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Posts posted by dobiedogs

  1. Thank you for all the replies,


    Update on Veggie (the dog) he's now back from the vets and the internal bleeding has now stopped. Blood tests show a massive dose of a controlled sedative to which he's had some sort of reaction and tablets found on the floor are now with the vet being tested. He's also suffered soft tissue injuries as well as cuts and grazes. The vet is writing a report for the RSPCA and Police.


    Cyberhead - BG have gone at this because of a large outstanding amount left by previous tenant or tenants which my aunt knew nothing about until she got a bill and some £1800 was added on B/F from previous bill. It was suppose to be being sorted out by a person a BG who had received a copy of tenancy and other docs proving date she moved in. In 6 months my aunt has had double direct debits taken and also a card payment which was more than she had agreed. At no time has she had any notice of this as she believed it was being sorted out by BG.


    My aunt is now in touch with Consumer Direct / Energywatch who are now on the case.

    By all accounts the BG bailiff was a bit of a pig according to the neighbour as he told her that he had been before and couldn't get an answer and claims the tenant has been at the property for over two years. Needless to say my aunt is currently looking for somewhere else to live, currently private rental..


    The only paperwork left behing was about the payment meters stating she must pay £20 a week on each. So can anyone tell me if a copy of the warrant should have been left behind as well?


    Details have been requested as to who was actually there ie dog handler and if they were qualified, neighbour also says that she counted at least 6/7 people all in the house. Also some damage occured to the property which I assume means that veggie must have put up a fight either that or they tried to shut him in the utility room.


    I will keep you updated when i have further info

  2. Thank you for the reply

    We still don't know for definate that a dog handler was used just that the dog was unconcious and bleeding and we need to find out who was there because they would not give any details. They left no paperwork other than a note stating how much has to be put in the meter.


    Also I thought it was illegal for a landlord to let a bailiff into a property, but the bailiff claimed he has a master key that opens any door!


    We have no idea who the bailiff was or what the warrant stated and no id on any one else that was there.


    There was no prior notice of this visit and the bailiff stated that he had been before to the neighbour and couldn't get access.


    Can they really poke around someones house instead of just fitting the meters which we assume the warrant stated

  3. Advice needed please,


    My disabled aunt is a tenant and has a genuine dispute with gas and electric supplier over previous tenants bill being added to hers (she's only been there 6 months).


    Despite this and without any warning a bailiff turned up with a warrant to force entry and fit prepayment meters while my aunt was out.


    This they did but


    during the process not only has the house been searched, and internal door (unlocked) damaged, things moved, drawers opened and letters removed from envelopes,

    her dog was 'subdued' by a dog handler? and is now seriously ill at the vets possible overdose of what ever was administered.


    No warrant was left and the key does not work properly.


    Her neighbour who was present asked to see the warrant and the bailiff refused to let her see it because she was on the phone to my aunt

    and claimed he had not forced entry but had used a key.


    I would like to know exactly what a warrant allows


    1 is it a case that they can enter and fit meters and no more ie exactly what is written in the warrant.




    2 does it mean that they can force entry, fit meters and have a good look round remove items search drawers while a small dog is restrained and doped to the point that it is unconcious.


    Do bailiffs now carry 'master keys' with them to gain entry and do they have top leave a copy of the warrant.


    Any advice would be appreciated

  4. It was stopped because his wife works part time self employed and the DM decided that she worked more than 16 hours which she doesn't and can prove she doesn't. They are quite happy with what she earns that's not a problem and they have been quite happy with the situation for 6 months,


    Now Benefits Office have said if she stops work they can make a new claim or they can try and claim for WTC, but she doesn't do enough hours for that.

  5. Hello.


    I was wondering if anyone can give me any information on how long it takes a decision maker to reconsider a decision to stop benefits for a disabled person on dla.


    The dla is ok at present however, their income support has been stopped and they have been told they are no longer entitled to it.


    They have asked for a reconsideration of the decision but in the meantime the benefits office have also informed the local authority that they are no longer in receipt. it actually took the claimant 10 days to find out that their benefit had been stopped.


    We have arranged an interview with the HB office to get that sorted, but the disabled person is in a right state as he suffers from severe mental health problems as well as a physical disability.


    The benefit office cannot or will not say how long this will take to sort out and when they were politely asked to deal with it urgently we were told that its" always urgent with you people!"


    Currently all he has to live on is middle care rate, lower mobility rate and £30 per week (wife's part-time employment less than 16 hrs)


    Any help or advice would be appreciated.

