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Posts posted by 76Bramble

  1. Hi Baconbuttyman, I've recently taken Argos to court and WON!

    The statements are rubbish... FIN CHGS= Interest/ Other DB is where you need to be looking. Charges I had were a mixture, one for £10, a few £14, a few £17.50 and some £28. If you have been paying PPI it will be added into other DB amount, with any default charge. I am claiming mis sold PPI from Argos. I didn't realise I had until I received these screenshots...Any questions just ask. 76Bramble:)

  2. Hi Sandys, I know Steven has already replied to your question but I just thought I'd post anyway.:) Just like Steven has said in the above post unfortunately.... I am still dealing with them with regards to mis sold PPI which I did not know I had until I received all statements, even then the statements were not clear at all. I would recommend you send a sar with £10 to Argos and find out just how many charges are on there before it gets out of control... If you need any help, I will try my best to, just ask.76Bramble:)

  3. I won !!!

    Just received a letter from Argos solicitors, recorded delivery. It hasen't even been two weeks since I put N1 in. It has only been a few days since they said they were defending all of the claim. My advice is hang on in there, they give in eventually...76Bramble:)

    I'm not sure if this thread needs to be moved now...

  4. I've finally put N1 form in on Fri 9th Nov. I've received a letter on Sat 17th from court saying Argos have acknowledged and it is there intention to defend all of the claim!!! Now I just have to sit and wait, nervously:rolleyes: I would love to hear from anyone who is at same stage as me. It seems as there is no one taking on Argos at the min... My thread is soooo lonely:) 76Bramble

  5. Hi Jaxads, I'm still no further forward with GE money, I have found a few old statements, one has 3 charges of £18 on just 1 statement:o I have been busy doing my N1 for Argos store card so it has kept me very busy. It's my first claim and i'm soooo nervous. Once I get it filed at court I will concentrate on GE money. 76Bramble:)

  6. I have just rang North Shields county court as finally done N1 for Argos store card charges and needed to know what proof to take in for exemption of court costs. I asked her if they were staying claims and she said just bank charges but not credit card charges. I asked what about store cards and she said "we've not had any store card ones in yet".:o OMG I will be the first!!!! I just hope i'm not the first to get struck out of court! Just waiting to get proof now through the post, then it's off to court.

  7. Hi Stadium, OMG that is not good news. I really thought they would have looked into this properly, but it does not seem so to me.:evil:

    I am one step behind you, so i cannot give any good advise what to do now, as you say sent a SAR to claim charges and unrequested PPI .

    I would make sure whether they have definately bought the debt, as they originally told me they had bought my Cap one debt, until i sent a CCA request to Lowells.

    I will have a good read through the forum tonight and see if anyone else is having the same problems we are. Kelly:)

  8. I had the Think Banking account for 3 weeks, i had also applied to Coop and Halifax. I did not realise at the time it was part of the Gregory Pennington group and not once was i told from them either. I only found out after i had opened the account and done a google search.

    2 weeks later i received acceptance letters from both Coop and Halifax which i was really suprised about, as i have bad credit rating.

    I then rang up and cancelled this account straight away, losing out on the fees of course.

    My opinion is try others first and only use this as a last resort. I was desperate to get away from Lloyds and Think banking opened the account straight away. :)

  9. Hi Stadium, I have had dealings with Red, with my Capital one card. I sent them a CCA and they replied saying that they would not be dealing with the account anymore.... :)

    Then about two weeks later I received an offer from Lowell to pay aprox 25% of the outstanding debt as full & final settlement. I responded with yet another CCA. I have since had no reply from either.

    It's no wonder I get confused when I am dealing with 3 debt collecting companies in relation to 1 debt!:???: (Hamptons Legal also)


    Hopefully TS will start the ball rolling soon. As for Red I would ignore them anyway, it's hard to take any company seriously anyway with a name like that.:D K

  10. Hi Stadium, I am getting mixed up with mine. It was Sanclare that sent me the Littlewoods flex application form like yours with pre printed tick!

    I am dealing with Scotcall for Littlewoods extra, they just sent completely blank application form. It's great trying to sort this out, but when you are dealing with quite a few you forget who sent what! Good job I have my file:) I need to decide what to do now as I don't think I've heard the last of it. It's annoying when you think they can just send out an application form and thats it. It just proves you have applied!:confused:

    Hopefully you will get some joy this week.Kelly:)

  11. Medsec we have the opposite problem in that the ticks in the PPI boxes on 2 agreements are in a very thick pen whereas the rest of the form my OH completed, including the countersignature, are in fine pen. Second one is subject of summons; we got first one withdrawn - round two:p


    Hi Goldlady, looks like more and more people are having this problem.

    Good luck with yours and let us know how you get on. Kelly:)

  12. This is so confusing! Re the tiny tick thing, I have looked through some old papers, as I'm desperately trying to make sense of my debts, and one of my loans there are two tiny boxes next to PPI .... with tiny ticks in! They are pre-printed...... I do huge ticks, so I know, and as I've got my original I can tell they were pre-printed. Probably because on the phone I was told "if you lose your job you'll be covered", so I said yes. In the event though, I lost my job and as I'd been in it 5 1/2 months they said they wouldn't pay out because I had to have been in the same job for 6 months. It makes me so cross :(


    Hi Medsec, This tiny tick in the box thing is obviously pre printed, both Stadium and I did not request it though and there is obviously loads of people with the same problem.

    Sadly for you and lots of others who have requested it, there are so many get out clauses so they don't have to pay out. It's not worth having.

    I am looking into all of my debts now to make sure I am not paying for unrequested ppi.:) Kelly

  13. Hi Stadium, so glad to hear your daughter is ok now.

    Just reading your post with regards to TS, how on earth can they say they have complied to your request, with an application form:confused:

    It is worrying, as Sanclare financial sent me a blank application form..... Yes, it is an application form, but who does it belong to??? not me.


    I think maybe the guy you spoke with dosen't have a clue so hopefully, his colleague, 'the expert' may have more knowledge about CCA requests.

    I am very interested to find out what he says about it.:) Kelly

  14. Hi Out of Cash, I've been reading your thread. I too had problems with Nationwide in 2004. I wish I knew then what I know now.

    Nationwide have got to be one of the worst:evil: Just keep fighting them, and don't give up.

    I am fighting to reclaim charges now from visa card and loan account with Nationwide. Keep us posted how you get on:) 76Bramble

  15. Hi I am also claiming against Argos store card. I received rubbish screenshots too. The other DB section was all my late payment fees mixed in with ppi I had not requested. The fees were sometimes £10, then £14 then £17.50. A few were £28 but that was obviously two £14 charges together. The ppi stopped when acc went into default so all left on DB section then was £17.50 late fees which were much clearer then. Keep us posted how you get on. Kelly:)

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