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Posts posted by cjt

  1. Just noticed on the parking charge I was issued, it's asking for £100 but the signs around the carpark say £90

    even sticking an extra tenner on, cheeky gets.



    Read the BPA code of practice and it states they should give time for people to read their terms and conditions and time to leave, and this time could be longer for disabled people



    well the charge was issued at the exact time as seen.



    Plus it also says the signage should ideally be readable from the car or leaving the car which it definitely wasn't. ��

  2. Ty Odd fellow.

    There's no way I intend to not fight this I'm determined.



    In fact I've spoken to a solicitor today , someone who's dealing with another ongoing claim I have ��

    she was disgusted, and advised me to fight it.



    I knew my union fees I've paid last 20 years would come in useful one day lol.



    Firstly I've to go through the union but the solicitor said that she can't see a reason why they won't represent me if it goes as far as court.



    I'm thinking a nice solicitors letter at some point outlining the equality act etc might make them less cocky ��

  3. I won't pay because I feel I need to speak up for my client who is unable to.

    Who is unable to make decisions and certainly who is unable to apply for a blue badge but who is still severely disabled and deserves to be treat like any other disabled person with a blue badge.



    He was not given a badge saying "hi I'm disabled " at birth so for them to ask for his valid disabled badge is out of order. ��



    ill just hang on now,

    they've given me 28 days to pay this sum,

    but spending 7 in the sunshine (hopefully ) with a jug of sangria ��priorities ��

  4. Popla refused the claim because of the sign over on the right.


    I said to them that the sign I first read was the entrance sign and the other which was 'disabled parking only ' to me that was the term I parked under.


    I said you should not have to walk out of the way of disabled bays to read t & c or there would be no point parking in them.


    I also said I've proven the client is registered disabled with high rate mobility and yet they still declined the appeal.


    Plus the carpark is free


    It mentions blue badge holders only on the numerous other signs scattered around.

    Like I was supposed to park up then go read them.


    I told them that if those 'disabled parking' only signs had said 'blue badge' then I'd have been made aware at the time of parking but they don't.


    So they think it's acceptable for a disabled person to go looking for a sign to read the t & cs.


    Well I'd like to sue them as well and POPLA because that was a waste of time �� .

  5. Hahaha, the pics are on further up.


    There's the sign at the entrance,

    a sign further down the road but facing the other way.


    So unless you have eyes in the back of your head then that was unreadable.


    I stood where my car was parked and took as pic of where the sign was but on the day the transit van was parked next to me.


    Every sign is the same regarding terms and conditions.


    The two signs that differ are the ones in front of each bay.


    The sign to my right is located in the loading bay.

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