  6. Make a freedom of information request to the council give me 5 min to find something and i will send you a PM


    you may also want make a subject access request to the council (this costs £10) but will tell you everything including phone calls/e-mails between the council and B&S

    get you bullets ready then fire them with both barrels


    I've already sent a SAR to the council back in March, they phoned the daughter to say they needed evidence of her Identity which we have now sent.

    Blondmusic, we've had a meeting with her case worker and although they think its terrible / not helping the daughter healthwise, they won't really get involved other than to offer support such as confirming illness and writing a letter to say how much stress this is causing daughter.

  7. Thanks for the comments Brassnecked & Leakie, I'm trying to get the daughter to make a complaint to the police. Luckily for us when hubby turned up he managed to record part of the conversation on his phone and you can hear the bailiff really shouting at my daughter, the tone of his voice is very aggressive as well. Shame its only about 20 seconds in length but now I am going to fire off a complaint to the head of the council and another to B& S. I'm also going to get daughter to see her local MP and see if they can help.


    What has really got me mad is the statement that the Data Protection Act doesn't appear to apply to bailiffs and the fact that the council have got their sums wrong.


    Will update when I have further news in this ongoing saga!

  8. Update:

    Sorry it's been a few weeks since posted last. Latest news is that the council claimed to have replied but strangely enough my daughter didn't receive any letters, quick phone complaint and numerous emails to various CEO's at the council and lo an behold some more letters. The council claimed that they had told the bailiffs to go ahead as they had not received any replies. Daughter has done income & expenditure and has made a formal complaint about the bailiffs who called whilst daughter was out and told the babysitter that they were coming in and tried to force an entry, didn't get in though so bailiff told everyone who could hear what was going on who they were and why they were there.


    Another complaint to B & S and council!


    Council sent another stroppy letter stating that the offer of payment was not good enough and, I quote, added

    " You claim that due to your disability and illness you state you want the debt recalled from the bailiff. I would be obliged if you would explain what it is about your disability and illness that make you vulnerable..........".


    Hmmm, Serious Illness / use of crutches & wheelchair/ 24 hr care / that's why she has high rate DLA for both care & mobility


    But they strongly advise that daughter makes payments "..to show good faith." They want the payments to go to the bailiffs, who won't take them because they want the whole amount!


    Meanwhile bailiff turned up again and daughter answered door on her crutches (on heavy medication at time and loud banging on door) This time he tried to force entry and pushed the door forcing daughter backwards causing her to fall against the wall. Again he didn't get in as her hubby arrived. Daughter now under strict instructions not to answer the door to anyone.


    Fired off another complaint to B& S reference National Standards for Enforcement Agents. They claimed that when made aware of vulnerable situation they did go back to council who ordered them to proceed, therefore they have adhered to the code. Then they claim what we said did not happen, there are no records of the bailiff calling, but under the Data Protection Act they are allowed to make inquiries of 3rd parties and the act does not allow for total privacy........


    So I& E form sent back to council.

    SAR applied for back in March

    Formal complaint to Council now at stage 1.

    3 Complaints sent to B&S

    now awaiting further correspondence from council who may decide what she has got to pay!


    So is there anything else we can do?

  9. Update:

    Daughter has had another letter from the council stating that they are investigating her complaint, however their letter totally ignores what we have put in it including her offer to pay out of her benefits. They will have to recall the debt from the bailiffs to do this, which I think is the problem, but the tone of the letter is stroppy to say the least so hopefully we have rattled someone's cage.


    Good news is the bailiffs haven't been back as they have threatened.


    Will update again when I have further news

  10. Just an update. I fired off letters to the council involved as advised including copies of the councils code of conduct and a complaint to the council concerned. I also emailed the Bailiffs again and pretty much told them to back off and wait for the councils response quoting the Code of Enforcement.


    On Friday my daughter received 2 letters in the post 1 from the bailiff dated 30th stating that if the debt was not paid in full by 6th April they were coming back to remove goods. This is even though they know about daughter's illness / disability (and now bereavement).


    The 2nd letter was from the council dated 28th thanking us for the letters and stated that as they were now investigating the circumstances they had put the Bailiff action on hold. So Bailiffs would have known the council had put the hold on before they sent out their latest demand with menaces letter.


    Daughter has made an offer to pay out of her benefits to the council, albeit only small amounts that they have not agreed to as yet, but to do that the council will have to recall the debt from the bailiff. It also stated that as there was a dispute over dates these would remain on hold until the investigation was complete.


