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Posts posted by Federer

  1. still keep getting fobbed off! "we have until the 14th of august...blah blah blah...8 weeks blah blah blah"


    the girl on the phone from the bank there seemed like a genuinely nice person and has now e-mail a senior manager etc with the stage i'm at as i said my first letter with enclosed bank charges etc came through sometime in may so how can 8 weeks be august 14th?!.


    Is this good or bad?!

  2. ok...........


    just called the HBOS to confirm my 2nd letter had arrived, it had. but the woman in customer relations pointed out to me they now have until the 16th of august to reply?!?! i beg her pardon. i was sure they had only 14 days!


    any idea why they would give themselves that amount of time?


    sorry about all these questions!

  3. Hi again everyone


    right i'm now wondering if i should maybe give the bank a call to see where i'm at,i've sent my LBA well a letter very similiar to the bank which would have been delivered monday/yesterday latest. with my threat to issure further action in 7 or 14 days respectively.


    should i call or shoul i wait...i just don't want to sit around twiddling my thumbs!


    hope everyones cases are going well



    oh and heres an interesting fact. i got a notice from a collection company!? today asking for payment of £200 from my account...i do not have any loans! I paid of all outstanding debt last year....very strange

  4. perfect! right i think i know where i stand now, which is ideal...just a case of waiting to see what their next move is then?!


    one thing i have noticed by looking around though is that i never included interest charges in my claim...


    i'm also hazarding a guess that they will try and put this off for as long as possible?

  5. Hi all,


    Came across these forums through an other bank chagres site, happy to be a part of it!


    my current situation is that i have just recieved the standard fob of letter yesterday, a couple of useful pamphlets...haha & a 2 page photo copied letter trying to throw me off the scent.


    I am currently reclaiming around £2000 in charges from the HBOS after 3 nightmare years with this bank resulting in failed payments to loans etc after the ridiculous amount of charges i would recieve each month. I am overdrawn though, what would be the likelyhood they close my account down IF they do decide to pay up?


    Also, whats the estimated time etc after sending the 2nd letter (today) threatening to take them to court etc


    any help and a rough idea of where to go from here would be very much appreciated!



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