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Posts posted by SnaXXy

  1. Ok, I can agree with some of that. However 084 and 087 numbers will NOT be prohibited Instead of being compared with the price of a local/national call it'll no longer work like that. Instead it'll act like any other 084, 087 or 09 number except the cost of calling the number will be made clearer, as it'll be split into two parts: an access charge by your phone provider and service charge payable to the company you're calling (therefore greedy company wins as they can now get a cut again). I have links to reference this on Ofcom's site but I can't post links as haven't made enough posts... pain in the bum!


    If calling a company to make enquiries or complaints is such a big deal why do people not complain about the cost of a stamp when writing in to complain, etc? If they have to take something back to a store why do they not complain about extra petrol money or bus fares? They don't, so why should call charges be any different. You have to pay when calling to find a job (Jobcentreplus), get medical advice (NHS24), etc yet I don't hear many people grumbling about those, but they grumble about bank/credit card call centres, councils, companies, etc.


    Maybe I'm just in the minority of people who think there are worse things in the world to worry about than a pound or three to companies most individuals don't phone often. *shrug* lol

  2. Yes - at the very least, it'll mean they aren't making a penny while they keep you waiting, just tying up one of their phone lines. They'll still have queues of course, but now everyone waiting in the queue will be costing them a tiny bit of money (by tying up lines they pay for) rather than being a source of income, they will feel very differently about having long queues!


    That's wrong. Companies who use 0845/0870 numbers do not earn anything from those numbers... revenue sharing on those numbers was stopped in April 2012. However, companies who use 0844/0871/090/etc still revenue share.


    Due to Ofcom changes expected on all 0845 numbers which means 0845 will soon become chargeable to the company owning it when they receive calls; many companies are now looking at moving to a new number range. So instead of customers paying 3-4p per min, they'll probably pay 5-10p per min as they'll have to call 0844, etc. Customer loses.

  3. I just got off the phone to the Woolwich's complaints department and they told me (if it was an Openplan account) to address it to the Woolwich at this address:


    Jackson House

    Jackson Road



    CO15 1WH


    Hope this helps,


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