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Posts posted by speckles

  1. Hi there, haven't posted anything for a while now but, I have reported these so and so's to the FOS and TS. They have gone way past the 12+2+30 days. I did receive the nice little letter asking me to contact them as they had been unable to contact me. I didn't of course. I'm now just waiting for the next instalment. It's been quiet now for such a long time.


    Fallen Angel, I don't think that they ever actually take anyone to court. Jason Evans doesn't exist, he's one of the many alias' that these lowlife **** like to use. They have quite a few diffent names they pre-printed sign their letters with and I don't think any of them are real.


    Keep smiling everyone, they'll hang themselves soon enough I'm quite sure.


    Night, night, sleep well everyone. xx

  2. Hi there, please don't worry. These are just the usual scare tactics that these utter morons use. They are trying to frighten you into paying up. They send this type of letter to everyone. I've even had one myself. As for making you bankrupt, it's my belief that a CCj would have to be registered against you first and then you would have to be in default with any payments which, the court had told you to make.


    First of all, you need to write to them and request a CCA,( copy credit agreement )and full statement of the account which, will detail any charges put onto the account. With your request, enclose a payment of £1 for this service. Send a postal order as, if you send a cheque, they will have a copy of your signature and with these prats, it's possible they may try and copy this.




    I'm sure there is a good letter on here somewhere which, you can use to write to them making your request. Also, in your letter, it would probably be a good idea to ask them to only deal with you in writing and not to phone you as per your rights under The Data Protection Act.


    In my case and many others, if you read some of the other posts, they have not responded to the cca requests.


    Finally, don't let them get you down and don't worry. I'm certain, someone else will be able to poit you in the right direction regards the letter to write as I'm sure somewhere ther's one.

  3. Hi there, I've had one of these letters, way back in May and they've had CCA request which, surprise, surprise they completely ignored and they've gone way past 12 + 2 days and even 30 days. Don't worry, they just don't seem to know their a**es from their elbows but, at least this goes in our favours. What a shower 'eh?


    I think they just pick any old standard reply letter and just amend it for amounts and reference numbers etc. Must be good to have their jobs when they have no brains and to get paid for it too!

  4. Hi there, I have written to them and requested that they don't phone me but, they did ignore that until I pointed out to them that they shouldn't be phoning and that I wasn't prepared to talk to them over the phone. Said I was going to put the phone down on them which, I did! Apart from a letter from the morons about 3 weeks after my CCA request received by them, asking that I contact them re my account, (of course I didn't), they've gone a bit quiet. Not that I'm complaining but, I did quite enjoy being horrible to them, took all my frustration out on them!!


    Kind regards, speckles

  5. Hi there, I'm in the same situation, debt dates back to 1999 and for just over the £1,000. Had been paying to DLC and then when I said I couldn't pay anymore they, just sold the date onto to Ruthless. Now I've not heard anything for ages now, well since I CCA requested them and the 30 days were up about 10 days ago. Trouble is, although, I know I should probably write to them, I'm going to wait until they start up again as, I've got 2 small children and I don't want to get loads of phone calls from them at all times of the day and night. This seems to be their preferred method of harassment, looking at others stories. So think Curlyben's advise to be good, just sit back and let them demand payment again. Whilst they can't produce a CCA, the debt is unenforceable anyhow. reading the others threads, looks like they hardly ever produce any genuine CCA's as well.

  6. Hi there, sorry to take time to get back to you Worried37. When I requested my CCA and statement of account. I also complained to Ruthbridge about their behaviour and how I felt they had failed in their dealings with me. I used the OFT guidelines which, National Debtline sent to me. I'm afraid I wouldn't know how to paste a copy here as I'm a bit computer phobic now having not worked since having my 2 kids. Hubby would know but, he's at work. There is a website for national debtline and I believe you can get copies of these OFT guidelines from that. Website is National Debtline, for FREE CONFIDENTIAL and INDEPENDENT ADVICE call 0808 808 4000. The guidelines are for debt collection and list a number of areas which, debt collection services and companies should stick to.


    Basically, I listed all the points they had failed on individually, (the letter was quite long in the end) and stated that I was going under the OFT guidelines dated July 2003, updated December 2006. I ended this letter with my CCa request and statement of account, enclosing my £1 fee which was only to go towards this request and not the debt.


    I doubt if they read the letter since I've heard nothing until yesterday with the 72 hour request to contact them but, I'm going to do as ODC says and write to them telling them that they are in default of my CCA request etc. If they think they can drag this out then, I hope I can last longer, I have a lot of time in the evenings and I actually find it quite relaxing wiring to those Ruthbridge prats.


    Sorry I couldn't be more help but, it's good to know that there seems to be quite alot of us in the same position.

  7. Hi there many thanks for that, I'll send my letter to Jason Evans recorded delivery and at least one of them will have o get off their backsides to sign for it. I'll also report them to the FOS. I'll let you know if I hear anything further, they are complete morons.

  8. Hi there, perhaps someone can advise me what I could do next re these scumbags. I requested CCA ans statement of account and heard nothing from them and the 12 days expired on the 18th June. They cashed my cheque for £1 and I presume they put this against the debt, even though I did state on the cheque and in my letter that it was for the CCA etc and not to be put against the debt. I also complained about their behaviour in my letter detailing all points under the OFT's guidelines which, I thought they had failed on (there were quite a few as you'd expext with these twits). Anyhow, like I say, I've heard nothing and then today, I get a stupid letter from Jason Evans (legal department) stating that as they have been unable to make contact with me, it is imperative (big word for them), that I call their office as a matter of urgency to discuss my account in further detail and that they anticipate my reply within the next 72 hours.


    The letter was dated 25th June and I received it today so 72 hours has gone and I have no intention of phoning them and I have already in previous letters told them only to deal with me in writing.


    Perhaps, someone could advise me what action I should take next if any?

    Many thanks.

  9. Yes get a good night's sleep. you are not alone. I don't think they can have mirrors, if they did they'd crack surely. I told them in one of my letters that it must be wonderful to work for such a lovely company and to be able to sleep well each night, safe in the knowledge that they are being very well paid for being mean and nasty to decent human beings.

  10. Many thanks for your quick reply. Thought this was the case but, with these miserable peaople I just wanted to double check. This site is a true godsend. I feel much better about things now knowing that there's many in the same position and that I'm not alone.

  11. Hi there, I've just reached the 12 working days re the CCA request and yes guess what, I've heard nothing from the sleezeballs. That's quite some going even for them when in a 24 day period, I received 5 letters, all threatening various actions that would be taken if I didn't pay in full. Am I correct in thinking that until they can produce the CCA, I pay nothing more? Perhaps someone can just advise me if I'm incorrect. Many thanks, this site has been really useful.

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