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Posts posted by threeamp

  1. Hi Fox, Well i tried my best to be nice to them and they turned my offer down flat without even an attempt to negotiate... So its write to the court time to complain about their behaviour not actually take them to court. Can anybody give me an idea of what is the best way to set out my complaint to the court. I was thinking:-

    To whom it may concern,

    Case no xxxxxxxxxxx

    It is unfortunate that i feel i now have to bring this to the attention of the court but in respect of the above numbered judgement Threeamp vs NR the judgement stated that the installment figure was fixed and that claimant was to have no further contact with the defendant. It seems NR have chosen to ignore second part of the judgement and have opted to send me demands for full payment. After the first breach of the court order i contacted NR by phone and explained where they went wrong only to be told it was my fault for not paying my debts, this sparked an immediate complaint in writing. I was assured this would not happen again and accepted their apology assuming, wrongly, they would this time keep to the order. Apparently that was wrong of me as in november i received yet another demand for full payment! I contacted them once more to explain what they had done wrong to met with a similar attitude to the first call. Enclosed are copies of correspondence i have received from NR since the judgement and the subsequent complaints i have raised. As you will see from my letters i have tried to reach a resolution with them all to no avail. Could i now ask that the court intervene on my behalf and explain to NR why their behaviour is unacceptable.



    Thoughts please?

  2. Hi Fox, funny you should mention that.. I went to the courts and asked them straight out about what to do.. The advice i got went very similar to yours, i.e. contact them and give them the full story of their errors.


    I am currently in contact with NR's Litigation team who are now telling this pennine mob to hand the whole thing back to them. I am going to make a reasonable offer to NR to settle the whole matter now and see where i go from there.


    The court did say if i put my complaint in writing with copies of the letters and got it to them by weekend it would go before one of their judges on Monday (service or what?). I intend to make NR aware of this also and even encourage them to ask the court the same question!!


    One last thing to remember is they have admitted in writing their mistakes and despite saying it wouldnt happen again they did it again!!!

  3. Anyone! I am first of all seeking a letter stating the default and its issues and then i want to bring up the breach of judgement on their part x2 and whats in store for them. In addition to complaining to the county court about their behaviour and to OFT do i have any case to bring in the civil courts on this as harrassment and if so how do i start the ball rolling?? They have sent me a letter saying they were wrong to send out the demands and i have all of the letters they have sent me and a copy of the original judgement.......

  4. yes i have a ccj for a debt

    the default was added by the original creditor

    i have always made payments directly to them by standing order

    I have never been informed of the sale of the debt, only ever had the one letter from this DCA which demanded full payment but its pennine recovery (NR by another name i believe)

  5. PM sent, thanks SF... For the record i have a copy of the court order and it states very clearly that they are to have no further contact with me unless its absolutely necessary!

    When they contacted me to demand full payment (twice) i pointed out the court instructions about contact and they backed off very quickly the first time and argued a litle the second time. What i would like to know is what are the punishments they would face for breaching the order of the court and how do i go about firstly communicating this potential punishment to NR and could this be then used as a negotiating tool for the settlement. For example, say i still owe them 4000 and i havent yet complained.. Could i say to them i want them to get the CCJ set aside (thus removing it from my credit file and making me wonderful again) and pay them 2000 as full and final settlement without the need for a CCJ? In return for this being accepted i have no need to lodge any complaint with the courts about their breach etc?? Its a win/win surely? I walk away debt free with a clean record, they get paid the majority of what they were owed and dont get fined etc by the court for the breaches of the court order and the court dont have to listen to me moan about the unwelcome illegal approaches from NR and their little friends...

  6. Hi DX100UK, i want to get this cleared as soon as possible obviously so stopping paying is a big concern for me. The actual court judgement states that they are to have no further contact with me other than the annual statement required by law. I have done some research on here and on the web and i am now looking at the admin of justice act 1970 harrasment from creditors, does anyone know if this would apply in this case? Also If they have breached the court order and i complain formally to the court what happens then? I dont want to go to court again owing them money and have a new judgement starting from now for 6 years, this one has almost gone!! I do however wish to stitch the arrogant git on the end of the phone from NR right up for treating me so poorly..


