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Posts posted by ScruffyProfessor

  1. I have received another letter from the ICO.


    This time before giving me a full responce they would like to see a copy of a credit report where Southbank have entered a default.


    Nothing in my CallCredit report but I'm still waiting for Equifax and Experian (who are doing the usual runaround tactics).


    I'm not sure at the moment if they are only focusing only on the aspect of whether Southbank have entered a default with a CRA or in conjunction with it being held, and passed to ARC.


    I'll ask for clarification when I get all the credit files in. As ARC quite clearly stated, on several occasions, that they received my personal details from Southbank. This to me, proves that Southbank have been storing and processing my personal data, doesn't it?



    • Haha 1
  2. Further to my previous post re Southbank Capital.


    Surrey Trading Standards have added a post to my thread. They are currently investigating their activity and would like anyone who has been pursued either by them or on their behalf to get in touch.


    The person investigating has left direct contact details.





  3. It is indeed no wonder the financial system crashed as it did. It's being run by the same people who still can't even get their heads around a piece of legislation that came into force 34 YEARS AGO! That's a lot of learning time methinks.


    During my dealings with the OFT they have indicated that they have little or no sympathy for any company who buys a debt without checking the documentation to enforce it is available first, let alone an originator of a credit agreement not properly executing an agreement or if they have actually properly executed it then fail to retain the agreement for when needed. The OFT seem to agree that 34 years should be ample time to learn these basics.


    Such an inability to learn rules out most vertebrates, so I assume there is a special recruitment agency they use that deals exclusively with slime.



  4. Hi JS111,


    with regard to your particular issue, I would suggest that you automatically send the 'I Acknowledge no debt and CCA request' letter. This legally puts the account into dispute. This will help if the DCA decide to keep pushing despite the fact that their client Southbank are acting illegally, (don't forget a lot of DCA's don't get paid if they don't get you to pay!). If you are a real newcomer to this and need specific step by step help you may want to start your own thread, as your situation may get more attention in the debt collection agencies category. I would hate for you not to get the support you need, and there are some very talented people on this site from whose help you could benefit. Even if you do decide you need your own thread I hope you'll stick with this one too and keep us updated with regard to Southbank.


    One thing I would say is do the verification about Southbank as at the beginning of this thread then add a line in your CCA request to the DCA, (as I have no doubt that their letter says all correspondence to go through them), to point out that their client Southbank do not hold a Consumer Credit License so are not legally entitled to be dealing in debts, nor are they registered with the ICO to process personal data. Also remind them that to continue to deal with third parities whose fitness is called into question, (being unlicensed and unregistered is defiantly classed as very questionable fitness), would result in their own fitness to be called into question too. With regard to Arc they dropped Southbank like a hot potato!


    Once you've had the letter to say that they'll no longer be acting on their behalf you can happily deal with Southbank direct.


    Another thing is to make sure the OFT and ICO are aware about Southbank's dealings. Also Tell the DCA you've done this.


    Possum thanks for sending those letters, I've also been googling other debt forums and trying to let them know about Southbank and guide them to this thread. I told Southbank in my letter to inform them that Arc had stopped acting as an agent, and that as they had no consumer credit license that they were not legally allowed to try and collect on, PASS ON or SELL this alleged debt that I was actively looking for, encouraging and where possible supporting people to report them and bring them to account.


    SillyGirl1, Bogus company may well be right, as although being registered in 2006 Southbank were registered with companies house as 'Other' as a business category (out of all the thousands of options they couldn't pick one?). They have a one page website which claims they deal in 'distressed assists', all smacks of a bit of a front to me. These accounts were probably passed out for just pence, as part of winding up LSF with little regard to who to. Almost defiantly something worth reporting there.



  5. I have had a further response from the ICO. it goes along the lines of:


    Further to your inquiry of 3rd September (which I actually sent on the 8th), from the information you have provided, we are unable to find a registration for Southbank Capital ltd.


    If you wish to submit a complaint on a company's non-notification, please write back to this office with details.

    It's taken nearly two weeks to verify that Southbank are not registered, it took them only 20 seconds to verify that on the phone? And two sentences as a response to a four page account and breakdown with supporting documentation!


    I may be being a little unfair here, as the background and supporting documentation also had indications that Arc had failed to comply with certain requests under the DPA, and they may just be clarifying what I'm actually asking them to look into. I will be dealing with Arc separately.


