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David Robson

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Posts posted by David Robson

  1. yes thanks caro i have recieved my court date on the 5th of may, and ms ross has just sent me another offer of £2,.689 plus court costs my original charges were £2,884 but no interest i don't know what to do about the interest. With the interest my claim would have been for £3,417 (more since i placed my claim with the courts in early july) what do you think any advice or ideas, i know it is my dissision in the end but i like to have input so i can wiegh up the pros and cons

  2. i have just recieved this letter from ms kirsty ross of Yorkshire bank"our defeence makes it clear that firstly, the charges have been levied in accordance with the terms and conditions of the account which you accepted when you opened the account. Secondly, that the charges have been levied as a result of your failure to adhere to the limits in place of your account(i had an overdraft of £50)and are therefore a service provided by the banks in extending facilities to you. Thirdly that the charges levied are a genuine pre-estimate of the cost incurred by the bank given the time and resources that are required to deal with such actions by customers. The charges are for the service the bank has provided to you in extending facilities to you.


    Your assertion that the charges are a penalty and therefore unenforceable is misconcieved; the law on penalties is only an issue in relation to breach of contract. You have not breached your contract with the bank as the terms and conditions provided for the event that you have exceed you limit on your account " she has then offered me £2151.00 and £120.00 court costs my claim was for £3,554 thats with the 8% interest plus £120 court costs can anyone please give me any advice on how to reply to this letter as i intend to turn down the offer.and can i claim for the £100 A.Q

  3. Do not send it to Scotland. Send it to the branch and let them send it if they wish, but if you do it your case will fall under Scottish Law.

    at the begining i sent all my prelimanary letters to the branch my account was held at but when i went to the small claims ( in the beging of august)i asked advice fron the citizens advice centre and they told me to use head office address as if i put the wrong address the courts could throw it out i hope i haven't been given the wrong advice

  4. c/o Clydesdale Bank Customer Relations

    30 ST Vincent Place


    G1 2HL




    I took all my letters into the Yorkshire bank where my account was held, and they said they had send them to the head office in glasgow.I was told by the bank manager that they could not deal with any further letters as they were not authorized to do so, so all other correspondance had to go to head office.
  5. at one point i thought i had won, they had not aknowledged my claim.I put a judgment order in and i reciieved a a letter from the courts to say they had pay me in full then kirsty ross applied for a stay and got it on the grounds that the papers went to a wrong department and she didn't recieve them ( another delaying tactic) so i filled the AQ form in she then went for another stay for a month,so they could settle and i am fully expecting her to put in a request for another stay for an extra month but i am going to take the advice given to annie and write her a letter for settlement and pay the acctual loss occuring to the bank providing they give me a breakdown of the charges, and i am going to object to any other stay. i have been preparing to go to court and have got my court bundle together and, now i am just preparing my statement. In her AQ she has written she is taking two witnesses with her to court, has she stateted that she is taking these witnesses to any other court cases and has anybody any idea who these will be

  6. I am at this stage too, they offered me £1, 800 (which i turned down )roughly half my claim and denied the sum of £3,554 which i am claiming for i filled AQ which Kirsty Ross asked for a stay which ends on the 15th of nov she has not made any attempt to get in touch with me. Kirsty ross has used every delaying tactic that could be used so i am expecting her to ask for another stay if she does i intend to write to the courts 0bjecting to it as it says in the letter i recieved from the judge both parties have to agree on the extra month stay

  7. I went to the finacial ombusman with my case before i found this site, Yorkshirebank took £2, 884 so i complained to the fos, the complaints form they sent me had enough space for to outline breifly my compliant which was enough room for about four sentances, after about 3 months i recieved a letter from them saying that they felt Yorkshire bank had been helpfull and treated me fairlly and the case was now closed they never once spoke or wrote to me asking me for more detailed information after about a year i found this site and are now fighting back

  8. I have recieved this letter about a fortnight ago can somebody please tell me how best to deal with it, District judge arkless orders that this claim is stayed until 15th november to enable the parties to attempt setlement.

    On or before the 29th november one of the following steps must be taken.either the claiment must notify the court that the whole of the claim has been settled or the claiment

    or defendant must write to the court requesting an extention of the stay period, explaining the steps being taken towards settlement and identifying any mediator, expert, or other persons helpingwith the process. The letter should confirm the ageement of all the other parties.

    or all the parties must file a complete allocation questionare at the court. Where a settlement of some of the issues in dispute has been reached, a list of these issues should be attached to the completed questionnaire. The list must be agreed with the other parties and must indicate that it has been agreed. the bank asked for one month to resolve matter but i have had no futher correspondance of them (suprise suprise)

  9. :confused: I have filled my AQ form in and sent it of to the courts with a copy to the bank I recieved a copy from them via ms ross saying they are sending 2 witnesess any idea who these will be also they are disputing how much the have charged even though I have sent a breakdown of all costs and have all my statements to prove it. I found the court bundle very helpful and the Peter Mcnamara cd
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