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Posts posted by BackStreet

  1. A nice suprise this morning!!


    On the doormat was a letter from our pals at the Halifax, telling me that it would be too expensive to contest my claim, so they had taken a commercial descision to pay it!.


    In all over £3350..inc court fees.


    The letter said it would be in my account within 5 working days from the date of the letter which was the 9th..


    Now i have to start again for the charges before this claim, and during the last month..:D


    Also going to do the same for my son, who has been hammered by the Abbey..


    Thanks to everyone for the help, couldnt have done it without you all, and good luck with your cases!!



  2. Hi,

    still nothing from the Halifax. The claim date was the 12th march, but on the court site it says 28 days from date of notification?..


    does that mean 28 days from the 12th march or 28 days from the date the Halifax was notified of the claim?


    Time is just about up either way..


    In fact I have just realised that 28 days from the 12th is today!!


    If there is no defence submitted now, can i now apply for a default judgement? or should i leave it for a day or two?


    Would really appreciate a reply on this, as i don't want to muck anything up at this late stage, and I really don't want to give the halifax any more time that i absolutely need to to post a defence!!


    Thank you..

  3. Thanks...

    good luck with yours as well....


    I think there is a hell of a long queue.. and we are somewhere in the middle of it...:-D


    Lots before us, showing us the way forward, and loads following on behind...


    Thats the beauty of forums like this, the combined knowledge makes us hard to beat...:-D

  4. PayPal is no different to any other online transaction dealer.. We use Paypal for ebay and a major high street banks organisation for card payments on line and over the phone. There is NO guarantee with any of them that there will not be a chargeback for the transaction. At least with PayPal, if you only send items to the registered and verified address and keep proof of postage you are covered for fraud up to a certain level that i can't remember right now. With the other online card companies there is no guarantee at all. they are all much of the same..

  5. We deal on eBay a lot. Most decent suppliers on there will arrange to collect a faulty item. Some smaller firms though , you have to realise, deal through the post office and have no facility to collect goods, and so expect the buyer to return faulty goods to them, and then they will refund the postage.


    Normal time limit for refunds due to faulty goods on arrival is a maximum of two weeks to return the goods.....


    If it's been several months... Sorry but I think you are fighting an uphill battle.


    Too late now, but you could have claimed a refund from Paypal.

  6. Just in the process of submitting my Moneyclaim Online, as per the templates etc.. and am a bit stumped.


    In the template kindly supplied for completion of the form online.. there is a line that reads:


    Interest per S.69 County Courts Act 1984 of 8% - £_ _ _ and a space for the total interest claimed..presumably from the start of the charges claimed back.


    But under the template is a big notice not to put a figure in here?


    Confused now, do i put the figure as per the template, or do i leave it out to be presumably calculated later by the court?


    Could really do with a quick answer on this please, as my claim is on hold until i know what to put..


    Forgive me putting a new thread for this, couldnt change the title in the old thread..


    Thanks a lot



  7. Thanks Chris for the advice. Thought it was worth a try also.


    That was a total waste of time...


    kept on hold for nearly 30 minutes, only to be told that they definately had 8 weeks to reply, and there was a large backlog of claims, and they were taking them in strict order. they would possibly make an offer, but i would have to wait my turn as it would be unfair to others to deal with my claim before those that had waited the 8 weeks.

    Explained to the lady, that i had waited 16 days(allowed 2 for bank holiday), and had sent them a letter to say 14 days before i submit it to the court and that was time up today, and was basically told, go ahead, as there was nothing that she could do.

    So looks like i will send it to the court tonight..

    wish me luck...:D

  8. Just received the March statement from the Halifax and they have charged us another £240 in charges last month!!We were just over the limit, and now are £250 over it!!

    Can i just add them to the claim, and send them a revised claim now?

    Also if i do that does the original 14 days from the LBA to my filing court action stay the same, as i send that off about 8 days ago, or does it need to be extended at all?

    Sorry to have ever more questions, and thanks for the help.

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