    With that in mind I have tried to make my response much clearer:

    Yes please! I would like to make a complaint about Southbank's non-notification and processing my personal data whilst prohibited to do so under section 17(1) of the Data Protection Act 1998.

    Let's hope that helps a little



  6. Hi,


    I have now received a response from ARC. It goes along the lines of:


    "Very sorry, we know we should have answered your letters, complaints and statutory requests, etc. And I can assure you I will be speaking to our compliance manager about this." (I even got my one pound back from the CCA request, small things please small minds).


    They claim Southbank were a new customer and deny any prior knowledge that they did not hold a CCL and were not registered to process data, and acted in good faith (not their fault in other words, and clearly detail that all they did was under instruction from their client).


    However this is about Southbank and the upshot is, that now they have been informed, Arc will no longer be representing them in this matter. If they did continue their own fitness (already dubious to my mind) to hold a license and be registered as a data controller would be called into question for dealing with an unlicensed and unregistered third party. This now gives me the opportunity to deal direct with Southbank.


    OK, so Southbank are now standing alone in my particular case, and no license means that not only should they not have purchased debts under the CCA, but they are also not entitled to try and collect or SELL IT ON.


    They will be informed of this in writing just so they can't plead ignorance.


    Possum1103, thanks for considering sending your info to the regulatory bodies to. It will help prove the case that they have been engaged in multiple counts of unregulated debt collection and data processing.


    If any one still has anything ongoing regarding Southbank don't forget if they are still acting through a DCA let them know and point out to that agency that their own license etc could be at risk if they then continue to represent them.



  7. I've now had a response from the OFT, who were very interested in the information and correspondence related to Southbank Capital.


    They have confirmed that Southbank do not hold a consumer credit license and that it certainly would appear from the evidence provided that they are engaged in debt collection activities.


    They have referred this on, along with accompanying evidence to the local Trading Standards for investigation. I'll keep you posted on this as these are the people who will be dealing with the complaint part.


    NOTE: The OFT are quite clear, as are the ICO that they do not deal with individual complaints. However they are the correct bodies to report unlicensed and unregistered activity to. They will then refer the matter on or sign post you to to the appropriate body to deal with any complaint that arises from that activity.




    Although my initial contact with the OFT was with regard to Southbank's unlicensed activity, it appears that they are not overly happy with what they have seen within the correspondence between Arc and myself that was sent as evidence. They have said that it is part of their remit to monitor license holders, (such as ARC), and asked for my permission to keep and use the information and documentation with regard to any reviews on fitness to hold a consumer credit license. It is of course my civic and moral duty to agree to this request. :wink:


    Still not heard from Arc themselves. Four nonresponse in a row.


    I did a search and have tried to make contact with some others with regard to Southbank. Please do get in touch with the OFT and ICO with regard to Southbank if you have been pursued by them or agent on their behalf.


    With regards,




    I notice the last post on this thread was in December 08, so you may not check back anymore, but if you do you should check out my thread about Southbank Capital Limited.


    They do not have a consumer Credit licence with the Office of Fair trading, so should not be engaged in debt collection activity.


    They are also not registered as Data controllers with the ICO so are not leagaly entitled to process personal details, for any purpose!


    I have fowarded this info to the relevant agencies and strongly urge any one else who can evidence them as trying to collect debts and processing data etc to also let them know.


    Here is the link:


    With thanks,


  9. Hi Possom1103,


    I notice the last post on this thread was in January, so you may not check back anymore, but if you do you should check out my thread about Southbank Capital Limited.


    They do not have a consumer Credit licence with the Office of Fair trading, so should not be engaged in debt collection activity.


    They are also not registered as Data controllers with the ICO so are not leagaly entitled to process personal details, for any purpose!


    I have fowarded this info to the relevant agencies and strongly urge any one else who can evidence them as trying to collect debts and processing data etc to also let them know.


    Here is the link:


    With thanks,


  10. Hi Puppy135


    I notice the last post on this thread was in January, so you may not check back anymore, but if you do you should check out my thread about Southbank Capital Limited.


    They do not have a consumer Credit licence with the Office of Fair trading, so should not be engaged in debt collection activity.


