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Posts posted by rooney78

  1. Hi all, thanks for the help.


    Weird Al -Although I did resign in April, I didnt finish till the end off June. The employment tribunal says that I have to put my grievances to my employers in writing, then wait 28 days and then after that pursue the matter further. Although I have spoken with them verbally and emailed plenty of times, these do not count. So looks like I got to play the waiting game. Thats what you get when you set up a business thats in competition eh!


    MRS - Yes, was company car and surely notifying the firm who was driving, thats for them too worry about not me, Im dealing with the fine myself and I have been 100% open with them about it.


    Gemspan - Sadly, my previous employers were very amateur and yes, rather innappropriately paid bonuses on tickets issued. in the other matter, they were so badly run and I was so laid back that I have no idea of how much money I am owed, holidays, etc. I will try your advice though and have to not quote a figure.


    Thanks all




  2. This is their last email to me:

    "I have been informed by my client that you have had ample opportunity to settle your parking charge notice before it was sent to me. I am also informed that if you had made a written challenge against the parking charge within the time limits stipulated you would have received a response outlining their decision and the time limits for payments if due. I am duly appointed to progress the collection further and consequently you have no right of appeal to Inland Recovery. You are therefore requested for the final time to make payment shown below within 7 days of the date of this letter.If no payment is recieved I will instruct representatives of Inland Recovery to attend your premises to discuss the matter in person and/or legal proceedings for the recovery thereof may be commenced without any further notice to you"


    I get the feeling that their not going to go away. What do you think?

  3. Hi further help needed.


    After intially being given a ticket whilst I was under previous employment and in their vehicle I sought advice here in the form of a reply template. I emailed my bosses telling them to forward any paperwork to me.


    Having recently left my position with them, upon a conversation with one of my managers they told me there was a '7 day warning letter' at their offices. I referred them back to my email and so they forwarded the next day.


    I filled the blanks in the template letter and sent it off.


    However, the emails from the collection company (who are incedently part of the group that ticketed me in the first place) refer to the fact that i didnt raise my queries in time and ignore the facts of the letter I sent. They are continuing to send threatening letters regarding 'sending the boys in' as it were.


    What can I do?



  4. Ok guys, get your noggins around this,


    I have 'let' my house out for 2 years via a local estate agents.


    The tenant had become a problem, I serviced notice and he moved out on time. Having not paid his rent for over two months, I allowed for this and any possible damage with the return of the bond. However, the agents have turned around and said that they had "used" the bond. When quizzed further, a previous employee of theirs had used the bond to pay me my rent when the tenant had not paid them.


    Also, I believe it to be the case that they never carried out any inspections on the property. As a result I have sustained some damages.


    I am livid, I have written to them and spoken to them all in vain. I am approx £1000 our of pocket, not mentioning the stress and hard work in getting it fit again to sell


    What is my best course of action?




  5. My previous employers were apalling and I have a list of gripes with them. Especially after resigning in April but staying on until the end of june to help them out but the one that is grieving is me is as follows:


    They are with holding money that is mine and they have not stated a reason. I do not know how much I am owed but it includes, holiday pay, a bonus for issuing a fixed penalty notice (i was a dog warden) and 4 days work.


    I can summise that they are holding back because of a parking ticket that I am disputing - not with them but with the ticket firm.


    What can I do?




  6. Hi all :lol:


    This is the first time ive used this sites forums so please be gentle. :eek:


    After getting through 28 yrs of my life without a legal problem all of a sudden I have several. :x


    1) The lettings agent I used to rent my home, aswell as not getting money out my tenants, not answering my correspondance and not carrying out any inspections, finally went and "used" the bond leaving me £1000 out of pocket.:x


    2) My previous employers are holding back money that is owed to me without giving any reason.:x


    3) Problems with a parking ticket, having taken advice from this site, the threatening emails havent stopped.:x


    I can never get the C.A.B and I cant afford any legal advice.


    Can anyone offer any help? I am at my wits end



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