u a loaner item if ur item is broken.

    I've asked this many times

    If you got no loaner r You "Brighthouse" breaking ur contract with the customer?.Imo they are..

    There has been loads of times ive been out on a service call without a loaner..

    If you ever get a service call for a tv/washing machine ect ect and DONT get a loaner,Id advice you to seek help for a breach of contract.I'll garantee you will get wot you deserve "Proper service"..

  3. Hi again Anyaaa


    Don't worry about not having your own home insurance policy. You can still cancel their "optional service cover" - and you should do this STRAIGHT AWAY!!!


    When you were sold "second hand" goods, was this explained to you? If not, then you may possibly have a misrepresentation claim against them - "goods not described correctly" which is contrary to the sale of goods act. Either way, the "second hand" goods should have still carried at least a 90 day warranty.


    Bottom line is this...


    The VERY EXPENSIVE "optional service cover" premium you are paying would, at best, only provide you with another "second hand" product if your current machine broke down. My guess is on a cash price of £600, you're paying around £4 a week (£16 a month - £416 TOTAL!!!) for the "optional service cover" !!!!


    CANCEL IT NOW!!!!!!!






    i am a delivery driver for this company that has just left Due to how they treat there customers..

    In ur second paragraph u go on about second hand goods...

    This might SHOCK every 1 of wot am about to say..But they have ****ed my off big time..

    I know several sales that have been totaly illegal..

    One that stands out for me is when i was Orded to take a Gas cooker to a customer that had the old gas pipe still connected to the cooker{Refurbed},They told me the customer has seen it and accepted it..

    As i took the cooker to the customers house i showed the item.they had never set eyes on the cooker and thought they were getting a new cooker not a used one...I could go on about second hand goods from this place.It would open a can of worms..

    So please if ur going to buy from this place MAKE sure u read ur contract if ur expecting a new item it should say in the contract..

  4. Had a phone call from the local store today (SRA sent to head ofice) saying they had had this letter from us forwarded from head office and didn't know what it meant! What did we want actually? Told them, and they said they didn't think they would be able to provid it, as all the records were destroyed when we closed the account (about a month ago).


    Anyone know for how long they have to keep records of HP agreements?



    I am a Delivery driver that has just terminated my contract after a good few years working for them..

    To answer ur question they Keep records for 3 months for tv sales{activate old customers}they never totally close ur account for future sales..i hope that helps

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