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Posts posted by fiestychick

  1. Hi,


    I got to work this morning to find a meeting invite from my Department Head for this afternoon. It simply said 'to discuss issues that have become apparent with your contract and salary'.


    I've been stressed all day worrying I've been overpaid or something.


    In the meeting I find out I have been underpaid fo the last 2 years to the tune of £1800. They are going to pay be back (great) but....


    When I went back to work 2 years ago after Maternity Leave I was called to a meeting with HR and told they had overpaid me by £360. They wanted it back. When I questioned why it had happened and why noone had told me before I went back to work that it had happened it was agreed it was their error and it wouldn't be persued (I have an email to confirm this). They are now saying this money is outstanding and they are taking it out of the money they owe me.


    Additionally of the £1800 I've been underpaid approx £200 is where 2 years worth of bonus paymens were calculated incorrectly. I'm being told if I don't pay back the £360 then I won;t get this as bonuses are discretionary.


    My opinion is that

    a) they said the £360 wouldn;t be persued so I don;t owe it to them.

    b) they can't say I'm not entitled to the bonus payments as I have already been paid it and would have had the extra already if they had paid me correctly

    c) I am already gpoing to be out of pocket as I wouldn't have paid as much tax on the small amounts over 2 years but I'm now getting it as a lump sum so I will lose out on Tax and NI.


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



  2. Ok - thanks very much for your help - I'm going to go though it with a fine toothcomb!


    I've just checked their policy:


    'What is your policy on travelling with chickenpox, or other infectious diseases?

    You are able to travel 7 days after the last spot or rash has appeared. Please provide a fitness to fly letter from your doctor.'


    I guess my problem is that the Thomas Cook reps weren;t aware of their own policy! At no point were we tld any of this. Also I appreciate the above is a general rule however this was secific to my daughter andwe wer told she wasn't infectious b a doctor.


    Thanks so much for replying and the advice xx

  3. Myself my partner and my 2 children aged 5 and 2 went on holiday to Turkey with Thomas Cook arriving on Mon 28/05/12 (early hours).


    On the Monday my daughter developed a rash and small raised bumps on her back.

    I thought it was a reaction to the sun or suncream.

    Changed the suncream and applied more often.


    Tuesday rash also to back


    Wednesday/Thursday some spots on torso (we thought she had been bitten).


    Friday covered in spots head-to-toe.


    We hadn't even considered chicken pox as our son had had it twice and she had never caught it so thought she was immune.


    We told the rep on the friday afternoon and he advised we had done the right thing and she would need to see a doctor to determine if she could fly.

    The doctor came out and examined her (ears, nose, throat) examined the spots and determined they were scabbing

    and she would not be contagious for the flight during the early hours of Monday morning.

    In fact he said he would be happy enough even if she was flying the next day.


    He said he would complete a fit to fly certificate and drop it off on the Sunday.

    We discussed with the rep who was relieved for us and advised we may be asked to see another doctor at the airport but it would just be proceedure.

    He said he would be at the hotel on Sunday should we have any problem getting the certificate.


    By 5pm on Sunday the fit to fly had still not arrived.

    The original rep was not there buy the rep manager was.

    My parner spoke to her and she was quite rude and seemed put out.

    He then spoke to the reception staff who advised they would try to contact the doctor.

    no help from Thomas Cook and thanks to the hotel staff we got the certificate.

    The manager said that would be enough to get us on the plane.


    Thinking all now ok we were picked up and arrived at the airport approximately 1.15am.

    At check-in I volunteered the certificate to staff expecting we would need to see the doctor as advised by Thomas Cook.

    After much discussion with her manager etc we were told she needed to copy it but we were checked in bags taken etc.


    Through passport control fine. To departure gate. To door of the aircraft where the groundstaff were waiting with cabin crew and asked us to step aside.


    At this point my partner is carrying my sleeping 2 year old and I have my daughter and all the hand luggage.

    We were then lead back past queue of passengers to a small landing where people continued to file past.


    We were then informed by a very rude condescending man (possibly co-pilot or chief cabin crew) that we wouldn't be permitted to board the plane.


    My 5 year old started crying. He then pointed at her and said 'she can't travel with an infectious disease'.

    At this point my daughter was devastated crying 'Im sorry Im sorry its all my fault.' It was extremely distressing.


    He was very put out when we asked why as we had the certificate and he said she had only had it 3 days.

    I pointed out that the certificate stated it had started more than 3 days before we saw the doctor i.e. we saw him on 01/06 but it had started 28-29/05.

    He said it didn't matter as we were denied boarding.