    They are also not registered as Data controllers with the ICO so are not leagaly entitled to process personal details, for any purpose!


    I have fowarded this info to the relevant agencies and strongly urge any one else who can evidence them as trying to collect debts and processing data etc to also let them know.


    Here is the link:


    With thanks,




    I notice the last post on this thread was in January, so you may not check back anymore, but if you do you should check out my thread about Southbank Capital Limited.


    They do not have a consumer Credit licence with the Office of Fair trading, so should not be engaged in debt collection activity.


    They are also not registered as Data controllers with the ICO so are not leagaly entitled to process personal details, for any purpose!


    I have fowarded this info to the relevant agencies and strongly urge any one else who can evidence them as trying to collect debts and processing data etc to also let them know.


    Here is the link:


    With thanks,


  12. Hi Puppy135,


    I notice the last post on this thread was in March, so you may not check back anymore, but if you do you should check out my thread about Southbank Capital Limited.


    They do not have a consumer Credit licence with the Office of Fair trading, so should not be engaged in debt collection activity.


    They are also not registered as Data controllers with the ICO so are not leagaly entitled to process personal details, for any purpose!


    I have fowarded this info to the relevant agencies and strongly urge any one else who can evidence them as trying to collect debts and processing data etc to also let them know.


    Here is the link:


    With thanks,


  13. Hi Mcfetti,


    I notice the last post on this thread was in July, so you may not check back anymore, but if you do you should check out my thread about Southbank Capital Limited.


    They do not have a consumer Credit licence with the Office of Fair trading, so should not be engaged in debt collection activity.


    They are also not registered as Data controllers with the ICO so are not leagaly entitled to process personal details, for any purpose!


    I have fowarded this info to the relevant agencies and strongly urge any one else who can evidence them as trying to collect debts and processing data etc to also let them know.


    Here is the link:



    With thanks,


  14. Hi 42man,


    You may indeed ask.


    They claim to have been assigned and have legal ownership of a Credit Loan account from London Scottish Finance Ltd. (though I've never dealt with them).


    They made contact via Arc (Europe) Ltd DCA who's first letter to me very kindly stated the above in writing, and also confirmed that Southbank must have been holding and administering personal data including passing it on to a third party.


    However I didn't even think to check at that time.


    It's only as I was getting ready to make a complaint againtst Southbank and their Agent s (Arc), due to a failure to comply with a CCA request and Failing to respond to a Formal Complaint, and a request under section 10 of the DPA 1998 (amungst other things), that I came across this.


    Even better I shall be posting a letter to Arc today to point out that their correspondence (and lack of it recently) has been made available to OFT and ICO to support their invesigations into the unlicenced and unregisterd activities of Southbank. I'm sure the'll be extatic abouth that, and probably wished they'd behaved better.!

  15. Hi Fellow Caggers,


    During a little investigation in preparation for lodging complaints with the regulatory bodies I discovered some interesting, and hopefully useful, information for any one who is currently or has previously been pursued for a credit debt by Southbank Capital Limited either directly or via a Debt Collection Agency (DCA).


    Southbank Capital Limited does not hold, nor have they ever held, a Consumer Credit Licence.


    Therefore Southbank Capital Limited is not legally entitled to commence, purchase, administrate, pursue or sell any debt or agreement as defined in the Consumer Credit Act 1974.


    Southbank Capital Limited are not registered as Data Controllers with the Information Commissioner’s Office.


    Therefore are not legally entitled to hold, process, pass or share with third parties, which includes agents, any personal details for any purpose as defined by the Data Protection Act 1998.


    I have checked using the web registers for both Office of Fair Trading (OFT) and Information Commissioners Office (ICO), and verified both by phone to ensure they are not trading under a different name or parent company licence. In both cases it was stated that as a limited company they are expected to hold a licence/registration in their own right which should be under the company name and address as registered at Company House.


    You can verify this information for yourself at:


    Consumer Credit Licence:


    OFT Web check: http://www2.crw.gov.uk/pr/Default.aspx

    OFT Phone enquires: 08457 22 44 99


    Data Controller Notification:


    ICO Web check: http://www.ico.gov.uk/ESDWebPages/search.asp

    ICO Phone enquires: 08456 30 60 60


    Details registered at Companies House:


    (Registration Number – 05161204)

    Southbank Capital Ltd

    The Old Tannery,

    Oakdene Road,



    RH1 6BT



    I have passed this information to the Office of Fair Trading regarding unlicensed collection activity and the Information Commissioner’s Office with regard to data processing. I have included copies of correspondence which proves they claim to have been assigned a debt and claim legal ownership of that debt an have processed and passed personal details to a third party DCA to try and recover said alleged debt.


