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Posts posted by angel007

  1. Well I would suggest going for bankruptcy then. I did it last month and it is the best thing I have ever done. It is such a relief. You wipe out any debt including gas/elec up until your bankruptcy. The only exclusions are student loans and fines from court. I've just been accepted for a bank account with the co-op, I get a visa debit card, facilities for direct debits. I've kept my mobile contract etc. I feel 10 ft tall now. Uncrippled by massive interest rates and charges. fkrs. I swear over the yrs they have all had most of their money back but I still owed them - u know what I mean!!


    Go for it - ONLY if you feel that its the right thing for YOU to do. Phone up your local county court and book an appointment - they will send you out the forms to fill in. When your date in court arrives, first off you will see someone who checks your paperwork, take your money, it costs £510 if you are working or £360 if you are claiming benefits etc. Then you go see a judge - I was in for 3 mins - then you are declared bankrupt. You can take someone with you. Then as I said b4 you will get a call from the OR - should be within 2 days but mine took 2 wks - they are so busy right now - hundreds of people a day are going bankrupt! The interview took about an hour, she was really nice. The whole process has been liberating. A complete eye opener.


    Get some advice from your local CAB or community legal advice on 0845 456 6960. Talk it over with them. The judge will want you to have had proper legal advice.

  2. HI wingers,


    How much do u owe altogether? Only go bankrupt if you owe over 15k. If you owe under - go for a debt relief order.


    If you decide to go through with the Bankruptcy yourself, after going to court which takes approx 3 mins in front of a judge - confirm your name, address, employment details, ask you if you have had advice and to very briefly outline why you got into trouble - then its over to the Official Reciever who will do an in-depth interview prob over the phone - lasts about an hour. They are the ones who deal with your assets ie your house & car. They cant take any household objects. They can take your car (but not if your working) if its in your name, but from reading your thread its in your partners name, so dont panic. Even if it was in your name a trustee can still buy it back from them for you. If you have a job, after you have worked out how much money you need for bills and essentials they will only want to take a percentage of whats left.


    Hope this helps

  3. Fresh - It doesn't sound like you abused your credit, it sounds like the **** hit the fan!!! I feel for you and dodge who have both lost businesses - it's tough out there at the moment, and it's going to take years to get better. At least your taking control and once you have gone BK you will feel so much better. Being swamped in debt is soul destroying. As long as you have been honest, not hidden any property etc then you will be fine. Remember its only for 12 months, then after that you can start again - Fresh - it is such a good name!!!!! I cried in front of the judge, I couldn't stop myself - I couldn't speak properly through the tears. But I got home, had a glass of wine, and hugged my beautiful children. Remember its just paper money - not worth all the heartache.

    Dodge is right for some it is a godsend - I know you are doing the right thing. If you are in court this morning - as I type - I wish you all the best.


    Tell us how you got on.



  4. HI.. I just declared myself bankrupt... What a massive relief, fantastic!!


    So in the date occured bit - you have to put the approx date you opened the credit/store card account and in the what was it for - put clothes,food,bills living expenses,holidays,consolodation - whatever you feel appropiate. As for your writers block, just be as honest as possible -did you take out too much credit? did the interest payments get too much that you could only pay minimum? did you lose your job? do a few rough copies and then you will see what jumps out as the real issues. It took me about 5 drafts. Also if it made you feel helpless put that in. When you go to court it takes about 3 mins in front of the judge and thats it, he/she will just ask you too confirm your name and address, if you have had some legal conselling and tell you not too take out a mortgage. Then you will get a phone call from the official receiver (still waiting for mine!). Also if you havn't recieved your gas/electric bill yet - when you get it phone through to your supplier and they will wipe your bill - up untill the day you went bankrupt - brilliant!!


    I wish you all the best, I hope it brings you the peace of mind I now have!



  5. hi.


    I have received replys now from my original requests for cca. I have attached the letters and signed agreement from sainsburys. They also photocopied 10 page agreements both current terms and terms from when i originally got the cards. There was no signed agreement from Halifax. Plus they spelt my name wrong!!


    What does it mean? Are they unenforcable?


    Please advise


    regards jo

  6. hi people...


    I've had a halifax credit card for many years. After going into the bank one afternoon to inquire about a credit card, i left without signing an agreement but 2 weeks later a card came through my door. I dealt with the account responsibly for years until they kept increasing my limit up to over £7000 - one thing led to another and i've ended up with 3 cards - each to pay the other off and now i'm in trouble with £17,000 debts. I am paying interest only on the halifax card £100 monthly since sept 08, and every month i'm getting charges added on because i'm always late paying as i have to juggle paying my cards with my benefit money and i have 2 children. It's a nightmare. I have paid over £3000 in interest and charges on my halifax card alone in 3 years. They will not reduce the interest. My virgin card have stopped interest. And my sainsburys card will not stop interest - i know they are part of halifax.


    Yesterday after reading through your wonderful site, i sent off the request for cca to both sainsburys and halifax with unsigned letters and postal orders- knowing full well they have not got my signature on an agreement as i did not sign one for halifax anyway - and the sainsburys card was done about 6 years ago in the supermarket.


    What do i do when the 12 + 2 days is up? do i send the letter saying i'm not paying them anymore? and can i get all the charges back i've paid them over the years


    x :-|

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