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Posts posted by Ju499

  1. Hi


    RBOS has via cobbetts, lodged a defence, the case has been transferred to my local court (preston county), with an ex parte order that allocation questionnaire be dispensed wtih. Am waiting to see what happens next.


    Sorry, case no in papers at work not home.


    Started in moneyclaim. Amount claimed inc interst approx £2,000 been offered £1400.


    Puzzled that the day before the sols filed their defence, i got a letter from RBOS re iterating their previous proposal and urged me to get in touch. When i did, they indicated they would be happy to negoate but when i referred to on going court proceedings, then they said they couldnt deal and i had to deal with sols.


    Bit worred, now waiting for info from the court. Cobbetts tried to blind me with legalese, asking for further and better particulars, a sols friend of mine checked and said it was a standard template, i answered it equally as vague i.e the Defendnat has this info within their power or control etc... as it was asking for my bank acc details and how i broke down the charges (when i have highlighted my accs and returned them to the RBOS)


    If anyone has got to this stage i would appreciate help!!!



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