    I would urge any one who is, or has been, pursued for a debt by Southbank Capital Limited to inform the OFT and ICO. You will need to include a copy of any correspondence that evidences administration and collection activity i.e. claims that the debt has been assigned or purchased and any declaration of their ownership of the debt. In the case of data processing by the fact that they have contacted you it is shown that they hold and have administered your personal details, and contact made via a DCA on their behalf is evidence that those details have been pass on to and shared with a third party.


    The ICO state that they may not investigate if the issue is over 1 year old, however this date relates to when the offence was discovered not necessarily when it occurred. It is important that even past offences be brought to their attention as this will provide them evidence of continued noncompliance rather than a one off instance.


    The addresses you’ll need are: (I have included brief templates for the letters just in case they are helpful)


    Enquiries and Reporting Centre

    Office of Fair Trading

    Fleetbank House

    2-6 Salisbury Square


    EC4Y 8JX.


    Unlicensed Debt Collection and Administration Activity –

    Southbank Capital Limited


    Dear Sir,


    I have used The OFT online Consumer Credit Register and validated the findings with the OFT Enquiries Line on Monday Xth Month 2009 and I believe Southbank Capital Limited to be engaged in unlicensed debt collection and administration activity.


    Southbank Capital Limited are registered with Company House:05161204


    Southbank Capital Ltd

    The Old Tannery,

    Oakdene Road,



    RH1 6BT



    (You will need to provide a brief write up of why you think you Southbank Capital Limited have been or had been administering and debt, including a list of and enclosing any evidence i.e. correspondence.)




    Information Commissioner’s Office

    Casework and Advice Division,

    Wycliffe House,

    Water Lane,



    SK9 5AF.


    Unauthorised and Unregistered Processing and Administration of Personal Data –

    Southbank Capital Limited


    Dear Sir,


    I have used The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) online Register of Data Controllers and validated the findings with the ICO Enquiries Line on Monday Xth Month 2009 and I believe:


    Southbank Capital Limited to be engaged in holding, administrating, processing and sharing my personal data without my consent and without being registered as a Data Controller in the register held and maintained by the ICO which is prohibited by section 17(1) of the Data Protection Act 1998.


    Southbank Capital Limited are registered with Company House:05161204


    Southbank Capital Ltd

    The Old Tannery,

    Oakdene Road,



    RH1 6BT




    (You will need to provide a brief write up of why you think you Southbank Capital Limited have been or had been processing your personal data, including a list of and enclosing any evidence i.e. correspondence.)


    Remember this will also have implications for any DCA who is, or was, acting on their behalf especially in their legal right to process your personal information.


    I hope this will get them a good wrist slapping.

  16. Hi all again,


    , I think it is in my best interest to request a copy of all information you have regarding me, under the Freedom of Information Act. This should include all data held albeit paper based or electronic, including transcripts of phone logs, and even the letters I have sent and any notes etc. Under the Freedom of Information Act you are allowed to charge a maximum of £10 for administration for this, [/quote]



    For future reference : FIA applies to government & government funded operations, Data Protection Act 1998 applies to PLC's, companies etc. You should have used Data Protection Act 1998. And if you are going to use it, you must write to the data controller.


    Your spot on there Tomterm8, once again somthing learned after finding this site and looking through the threads on it! Until then I was making it up as I went along, mostly I just wanted them to deal with me in a reasnable manner, and I was getting frustrated at the comlete rubbish that was in the letters that they were sending, which bore no resembelance to actual events.

  17. Strangely enough, ever since I put in a written request for the CCA on 26th June, I’ve not heard from Experto at all. No harassing phone calls, no silly inaccurate letters and probably most importantly no CCA.

    It will be interesting to what does happen, as you can see from the date of the letter they are well over their 2 weeks, and about halfway through the month that follows.

