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Posts posted by justiceseeker

  1. This is his badly written sob story, from the company website:


    "Father of three children who live in another country.


    Suffered three years of court action for large money claims but had to fight constant manipulation from mother, using me as the scapegoat for bad behaviour, England being a bad place,my family are ugly, turning minor matters into major court actions and intense manipulation against me of communications and access, time spent.


    When the divorce happened in 2012 Andrew lost everything. Similar to Alex, Andrew had to travel every weekend for 18 months to see his gorgeous three children and take hotels. The ex wife was seeing another and very quickly moved her and the two children in with him whilst the oldest that she disliked was left at the grandparents.


    Andrew kept a very quite tongue knowing that the every week ability to be with the children would not last. After 18 months outside the school gates she asked him the dreaded question that he knew was to come. “I need more”


    When Andrew described his scenario incredibly the use of social services, police and lawyers arrived within 10 days. A coincidence? He has been fighting since.


    Now he cannot see all three children until May 2016 because now she has used her new job to victimise and use the french system against him. He has no lawyer as he has no funds. The pain caused is immeasurable. Being intelligent Andrew has been calm and patient."

  2. Andrew Hart owed me money, but never paid up.


    WPPL is set to dissolve tomorrow, based on the detail at Companies House.


    I've noticed that Mr Hart has gone into business again for a new company called PARENT SPEAK LTD. He also retains a Directorship in DACM PROPERTY INVEST LTD.


    I'm guessing he is only banned for financial services and is still permitted to be a Director of any other company?

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