    He then said he would discuss with the pilot but during this time our baggage was removed from the plane

    and groundstaff started discussing who would take us back out making it clear that the decision wouldn;t be changed.


    He came back and said as per medical advise from the UK she couldn't fly and that was that.

    He then said 'there's a plane full of people can you imagine the claim for compensation'.


    He then said we wouldn'y be able to go home for at least 5 days.


    My daughter was at this point hysterical - she had been up for 20 hours and was already sensitive as had alot of nasty comments on holiday about the spots.

    Added to this all of the passengers were filing past pointing and staring at us.

    It looked like we had tried to smuggle her on with the spots

    when we had done absolutely everything as advised by Thomas Cook.


    I said to my partner 'oh my god work is going to sack me'

    - the guy then said 'now you're just being silly I'm sure they won't under the citcumstances'.

    As if he had any knowledge of me or my job.


    I then said can one of us fly with the baby which really put him out.

    He replied 'if you must'.


    I asked if we could have time to sort hrough the bags quickly as otherwise my partner would either have to have no bags or all of them

    (Dalaman airport strictest in the world £14 per extra kg of luggage would have meant a charge of £420 if I'd left him the bags).

    I was told 'now you're just being silly again'.


    My daughter was then screaming 'mummy don't leave me'

    and he said ' right Thomas Cook won;t leave you stranded and I'll leave you with the groundstaff' and off he went.

    Plane left about 5 miniutes later.


    We were then left to take our children, hand luggage and hold luggge (luckily on a trolley) back through the airport.

    The staff spoke little English and we were led to the airport exit doors.


    We waited just inside them but there was nowhere to sit so we had to sit on the floor with my still sobbing 5 year old for 2 hours.


    The groundstaff spoke to a Thomas Cook rep who at no point asked to speak to us to give us any reassurance etc.


    Eventually the woman put him on to me but only because she couldn;t understand him.


    He advised he could put us in a hotel in Fethiye but it was 90 mins away so we would need to get a taxi.

    We told him we had no money.

    He then said he would call back.

    He did but continued to talk to the staff again.

    Eventually she put him on to me again and he said he had us a place in Icemeler but again we would need our own transport.

    I reiterated we had no money.


    He then suggested we get someone to transfer us some!

    Or alternatively try to get a lift with another tour operator!!.


    He then called back to the groundstaff by which point my partner became very upset,

    me and my daughter were crying and sitting on the floor of a deserted airport at 5am whilst he carried our son.


    He stated he would just take the money out and deal with the consequnces later.

    The rep gave the hotel name to the groundstaff who found us a taxi.


    We got in and only at this point did we find out we were going to neither of the resorts mentioned and were in fact going back to Marmaris!

    It took us 90 minutes and cost £65 and


    when we got there the taxi driver asked where the hotel was.

    We explained we had no idea and didn;t even have the name.

    He asked another taxi firm and they had no idea either.

    We had no contact details from Thomas Cook to call for help so felt utterly abandoned and lost.


    We were about to getout and lay the children on the beach when the taxi driver found the hotel by chance.


    The place was grim.

    We went to the room (it was by now after 6am)

    and it was horrendously hot.


    I opened the patioo doors which led to a balcony which was over the street and was easily scaleable by my 2 year old

    (which is why I asked for a ground floor at our original hotel).


    We asked about aircon.

    The guy said 'you must pay more and left'.


    In order for the children to sleep I hadf to open the doors but then couldn;t sleep myself for fear of the baby waking and going out there.


    My daughter was then sick from the heat, distress and lack of sleep.


    Next day my partner went to sort aircon and get water and bumped into the Thomas Cook rep

    - who had no idea who we were or why we were there or what had happened.


    she was very nice and really lovely but had to leave at 12 but advised someone from Thomas Cook would call with info on flights and when we could go home etc.

    No calls for hours.


    We then proceed to exchange calls with Thomas Cook (having to keep walking across the street to call them).

    We were given the 0844 customer relations number to call which didn't work.

    Their answer was 'oh yeah its closed til wednesday'.

    We called them 5 times and on 3 occasions I was asked 'so what's the problem again'.


    Ecventually I was called at the hotel by Thomas Cook who simply said it;s nothing to do with us now you need to speak to your insurance'.

    I explained (again) that we couldn;t get flights because we didn;t know when we would be allowed to fly i.e. if a fit to fly cert wasn;t enough what did we need to do.


    Also explained my insurance compnay were still waiting for a report from them re why we were denied boarding.

    She put me on hold to speak to her manager then said she would call me back in a few minutes.


    An hour and a half later no call.

    I traipsed to call box again.

    Asked why she hadn;t called me back and was told she was 'still waiting for information'.