    As for talking to Experto on the phone ‘Credit Alergy’ you would be wise to avoid it where possible, get caller ID on your phone, program their number into your mobile so you know when it’s them phoning and just don’t answer! There is no way they would say something so stupid as ‘Do nothing and wait to go to court’ in writing as it could be used as evidence against them.

    Don’t answer their calls and keep communication to written, shame I didn’t know that myself before finding this site!

  18. Thanks Rory,


    When you nfirst get contacted by these agencies it's so easy to get side traked into dealing with nity gritty bits of their conduct as opposed to looking at the bigger question i.e. are they actualy in a Legal Position to seek payment in the first place, I had automatically assumed that they were (as so many people do!).


    reading through the threads on the CAG site is a bit of an eye opener, it has probably been the most useful couple of days reading for a long time!


    Thanks, Pete

  19. Hi all again,

    Requesting yet more advice,

    Rory has already said that I can request a CCA copy at any time, but I have already also written letters, (stupidly I now know), prior to finding CAG

    Can some one look through and see if I’ve shot myself in the foot with these and they will count badly against me if I now take the much simpler and better route as laid down by the dedicated CAG members!

    I’ve included chronological contact both by phone and letter.

    First received from Experto Credite dated 24th May 2007 Notice of pending legal procedings

    I responded by phone as I was worried due to short response time quoted 31/05/07

    Needless to say not a nice experience, I tried to negotiate but failed dismally, however received some excellent advice, (NOT) ‘just ignore it, and wait to be made bankrupt’

    Next Letter saying they had tried to contact me by phone and letter but I’d ignored them, dated 4th June 2007

    This time I responded in writing sent registered post which was received 11th June 2007. I was going to ask you all too look through it for me But I’m not sure how to attach the scan image yet.

    I then received a call on 30th. I pointed out that a letter of response had been sent, but they insisted that a payment needed to be made then and there other wise the legal proceedings would be started prior to receipt of letter. I knew no better so I made the a payment £60.

    Next letter arrived saying I had failed to make promised payments dated 11th June 2007 and I had 72 hrs to respond. Of course they sent it second class so I didn’t receive it till Thursday 14th June in the afternoon.

    I again replied by mail: this again was registered post, should be there Monday.

    Experto Credite

    Debt Recovery Agents

    Windrush House

    24, Portman House



    RG30 1EA

    15th June 2007

    Client Reference: xxxxxx Your Reference: xxxxxx

    Dear Sir,

    Thank you for your letter dated 11th June 2007.

    I feel it important to inform you that although this letter is dated 11th June 2007 it did not arrive till Thursday 14th June 2007, and then arrive to me till the afternoon of that date. This is possibly because it was posted second class. Although I have no problem with an organisation such as yourself reducing their overheads via second class postage it is however unreasonable to expect a response within 72 hours of date of postage, as it did not arrive until after that date nor to expect a response within 72 hrs of receipt when although this letter will be posted today 15th June 2007 you will have no one in your offices to sign for receipt of this letter for 48 of those hours (Saturday and Sunday). However this letter will be sent as recorded post and time and date of posting will have to be accepted as time of response, well within 72 hours of receipt.

    Secondly regarding this letter, it states that I have failed to send payments as promised.

    I have no recollection of any agreement between us of payments to be made.

    The only agreement of payment to be made was when I returned a phone call from yourselves on Friday 8th June at 3.54pm where by I was asked to make a payment to stop the account being referred to the legal department whilst my response in writing regarding your letter dated 4th June 2007 was delivered to you. This payment was made at that time over the phone via my Visa Electron Debit Card. You were aware of this payment whilst composing your letter of 11th of June 2007 as the balance of the account has been adjusted accordingly. If you feel however there was a further promise of payments in place please provide in writing more explicit details of that agreement including Amounts, frequency, date and time of agreement being made etc.

    I also notice that your letter of 11th June 2007 has failed to address any of the points raised within my letter of 7th June 2007. this letter was received by your offices on 11th June 2007 at 9.10 am which would appear to be prior to you sending your letter.

    I have pasted the electronic proof of delivery into this letter for your reference, but you are welcome to check for yourself at www.royalmail.com the reference number is xxxxxxxxxxxx. I have a receipt of the postage, if you require a copy, please let me know.



    This letter addressed some issues, most importantly my commitment to resolving my debt problems and an offer to pay off the balance via instalments.

    That offer still stands.

