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Posts posted by Thunderstorm

  1. There are NO such (Footway) parking signs.

    There never have been. The roads are very narrow indeed.


    Only the EV signs indicating that only permit holders may park in the bays on Event Days have sprung up. Before them, there was nothing.


    Clearly, the marked bays exist for that sole purpose (Event Day Parking).

    I do have the pamphlet sent out to residents by Brent Parking Confirming this some months ago!


    There are no all blue signs telling you exactly HOW you must park your car on the footway.


    And there are NO signs saying all cars MUST in Parking Bays Only.


    We are just being harrassed, abused, mugged, because Brent Parking is probably being run by people who have the utmost contempt for the very residents they are supposed to be serving.

    No doubt, they are on to a very nice little earner.

    I wonder if their pay is linked to the number of tickets issued?

    Now there's an incentive. :o


    I also believe the sending out of NTOs on the basis of these illegal parking tickets actually contravenes the Data Protection Act, because the personal data of the alleged "defaulting" resident car owners is being acquired under false pretences!! :mad:

    And only God knows what happens to that Data, already acquired under false pretences by an organisation that is breaking the law itself to get it in the first place.:mad:


    I am almost certain there is a law against this kind of behaviour and heads in Brent Parking would (and should) roll if there was a Lawyer brave enough to take them on and sue the pants off them for knowingly extorting money from law abiding residents under false pretences.


    I personally categorically object to living like this in the 21st century.

    This is totally unacceptable, and whoever is overseeing this should be named and shamed in the local and national papers.

    All the residents on footway exempt streets should have their illegally extorted fines returned to them with grovelling apologies.

    Brent Parking, hiding behind "ignorance of their own laws and regulations" should not in any way be accepted. Indeed, they should hang their heads in shame.

    Perhaps they should even be properly investigated for any further trangressions against Law Abiding Residents who just happen to own cars.


    The level of contempt Brent Parking has for the residents of Highmead Crescent and other similar streets is simply astounding.


    I would love to contact London Tonight News and have Brent Parkings insidious behaviour highlighted in the 6 o'clock news.

    There is NO acceptable excuse for financially raping the local resident motorists with impunity.


    Better still, I would love to see an MP actually spearhead a new bill through parliament, forcing any council's "Parking Authority" (who issues "False" or "Illegal" Parking Tickets), forced to pay compensation to the very people they have tried to "white-collar" mug.

    £400 compensation per attempted financial mugging to each aggrieved victim would soon put a stop to their underhanded behaviour.


    Is there an MP in the house actually brave enough to table such a motion and make it happen? :rolleyes:


    What I find galling is the fact that a large number of people have committed NO offences, yet are being STUNG for £80 a pop.

    They are being unsavourily threatened into paying.

    And all for parking legally in front of their own homes.

    As they have done, for anything up to and beyond the past 9 years without hindrance.


    Brent Parking - Hang your heads in shame!!


    Only in 21st Century UK. You couldn't make it up. :|

  2. Here is a pretty good [problem] presently being perpetrated by Brent Parking.

    Recently, parts of Brent that don't fall under any CPZs or indeed, any parking restrictions but are close to Wembley Stadium, were designated "Event Day Parking Zones".


    This means, they painted special bays for parking (on the footways), but they did stress - and I have the document printed by them proving this - that the existence of these bays is exclusively for Event Day use.

    I must mention that parking on the footways IS allowed, the roads are very narrow here and we have been parking without hindrance in this manner for the past 9 years!!


    This means we ALL need to have special parking permits for Event Days.

    These have been issued to us. They are displayed.

    There are signs up explaining what the bays are for - and their use.

    Nothing says to park in them AT ALL TIMES or else.

    Only on Event Days


    So far, so good.

    We have all the permits, and keep an eye out for these Event Days.

    Remember, this is NOT a CPZ street.

    However, the Brent Parking Wardens have now taken to sneaking into these UNRESTRICTED areas late at night on "Non Event Days" and sticking parking tickets on cars NOT parked in the Event Day parking bays.


    The tickets claim a "Footway Parking Contravention".


    The snag is - and you can check this now by googling "Brent Footway parking" - by Brent Parkings very own admission on their web site - the very areas being relentlessly harrassed by their overzealous Parking Wardens/ Attendants/ [problem] Artists - (delete as appropriate) in the middle of the night are Footway Parking Restrictions EXEMPT.


    I live on Highmead Crescent. Wembley.

    I got a parking ticket on 25/08/2007 at 10.36pm, parked on the same footway I have been parked on for the last 9 years.


    Recap, that's a parking ticket for parking on the footway of a road which is exempt from footway parking restrictions / regulations - what have you.


    This sordid insidious spectacle has been repeated up and down the street - usually on the more expensive cars - and is entirely at random.

    It is ALWAYS done very late at night.


    In my case, the ticket wasn't even fixed to the car, but thrown into the neighbours garden - just to maximise their profits.


    Sadly, some uninformed residents of my street, scared by the wording of the NTO's they have received have meekly handed over their hard earned cash. £80 by the NTO stage. Nice little earner, and very illegal.


    This is nothing more than legalised mugging.


    I am of course contesting this ticket.

    Does anyone have extra advice on what to do about naming and shaming Brent Parking?


    Thunderstorm. :evil:

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