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Posts posted by devonsk

  1. Hi all


    Can anyone help me please? My partner has been doing this, but unfortunately his father is seriously ill in hospital and he has had to go away to be with his dad. I know that we have to tell the court that Lloyds TSB paid up, but im not sure if there is any more info I need to give them. Does anyone know if there is a suitable template anywhere?


    Many thanks

  2. FANTASTIC NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    JUST CHECKED MY ON LINE BANKING AND I AM £2217 BETTER OFF!!!!!!!:) :) :) :) :) :)

    Can't believe its been there since Friday and i hadn't checked!!!!!


    thanks for all the help offered by everyone here!


    off to book a holiday!!!!

    and i will sort out a donation to this fantastic site as soon as i get back (from the travel agents) not holiday!

  3. thanks everyone, i think this is where i have gone wrong! all i did was fill out the N1, and posted it to the court. Then i got the notice of issue, then the Judgement for Claimant (in default) and now this defence and the AQ.

    is all hope lost that LTSB are gonna pay for a holiday for me??:(

  4. hello again! Now i'm in a right pickle and don't know what to do, any offers of help please?

    i got the defence from the court today, and it dosen't look like the defence that anyone else has talked about! this is it in full:

    1. The Defendant Lloyds TSB Bank pic (the Bank) is a Bank whose registered office

    is 25 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7HN. It is admitted that the Claimant has

    been a customer of the Bank at all material times.

    2. This Defence is served without prejudice to the Defendant's contention that the

    Statement of claim is insufficiently particularised and is embarrassing. The

    Defendant reserves the right to plead further to the Statement of Claim once

    they are sufficiently particularised.

    3. The Defendant will object that the Particulars of Claim in this action disclose no

    reasonable cause of action against the Defendant and makes no allegations

    against the Defendant as to why the Defendant should be liable to the Claimant

    for the amount claimed.

    4. The Particulars of Claim do not comply with the Civil Procedure Rules as

    (amongst other things) they do not identify the account in question that appears

    to form the subject matter of these proceedings or indeed show how the sum of

    £2217.00 is arrived at and the Particulars of Claim are too vague. The

    Statement of Claim shows no reasonable grounds for bringing the claim.

    5. The Claimant should, therefore, be ordered to file and serve an amended claim

    to set out the basis in law and fact for his claim as there is no pleaded basis for

    the claim itself. The Claimant should give full Particulars of the Bank Account

    and the charges he is seeking to recover, identifying each charge, the date and

    amount of the charge and why the Claimant in each case he alleges it is a

    disproportionate penalty and thus unlawful.

    6. The Defendant should then be given the opportunity to defend the proceedings


    i also got the AQ from the court at the same time, but i really don't know what to do now!! have i completely messed it up?

    any advice gratefully received! many thanks!

  5. well, i think this is all starting to get complicated! here's the story so far.......... on June 8 spoke to the court again, they said no reply from LLoydsTSBb so i should file for judgement by default which i did the same day.

    last week had a letter from the court saying that loyds HAD replied on June 4 and therfore had another 14 days (from June 6) to file a defence.

    now the plots thickens me thinks! Today i had from the court 'judgement for Claimant' that orders lloydstsb to pay me £2217.00, (the full amount, i didn't try claiming interest) The order was dated 21 June and they were ordered to pay by 23 June! So, i phoned the court again today to see what happens next, and they said that Lloydstsb have put in a defence now and the court has today posted me an AQ. They said that the order still stands but can't be enforced before the case goes in front of a judge.

    so now i am confused as to exactly where i am and what will happen next. any help or advice would be fantastic.

    P.S. the court is exeter btw if this makes any difference.........

    thanks in advance!

  6. sorry to sound dim but i filed the papers in court against LloydsTSB for £2200 in charges towards the end of May. They had till 6 June to reply to the court but i spoke to the court today and they have not had any reply. Does that mean i have won?

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