    It also addressed the issue that in your letter of 4th June 2007 you had inferred that I had not made timely contact with phone calls or letters. It did point out that you had not tried to contact me by phone at that time, and that I had only ever received one Letter from you, which was responded to in a timely fashion. I have had it confirmed by a member of your team that my contact by phone on 30th may 2007, (with a deadline of 31st June 2007), had been logged. That information was available to you when the letter of 4th June 2007 was being composed.

    It also addressed an issue that I was advised by your staff to ‘Do nothing, and just let the proceedings take their course and you would make me bankrupt. It is of no little concern to me that such advice would be given as a way of resolving personal debt.

    It also addressed the issue, that despite my offers and attempts to come to an arrangement to resolve this account you have rejected them in favour of pursuing bankruptcy.

    Unfortunately due to your failure or unwillingness to respond to the issues and offer made within my letter dated 4th June 2007, I am led to believe that you have no intention trying to resolve this account by any means other than bankruptcy.

    However, in the interest of resolving this account I will give you a further opportunity to respond.

    Your response should contain the following:

    • That you accept, despite the content of your letters, that I have always responded to your communications, albeit by phone or letter, and done so in a timely manner. This may be done by a statement either separately, or within a letter which corrects the statements in your letters which state that I have not made timely contact.

    • That you accept, despite the content of your letter dated 11th June 2007, that no promise of payments was ever made other than that which arose from the phone call on 8th June 3.54pm as detailed above, which was paid at that time. Therefore the statement should quite clearly say that I have not broken any honorary nor contractual agreement with you.

    • That you accept, despite it not appearing in any of your written correspondence, that I have made an offer to resolve the account by paying instalments of £100 per month via Direct Debit, or any other preferred method. And that the offer of resolving the account via instalments was rejected via phone on the 30th May 2007, and failed to be responded to from my letter 7th June 2007.

    I request written confirmation that an offer to resolve the account has been made, and that it has been accepted or rejected. If you fail to respond it will be taken that you have rejected an offer to resolve this account.

    • Written confirmation that it is not your company policy to advise customers to do nothing to resolve their personal debt issues, except to wait to be made bankrupt. If indeed, as I sincerely hope that is not, your policy I would like details of how you have ensured that this will not be the case again.

    • Due to the incorrectness of much of the information that has appeared in your written correspondence, and the fact that it bears no correlation to actual events nor dose it give any relevance to phone conversations, I think it is in my best interest to request a copy of all information you have regarding me, under the Freedom of Information Act. This should include all data held albeit paper based or electronic, including transcripts of phone logs, and even the letters I have sent and any notes etc. Under the Freedom of Information Act you are allowed to charge a maximum of £10 for administration for this, please let me know what your policy is on the charges and your preferred method of payment.

    Although it is in my own best interest to have this information as stated, I think it will give you a wonderful opportunity for your company to develop interdepartmental communication skills and protocols which, from my experience so far, seem somewhat lacking.

    Please respond within seven working days of receipt. Failure to respond within that time will result in 1-3 being accepted as true representation. Item 5 is a legal obligation and must be responded to within the timescales within that legislation.

    Yours sincerely,


    Once again, not knowing what I have now seen in these threads, Have I done my self terrible harm for my progression with the content of these letters, although I haven’t included the first one it pretty much says the same as this one, but if you need to see it I’ll try to post it at some point.

    With thanks in advance, Pete

    PS I have to say just knowing your all out there has taken a lot of dread out of the whole thing!

  20. It's me again, sorry everyone it's starting to look more like a blogg than a thread, but I have a nother question.


    I had already had contacted Expeto Credite prior to finding theese things out on this forum. And I have made a payment to them as they were threatining to send it to their legal departmnet (a ploy they use as I now know), dose this mean it is now to late to request the CCA from them, or have I accepted responcibility for the debt by making a paymnet, making that step obsolete?

  21. My appologies for being so blind, there was a link all along for FV1, I didn't find it on the search, sorry.




    However now I do have contact details, would it be wise to contact them direct now, to ensure my correspondence is actualy being passed back, (not that I don't trust Experto Credite, MUCH!)


    But I have also complained to Expeto Credite about their conduct, should I also inform the company they are acting for? as this would have a bearing on their licence to wouldn't it?


    Thanks for your help, in advance!

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