    I advised its common courtesy to call someone back when you say you were going to and she huffed down the phone at me!

    I then went to town on her.


    Within half an hour the manager turned up at the hotel.

    She re-iterated again that it was down to our insurance company.


    At this point we had just received the report from Thomas Cook re why we weren;t allowed to board

    - it had taken them over 8 hours to produce it.


    I explained we couldn't book tickets if we didn;t know if we could get on a plane!!

    She then advised we would need ANOTHER fit to fly cert within 24 hours of the flight.

    We had to go to the hospital and see another doctor (in fact we asked to see 2 so they could agree)

    and they were stunned that we hadn;t been allowed on the plane.


    Our insurance were great and got us flights for that night but Thomas Cook were not willing to provide any help with transfers to the airport.

    We then had to get another taxi to the airport at a £65 cost.


    My daughter became very upset as we went into the airport asking if everyone would look at her again and starting to cry.

    We were then told at check in that again we wouldn;t be able to fly!!


    After some discussion and speaking to the manager they advised would speak to the cabin crew (we were flying home with Monarch).

    We were asllowed to go to departure lounge but bags kept to one side.

    My daughter was crying asking if 'the man would shout at her again'.

    It was avery stressful 2 hours where we only found out 5 minutes before boarding that we would be allowed to board.


    It was a horrific experience and we were stranded and left to rot by Thomas Cook.


    Apologies for the huge post but wanted to explain all in detail.


    Do we have any legal standpoint here as our holiday was ruined (our first as a family)

    and my daughter advised she doesn;t want to go on a plane again.


    I want to claim for the distress, humiliation and stress to all of us but particularly to my daughter.


    Any advice????

  4. Hi everyone,


    I took a payday loan out wih Speedycash on 20/07 for £305 in a moment of desperation.


    I had still not received the money into my account the next day even though they said it would be funded in an hour. I sent them an email sayin that I had not received the funds and nor did I any longer wish to receive them. I asked them NOT to fund my bank account and to remove my details from their system.


    When I checked online banking on the Monday 25/07 they had transferred the funds to my accounbt on Friday afternoon. I checked their website where they had this information


    'Q. Do I Have the Right to Withdraw From My Loan?



    A. You have the right to withdraw from your loan agreement within 14 days without having to give any reason. The period of withdrawal begins from the latest of the day on which the agreement is made and the day on which you receive a copy of the loan agreement, or you are notified of its execution where you have an identical unexecuted copy in accordance with section 61A (2) and (3) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and ends 14 days after that date. If you choose to exercise your right of withdrawal you must notify Speedy Cash of your intention to do so, either in writing or orally. If you do withdraw you must repay to Speedy Cash, no later than 30 calendar days after giving notice of your withdrawal, any monies paid to you under the loan agreement and any interest accrued, from the date the credit was provided until the date you repay.'

    I then called Speedy Cash and reiterated that as per my email I did not want this loan and to please take it back as per the terms on their website. I was told my details would be passed o the correct department but to send another email to back this up - which I did. The funds had still not been taken on Weds 27/07.


    I called them again and was advised that it was being dealt with and would be taken on Friday 29/07 at the latest. Friday came and the money is still there. I st ANOTHER email tating that they had 2 working days to remove the funds or IU would take the money as a gesture of goodwill from them to me for the poor customer service I have received. This time I got a reply. 'I apologise. We are still working on it. Sorry'.


    Can anybody advise me where I stand?? I'm really worried they are going to take all the money plus interest when I get paid on 20/08. Also my partner will go mad if h finds out I attempted to gt a payday loan as he is so against them.


    Any advise please?



  5. Morning,


    I filled i the qustionnaire from RBS off their website to reclaim PPI on an old loan. I gave them my acount number from which they took the payments out as I don't have any paperwork from the loan itself. They have repled saying 'we are taking your claim seriously...' 'we are unable to progress this matter further as you have not provided us with details of the specific policy or loan account number you wish to complain about'.


    Can anyone advise where to go from here? I presumed since this is the only loan I've ever had with them and the payments were taken out of the account number I provided they could find it. Are they being deliberately difficult?? I don't have any paperwork for the loan as I shredded it when it was finished. I know I had PPI on it tho as I discovered about 3/4 of the way into paying the loan off that it was included in my repayments and I cancelled it?


    Any advice would be great.



  6. Hi,


    Just received a call from 'Equidebt' who started off by asking me to confirm some information for 'security reasons' i.e. my address and phone number. I did so quite innocently not thinking really. They then said its about the outstanding dent on your RBS credit card. I replied 'I have no idea what you are talking about'. He said you owe xxx amount. He said was my mother's maiden name xxxxxxx. I again said 'I don't know what you are talking about' and he says 'what you don;t understand your mother's maiden name'. The sarky you know what. I then put the phone down.