    Daughter feels a bit better and I have told that if the bailiffs do come back to show them the letter from the council, not to let them in etc. I have also copied the letter so bailiff can't take it .


    So thank you everyone, not quite settled yet, but at least someone has finally started to listen at the council.

  11. Had a response from B& S to my email re: vunerable situations. They have sent a form for my daughter to fill out and then subject to their consideration they may refer the accounts back to the council or take further advice from the council.


    In the form they want to about any illnesses / disability and her landlords name address and telephone number! They also want to know how much money she gets from benefits including DLA / employment etc. They want her to make an offer of payment that they may or may niot accept. Why do they want landlords name etc?


    Should she really be filling this form out? I wouldn't but she wants to try and get this sorted out whereby she can pay what she can afford.


    They also state that as they have already levied on items at the property (although these do not belong to my daughter or are her partners 'Tools of Trade') and that they can and will still take these items.


    No response as yet from the council though still waiting on that.

  12. Have checked the bills and letters, bills have definate descrepancies as regards dates and amounts payments made ect. Everything is addressed to the daughter and not the partner although the notice of seizure does have both names on. Checked on original bills and both daughter and partners names are on them. These 'copies' aren't the same as the originals or is this arguing semantics?


    Quick phone call to the council ref the partner and snotty reply saying " we've sent everything you have asked for!" No they haven't! No date the Liability order was obtained or when the council put it in the hands of the bailiff.


    So nothing in partners name then his name shouldn't be on the NoS as far as I'm concerned.

    No response as yet to the email sent to B & S, but neither have they turned up yet.


    Would it be worth sending a SAR to the council?

  13. Well guess what has just turned up in the post!

    A copy of all the council tax / nndr bills and a letter for each account stating that my daughter has 14 days from the date of the letter to bring the accounts up to date or they will be putting it in the hands of the Bailiffs!


    Strangely enough they all have the same date on which is 18th February 2011, now my daughter is absolutely adamant that she did not recieve any letters from the council back in February. However this suggests that these were apparently sent out then. These are not copies , but the actual letters and the bills are all addressed to my daughter and not her partner, whereas the original bills had both names on them.


    Now forgive me for being somewhat cynical, but does this not smack of someone at the council sending out letters after they had placed the accounts with the bailiff and after my telephone conversation with them quoting chapter and verse of the rules & regs (thanks everyone) and now they have realised that they have dropped a bit of a boo boo!


    Anyway off now to study said bills and letters!

  14. Thank you Kelcou and everybody, daughter is still a bag of nerves, but fortunately I don't crumble and I suppose I'm in 'Defending the Chick' mode, so to speak.


    I know what i'm up against with this particular council and luckily I can stay calm and be very persistent no matter how rude they are to me.


    So letters will be fired off tomorrow and I'll update when I get a reply, if any!

  15. Thank you everyone,


    kelcou - I looked at your link and my daughter ticks 3 of the boxes.

    I have emailed B& S and have told them about her disability and that I was also putting copies in the post with the various medical reports and other evidence and kept copies of everything. I have also asked them to return the accounts back to the council as per their code of conduct on vunerable situations.


    Next stop is the council, I have informed them that my daughter and her partner had not received any final notice/ reminders etc at her current address and have asked them to take the accounts back off the bailiff. They have flatly refused to do that with an added "I don't care whether she's [my daughter] on benefits or not this has got to be paid".


    I have also asked for a copy of all the CT/NNDR demands for the period in question and date that the liability order was obtained. For some strange reason they wouldn't tell me this on the 'phone.


    My daughter and her partner have now given me written consent to deal with this on their behalf as the council were very rude to my daughter when she gave them permission to deal with me today, so a complaint will be going in tomorrow.


    Any ideas who is the best person to deal with re a complaint.

  16. I will have to look into the NNDR status for the period where the building was unoccupied / used yet the lease was in force and the rent paid; but THREE years?????


    Are you saying they charged her for two years in addition to the year of the lease?


    Yes they did, even though she had moved out and had proof that she had moved out. It took months for them to acknowledge that she wasn't there. Even then they still didn't get the dates right claiming she didn't move until November when she had moved at the start of September.

  17. Greenpimpernel, yes she saw the full term out and there was no problem with that, the place was just left empty as the rent had been paid up for the year. She informed the council that she had closed the business and that it was empty but that didn't stop the council from sending her rate bills for 3 years after she had left the property!


    Kelcou can you or anybody confirm that it is ok to write to the bailiff as you suggested because I have read on here that you shouldn't have any contact with them.

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