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Posts posted by Lost_in_wales

  1. Oh wow, I'm getting replies!!!

    Thank you xxxxxxx

    I'm so mad with my bank and I didn't know you could get your money back and I've spent the morning looking for somewhere to get help because of something my Mum said was on Watchdog and found that this place looked the right place for me. Thanks guys, I'm gonna give it my best shot and get back everything they've taken from me. It has to run into thousands now.

    I feel like I've got some people on my side now, I'm feeling good again!!!!!!!!


    Thank you thank you thank you


    Lost xx

  2. Hi. I'm new here and aint too sure what to do, or where I'm going with this. All I know is that I have a very bad taste in my mouth over Bank Charges from the Woolwich. I've been with them since I was 14 and despite being a loyal customer for more than 20 years I must have lost thousands to them in charges.

    I've had enough of having to watch what I spend for fear of charges which for me are £35 a time. Some weeks I can only spend £40 on shopping and I've got a baby,a little boy at school and a hungry husband who sometimes doesn't eat all day just to save us money. I'm so broke, and I want everything back they've taken from me. When you add it up, it's the days out I couldn't go on, the clothes for my kids I couldn't buy, the anniversarry presents I couldn't get, even a haircut I can't afford .... everything, and all because I'm not in a position to earn a lot of money and I'm penalised for not having enough available in the bank to pay my dues.

    I've been stung badly and now I want to do a little stinging myself. I'm gonna have a really good look through your site and get all the information I need to point a big gun at them. Speaky soony !

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