    I haven't ad an RBS credit card in years since I was a student approx 8 years ago!!


    What do I do now? I'm a bit baffled. What's best site to check your credit report?


    Thanks in advance!

  7. Hi all,


    I'd really apprecaite spme help. Apologiesw if this is doesn't read well but I'm a bit upset.


    I received a call from my boyfriend's father today saying a man had been to the house with a letter for me. He'd refused to say what it was regarding. I don't even live at their house!


    I've opened it and it says I need to contact this guy urgently regarding my debt owing on a CCJ for a Topshop account. I don't even know what this debt is. The only one I was aware of was a CCJ on a credit card (which is on my credit file as satisfied - see above). There are no other CCJ's on my credit file so I don't know what he's talking about??


    I'm really upset as I'm going to have to contact this person in case he pays another visit to my bpyfriends parents. I am really embarassed as I know they will ask me what the letter is about.


    Im also annoyed as the card says 'despite repeated efforts to conatct you' - I've received only one letter!!


    Does anyone please have any advice?


    Thanks so much


    p.s. incidentally he was fropm the Lewis Group -?? not same people who originally sent me the letter.

  8. Hi


    The company involved is Howard Cohen Ltd. I do remember dealing witrh these previously regarding this but as mentioned have had no coontact from them within the last 5 years or so - are they allowed to just pick this back up?


    Also the Court case number they have provided is different to the one on my credit file.


    Is it possible this is now being chased because it is coming up to 6 years since the Judgement was handed down? Is it correct that they can no longer chase after 6 years?


    Thanks so much

  9. Hi


    I was wondering if anyone could please give me some info?


    When I was younger (about 10 years ago) I got a credit card when I was at uni. Being young and stupid I managed to get myself into debt and defaulted on my credit card. The debt was eventually the subject of a CCJ in 2004.


    I recently received a letter to my mother-in-laws house regarding this!! I don't even live there and I've no idea how they got this address. The letter states that there is an outstanding amount of £500+ (sorry I don't have the letter to hand) and this must be paid immediately to rectify my credit file. It also advises it is subject to a CCJ and therefore MUST be paid.


    I have just checked my credit file and looked at the court information section and it states the following


    Type: County Court Judgement Paid

    Court Date: 16/08/2004

    Amount: (which is less than is quoted on the letter I received)

    Date satisfied:03/04/2006


    I thought I had paid this off and in fact have heard nothing about this in over 4 or 5 years. Are they allowed to still chase me?


    Any help would be much appreciated. I'm trying (and mostly succeeding) in being much more careful with my finances and my partned would be really annoyed that I owe anything like this as we are saving for a house. I'm worried bailiffs will come to the house (or worse to my mother-in laws house).


    Many Thanks



  10. Hi,


    This is a bit of a mini rant more than anything!!


    This is my fault really but stil....I had two direct debits going out on 1st and realised in the morning I hadn't transferred the funds from my other A&L Savings acct so I did so at 10am thinking all would be well - except they charged me 2 x £25.00 payment review fees.


    I've just phoned and practically grovelled for the charges to be refunded and got told off for not managing my account properly!


    I thought if you put funds into your account the day the direct debits went out they would be honoured and no charges levied?? My friend used to work at HSBC and she said this is how they did it.


    Does anyone know if this is the case?



  11. Hi guys,


    Just a bit of advice if possible please?


    I had an overdraft when I was a student up to £2,000. When I left university I contibued to use this but after 12months the overdraft was stopped and I was told I had to pay the full amount back immediately. (Apparently they had sent me a letterre this before removing the facility but sent to wrong address - even though postwas being re-routed anyway...). Queue me sobbing in the aisle atthe bank as they had added £250 worth of charges and all my wages were now swallowed up.


    Theyagreed to help by offering me a loan to pay off the debt (oh aren;t they kind), which I jumped at cos I was so distressed. I don't remembera lot about the details but I just signed whatever they offered. I was paying £85.00/month on a £2000 loan.


    It was only laterthatI realised that I had PPI. Whether I was made aware at the time I don't know, I just can't remember. Approx 2 years into the loan I realised I had PPI and called asked if I could put payments on hold as I was leaving my job and looking for another. They advised I wasn't covered by unemployment only redundancy. I then asked what I was paying PPI for then and asked them to remove it which they did. I think payments went down to about £78.00/month.


    Do you think I have a case for reclaiming the PPI? If it makes any difference I took the loan out in approx 2003.


    Thanks so much.

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