    Silverfox, when i said get them back to court for a set aside i meant ask them to approach the court and have the judgement set aside. Surely the person whom the judgement is in favour of can have it set aside at any time right?


    Does anyone know what i can do about the default on my record??

  7. Hi All,

    I had a wobble financially in late 2004 and ended up with a CCJ from Northern Rock in Sept 2005 for about 7k. It went to court after the usual constant phone calls at home and at work followed by letter after letter asking me when i was going to be making payments or there would be a court case!


    Due to my circumstances i allowed it to go to court, agreed with the court to pay £50 a month until it was cleared and also asked that Northern Rock not be allowed to contact me again as i honestly felt they were that bad....


    I have been making my payments ever since on time everytime, however, last October i got a letter for a DCA insisting on full payment by return! I called them and explained it was a CCJ and i had an agreement with the court and furthermore had never missed a single payment. I also mentioned that the court said that Northern Rock were to have no more contact with me! They accepted this apologised and i left it there until this October i had another letter from the same DCA saying the same again (pay in full or else).


    I have written to Northern Rock expressing some of my anger and they have referred me to the FSA. When i contacted the FSA they told me NR were wrong to point me in their direction and it should be the court i contact to complain about harrasment.


    This is where i am looking for help caggers, i am not terrible at letters but i would like some advice on wording and what i can ask for. I am now in a considerably better financia position than i was back then and to be honest wouldnt mind seeing the back of this CCJ if at all possible.

    Could or infact should i ask for a set aside and then make NR an offer (reduced to suit me of course)to settle now? Should i ask them to ask the court for a set aside before i lodge my complaint about harrasment and then jump in with my offer?


    I have checked my credit report recently and noticed that there is a default notice and a CCJ for the same account, is this correct? And if this is correct how do i get the default removed completely once i have killed the CCJ?

  8. We bought a brand new leather suite for £2476 in December last year from SCS (with a £1000 deposit and the remainder on finance). In January we noticed the suite seemed to be turning a darker shade of brown on the headrest and arms. We went to SCS with pictures to ask them what could be done and they sent an upholsterer to establish if it was a manufacturers fault or not. His opinion was that it wasnt and that we should simply have the suite cleaned professionally, we mentioned that the suite had only been in our house for 3 weeks and a professional cleaner would cost a small fortune if we had to have it cleaned so often. A further visit to the store and a conversation with the manager who advised us to write a letter to SCS head office expressing our concern over the suite and its condition. They responded by referring to their upholsterers report saying there was little they could do. We are now at the end of our tether, lumbered with a suite that is difficult to clean and looks dirty again if you so much as look at it never mind sit on it. Is there anything you good people can suggest we can do in terms of a next step? I am considering writing to the finance company and complaining to them but not sure what to say!

  9. I plucked up the courage and contacted the morons myself today and they said its an automatic system generated letter. I pointed out that it was signed in pen by some halfwit and they said oh we do sign then to which i responded how can it be automatic then? They also asked me not to call their colleague a halfwit to which i responded "why was i being too generous?". They then went on to try and say that the payment didnt show in their accounts till the day after they were expecting it (apparently it takes 9 working days for it to show in their bank!!). I am going to go into my branch today to ask what the hell is going on that is taking so long with a simple standing order and see what they say. In the meantime i am going to contact the court to complain about their behaviour, i have paid everytime and on time and can prove it but they seem insistant on sending me threatening letters.. this smacks of harrasment and i thought that wasnt allowed!!

  10. I have a county court judgement which i am paying off at a set amount every month, the company who are collecting the payments keep writing to me telling me i am in arrears when i am not. They are threatening alsorts if i dont keep my payments upto date and i can prove i have never fallen behind!! The payment leaves my account on payday by standing order each and every month but this doesnt stop them sending me letters! Is there anything i can do to shut them up? I am sick of getting home to the threatening letters.

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