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Posts posted by lakejen

  1. Hi Guido,


    I am in the exact same position as you are. Over the last month I have received 2 parking tickets from OPC while parked in my allocated parking spot in the residential parking area connected to the apartment building where I live.

    I might add that on both occasions a parking permit was clearly displayed on the dashboard of my car, however if you take a picture of the car from a certain angle you cannot see the parking permit, which is basically what they base their case on.


    I have written to them twice now, explaining that the car was parked in my spot (which I pay for), with a permit displayed, and both times I have gotten what is presumably the same two line letter that you've gotten, and then about a week later a standard letter saying some BS which can basically be summed up as: 'our terms and conditions are clearly displayed therefor you have to pay, or else....'


    I was in the process of putting another letter together with the same points that your letter has, but now I am essentially just going to copy your letter :) which I think is excellent.


    Only thing I could add to it, is that you should ask them to tell you under which law or statute they feel entitled to charge the penalty and collect it. I did so in my latest letter, but they (of course) completely ignored that in their reply. Presumably because they are unable to answer it, but it would be rather interesting to hear an answer to that.


    Also I really think that you should report OPC to the police no matter what happens. I certainly intend to do so, but I don't have any knowledge at all about the English legal system as I only moved here a couple of years ago, so if you (or anybody else) have any idea how that could be done I would be very interested in hearing about it. I just don't think that they should be allowed to get away with trying to [problem] money out of hard-working, law-abiding people.

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