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Little Bob

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Posts posted by Little Bob

  1. Bonjour !


    Sorry it's been a while but then, so have Smile..!! Today, I received a letter saying that I will have £500 deposited into my account within the next two weeks! YAY!!!


    Well, it took long enough but we got there in the end thank god.


    DeeDee - How are you getting on?


    Keep bugging them if they take too long, calls and secure messaging.


    Good luck DeeDee and let me know when you get your money back!


    Little Bob

  2. How does that work ebd89?! Some of you get it straight away and others (ME for instance) have to wait ages?!! A bit inconsistant and very irritating!!!


    Never mind. Glad you'll get your money, I'll let you know if I ever get there!!


    Got to love 'em!


    Little Bob

  3. Hello


    You can get the Daily Excess charges, plus the service charge. I think you can only get the interest if you go through the courts. Be careful to check for things called Commission. This is a penalty for bounced cheques and/or DDs! Cheeky beggers.


    And on the back of your SAR, they do have 40 days to respond, so sit tight and see what happens!


    Let me know how you get on.


    Little Bob.

  4. Hiya Rainbow157,


    Be careful asking for a 'list of charges'. I started like this on secure messenging and 4 weeks later, they provided me with a list of Interest charges against my account!!! (it's a looooong story). But it took 4 weeks, after 3 months of asking.


    You need to make sure you ask for a SAR, otherwise they play dumb and don't come back with anything you need, thus prelonging the time it takes to get what you want.


    Secure messenging is fine as I've got the info I need but make sure when you ask for the money, you do it in writing by using the LBA, and send it by registered post.


    Let me know how you get on!


    Little Bob

  5. Hello,


    After writing a secure message to Smile about the timeframes, I have (5 days later) received a response:


    Hello Mrs xxxx


    I'm sorry you've not had a reply to your complaint as of yet. I appreciate that you may have given us 14 days to resolve your complaint.


    However, we work to timescales set by the Financial Services Authority. We are allowed up to 4 weeks to reply to your initial complaint. However, law allows us a maximum of 8 weeks to respond to your complaint. If we need anymore time after the initial 4 weeks we will let you know either by secure message or written letter.


    I'm sorry if you feel that 4 or 8 weeks is too long to wait. However, due to the number of complaints that we have received recently we have to work them in order.


    I'm sorry if this means you have to wait. However, if we were to put your complaint before others it would not be fair and lead to customers waiting longer than necessary.





    smile Complaints Team


    Help! What exactly is the law? Are they right with the FSA guidelines then? Do they actually have the right to wait 4-8 weeks before response? I like the way that's the goalpost has now moved from 4 to 8!


    Please let me know the legal status of what they are saying as I don't know.


    Many thanks


    Little Bob

  6. Hello - me again.


    After reviewing the charges, I sent a secure message to Smile and said as it was only £475 in total, would they just pay this back directly or if they didn't, I'd have to go through the official channels (I sent the LBA anyway by registered post on Friday).


    This is the message I've just received back from them:


    Hello Mrs xxxx

    Thanks for letting me know about your problem. I'm really sorry to hear you've had trouble with charges on your account.


    This is just to say I'll be looking into your complaint and I'll get back to you as soon as I can with a full response. Please be aware this may take upto 4 weeks in line with the Financial Services Authority regulations, although we aim to respond much faster.


    Thanks again


    xxxxx xxxxx


    PS - For full details of our complaints procedures, go to smile.co.uk - the internet bank, click on 'Talk to us' and then click on 'Complaints' on the right hand side.


    4 WEEKS? Can I go back to them and say that's b*llocks and that it should be 14 days? Is the FSA regulation 14 days or 4 weeks? I should imagine that they will probably waste my time on the back of the LBA)


    AAARRGGHH!! They are driving me mad!!! Please, someone, should I bother replying to the Secure message and tell them that they have 14 days or should I just await the response from the LBA application?


    Your experienced response would be greatly appreciated!




    Little Bob.

  7. Good morning all,


    After 5 months of continuous requests, I finally received my statements.


    While flicking through them on the train this morning, I realised that there are quite a few amounts, either in £50 or £25 denominations which are entitled "Commission". :confused:


    As I have a basic account with Smile, I then called them to find out what the Commission was for, as I do not have a motrgage, travel insurance or any other service with them.


    It turns out, Commission is code for Fee which is applied when a Direct Debit or Cheque is bounced, through lack of funds. So just make sure you don't miss these off your statements as it's just another term for FEE. :mad:


    I'm only owed about £500 or so, so I'm hoping that Smile will not make too bigger deal of it but I'll let you know.





  8. Good morning! :p


    I am a CAG virgin and I admit, I haven't read all the articals to date but I am currently trying to get Smile to pay me back a large amount of cash for my bank charges. :eek:


    My question is: I used to have a bank account with Lloyds and I would like to do the same but I cannot remember my account number or sort code. :-?


    Is there any way I can find this info out??!! :-?


    May as well get them all! It will all count towards a house deposit!


    Thanks very much, Little Bob ! X ;)

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