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Posts posted by jd1982

  1. My first post so hello there people! I need some help as i am about to suffer from depression! I need information regarding people living with you and wanting to go bankrupt.


    Long story so bare with me.


    Me and my partner moved in with the inlaw so we can save up, get married and move out with the intention of buying our first home. The first year has gone so fast we dont even know where our money has gone.

    The second year (January 6th 2012) my brother in-law landed on the door step with his marriage ending. He loves to drink!

    He goes out every Sunday now and get plastered and my little 8 year old girl has to see this.

    Now last Monday he decided to not get up for work (still drunk) and told his boss, he's not going to work for them anymore. so he's walked out!

    Now he has been out everyday to the pub drinking the last of his money behind the bar.

    he doesnt pay anything to his mum for food, bills etc.

    He has a 4 year old girl but not a full time parent.

    He has maybe £14,000 worth of debt and said he is going to file for Bankruptcy.


    Please help me with some information i cant find.


    If he files for Bankruptcy, will the debt collectors or bailiffs look at my stuff and my partners stuff?

    Will they take anything belonging to us?

    I own alot of stuff but its all in either the celler or my bedroom.


    Im going on holiday with my partner soon and dont know if i should take everything i own to my mum or dads house while im away.

    please help me as any information will be greatful!

    kind regards. joe

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