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Posts posted by nutegunray

  1. This is not going to help in the highly unlikely event that the original letter is required to be produced in court.


    My response would be to write back as follows:


    The original letter will just be some template used on everyone else in the OP's situation, they wont take any notice of any letters sent to them unless they contain the payment details, that is all they are interested in. They'll take your letter, no matter how powerfully eloquent the wording of it is, and toss it in the bin next to all the others. All they want is for you fill in that little giro slip so they can close your file and continue harassing everyone else on their database. Everyone is guilty, this is their only source of income so it doesn't pay to be understanding in the slightest towards any excuse you want to make. Ignore everything that arrives on your doormat from them. It will take them a long while to give up, but how easy is it for them to print off a batch of these letters and mail them to you at monthly intervals. Even if 1 in 100 people payed the fine it would still be worth them doing it. Dont pay, dont panic.

  2. Please could someone help me - I have just spent three hours trying to find what to do but cant find anything the same ( forgive me i am a newbee) I have just received the most abusive letter from a debt collectors in relation to a parking fine on private land that has come to me as the registered keeper but i was not the driver. I wrote and told the company this and they then passed it to a debt agency I wrote and told them the same and they have sent an awful letter saying such things as - the opening line "thank you for your letter containing irrelevant information you have down loaded from the internet " " you had better go and read up on the law of trespass for your dumped thing which the idiots who write forums on the internet are clearly unable to do themselves" I havent even said anything about a forum !

    it goes on " you clearly think that you are so important ... you can write a little letter about it and get away with it " finally saying i will be "hauled to court and made to pay inpublic. Your choice" any one else had one and please advise what to do next , I would be so gratefull for any advise. thank you so much


    Simply write back inviting them to begin court proceedings immediately without any further notice, tell them you are not prone to intimidation by post and any further correspondance will be filed under B for Bin.

  3. I would really appreciate your comments/advice/support as I feel like David taking on Goliath. Am I going about it the right way?


    I'm dealing with Excel at the moment, i'd compare them more to a toothless old mongrel than a 'goliath' figure. You can send them all the letters you like they will ignore them all, which is what I suggest you do when you pick their up off the doormat, throw it straight in the bin and forget about it. If they take you to court you'll be the first.

    • Haha 1
  4. good, piece of advice look for and read signs before parking in ANY carpark.


    park in mine for three hours and use the train and i'll slap a ticket on your window faster than a speeding bullet!!


    I hope you employ a cleaner, i throw mine on the floor and forget about them as they amount to nothing, your job is pointless.

  5. My my - what a professional organisation - pay your PCN with Paypal :o




    Interesting that the PCN is for £65 yet the payment page only allows a fixed amount of £75. This looks like an extremely dodgy outfit.


    I must say they're brave, it just needs the slightest whiff of any dodgy activity and paypal will shut down your account and hold your money for 6 months. There must be something in their user agreement that forbids using their service to collect wrongfully large sums of money from people. This parking company might find themselves on the other side of an appeal soon enough, and like the parking companies appeal process they are both judge and jury. Bankrupcy looms....

  6. CAG regularly gets people in 4 categories:


    Bailiffs/DCA employees trying to justify their employers' techniques.

    Bank employees trying to justify their employers' behaviours.

    Private parking agency employees trying to justify their employers' behaviours.

    Retail employees having no understanding of consumers' rights, yet trying to tell them how to handle their complaint.


    In common, all 4 types come in claiming to want to try and help the poor souls who either voluntarily (booh, nasty debt dodger!) or mistakenly (awww, poor debt dodger) have been shirking their responsabilities to pay. All 4 types say they know the law better than us, and will try and justify theirs and their colleagues' action under a lot of rhetorical flourishes.


    All 4 types will invariably claim that they are being driven out through the unreasonableness of CAGgers hounding them and abusing them, as soon as they realise that CAGgers know more than them and start asking awkward questions which they are incapable to answer.







    So no doubt another Perky will be along soon

  7. I've read through a lot of the very useful threads- thanks. We received a PCN in a pay and display multistory in Plymouth near the Aquarium. (WJ Parking Ltd., Exeter) We bought a ticket but when we returned we'd been issued with a PCN. This was for parking in a non designated space. We'd parked in a huge space but apparently not a marked bay, yet there was no clear signage to say 'do not park here'. I would say there were probably 10 other cars doing something similar who no doubt were issued with tickets as well.


    Based on what I've read I'm thinking the best course of action is either to do nothing and wait for them to contact us or write to them and state we are unwilling to pay. (The charge is £60 increasing to £100 if not paid in 14 days.)


    Could someone recommend a course of action?


    Tell them you think their parking charge is a rip-off and direct any further correspondance into your bin

  8. The letter is threatening court action, do you really think they could or couldn't go all the way?


    Threatening to take someone to court is easy, just ignore their letters and any further 'final demands', 'final final demands'.....etc. If they want to go to court get the media involved as it will be a landmark case.

  9. I believe Perky, he's taken people to court who've overstayed in his coffee shop carpark, and he's won, but i bet they never turned up to argue the case against them. If they'd visited this site first and got all the legal help, whoever they were could have defended and won and he wouldn't be so arrogant.


    I have taken many cases to court, and I can assure people that Judges take a very dim view of 'internet lawyers' or '£6.99 get out of parking ticket book purchasers' quoting laws and regulations.



    I'm willing to make a pretty safe bet that the amount of cases in which the defendant has actually turned up in court and lost against you is zero. Greedy people like you seem to think you are above the law. These so-called 'civil-contracts' where nothing is signed in writing are a load of rubbish and on the fringes of [problem]-artistry. In any case, how would you prove somebody actually read your sign before parking in your car park?

  11. I got a ticket for parking in Comet for more than 2 hours, in fact i stayed there all day because i was too idle to walk too far to work and too tight to pay for a ticket in a proper 'pay and display' carpark. I'm not going to pay this ticket because my dad is the registered keeper of the vehicle so they have no right to demand any money from them at all because he was not the driver at the time the ticket was issued. If they check the CCTV they will see somebody other than my father, i.e me. When they chase him for the penalty money, i will send them a letter from him informing these rip-off merchants they are barking up the wrong'un if they think he's gonna fork out any wedge to pay these mongrels. Do you rekon they will back off? As i understand from reading previous posts he has no obligation to name the driver of the vehicle, even in court. Sorry for my rubbish grammer and punctuation, i'm a product of this countries poor education system. Considering my obvious attitude problem, am i likely to get off with not paying the ticket?

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