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Posts posted by needmorehelp

  1. Has anyone else had problems with the Peugeot diagnostic test providing completely erroneous results? If so could you post here.


    My own experience was my father's peugeot 206 and the airbag light. My local (trusted) garage said that we should use Peugeot as they had the expertise to diagnose the fault. The test cost £70 and the diagnosis was a new passenger airbag at a cost of £900 plus the possibility of a new ECU unit at a further cost of several hundred pounds.


    As the cost of your repairs potentially equalled the value of the car we did not proceed with the advice given and instead sought a second opinion. The second opinion identified that the fault lay with the driver’s side and was the clock spring/contact ring in the steering wheel. The cost of this repair was £52.88.


    When I visited the Peugeot dealer for an explanation he said “that’s Peugeot technology for you”.


    I am currently seeking to recover the cost of the diagnostic test - not a great deal of money in the scheme of things but had we proceeded (bearing in mind it wouldn't have solved the problem) it would have negated any value left in the car. There seem to be several similar instances on the Internet and it may be worthwhile creating a test case based on misrepresentation and failure to advise that their tests are not fully accurate or backed up by expert opinion (mechanic).


    Thoughts anyone?

  2. She is criminal defense though...and pleased "lack of knowledge" re civil cases. Anyway she did say if it is too generic, doesn't contain anything specific to your circumstances then the Judge may reasonably find in favour of the bank. I asked her if any of the firm were reclaiming - she said loads of them - but all using the no win no fee as too busy to do it themselves!


    There are several versions of the Statement of Evidence. Based on what she said I think that I should have used the version that lays out the sequence of events (can't rememnber the link, but it is this site). There are just too many versions floating around - confusing!!

  3. Hi Atlantic,

    Interesting view from my daughter re Statement of Evidence. Too generic and the Judge prefers a succinct case - not tons of paperwork. Will see how it goes later this month (will post result on this thread), but if we lose there are still four other cases at later stages ....

  4. Hi Atlantic,

    Tend to support your views - too many abusing the system by not taking it seriously when submitting. That said - even though the last court bundle was 211 pages and had some personal circumstances to be considered - I still wish that I had taken a bit more effort. We'll see what happens end of June!


    The next one is Lloyds then back to RBoS. Too many kids I guess.

  5. Sorry Atlantic. I was not clear (a fairly frequent accusation from her indoors). What I meant was - which bank started the charges system? I worked for a large systems integrator and ran into an ex colleague a few months ago. He said that the charges were started by one bank and adopted by the others soon after. He gave me the banks name - but I wont post it until I have checked that I have the right bank. If true, it would be interesting to research that bank and what they stated publicly when they first introduced the charges system.

  6. Stick with it Atlantic and good luck.


    Went to deliver the first bundle today - Mag. Court closed - Queen's b'day!! Doh!

    Will deliver it tomorrow. Also filed the next lot of MCOL claims - that's another 3 claims on their merry way! Trouble with having too many kids!


    Noticed a couple of questions re the calaculator. Here's a set of spreadsheets on this site that may help.



  7. This is recopied from my "Last Question"...hope it helps someone a bit...


    The Court Bundle goes out on Tuesday, but I want to finish it tonight!! Can someone advise which Statement of Evidence they used for RBoS???


    I have used Gary H's one as supplied for Re: Peter Rabbit V Barclays...


    http://www.consumeractiongroup.c o.uk/forum/




    Is this what everyone else is using? I ask as it is one heck of a size after you include the 90 odd pages for the Australian Default Charges Report (Nicole Rich).


    Should have added these are the attachments (excluding statements, letters etc)


    RBoS Charge Tariffs – March 1993 to January 2007

    Student Royalties Terms & Conditions

    Miscellaneous Letters from RBoS

    Balance of Accounts

    Overdraft Limit (includes Terms & Conditions)

    Example Referral Charge Letter

    Example Referral Charge Letter

    Examples of Claims Settled by RBoS

    Relevant Case Law Summary

    Early Day Motion from the Houses of Parliament

    Dunlop versus New Garage

    UTCCR 1999

    UCTA 1977

    SOGA 1982

    OFT Statement Summary

    BBC Commission Conclusion

    Transcript of radio interview with Peter McNamara

    Australian Default Charges Report (Nicole Rich)

  8. OK, let's go back a bit. I reviewed the alternative statements of evidence and chose the Peter Rabbit version as most fitting RBoS. This one has the statement...

    - In a recent study undertaken in Australia, (Nicole Rich, “Unfair fees: a report into penalty fees charged by Australian Banks”) it was estimated that the cost to an Australian Bank of a customers direct debit refusal was estimated to be in the region of 54 cents. By reviewing the banks’ charges against the above figure, the study estimated that banks could be charging between 64 to 92 times what it costs them to process a direct debit refusal. The study’s key findings stated that in its opinion the Australian Bank’s cheque and direct debit return charges were likely to be penalties at law.


    I didn't want to include this statement without backing it up.



  9. My understanding is that Australian law is very similar to UK law, so a UK court might be persuaded to follow it.

    Which Statement of Evidence are you using? The ones listed here all include this as part of the pack. To my mind it does no harm, except it is large. We submit our claim tomorrow so have a little time to review the situation.

    I did list my full pack plus the statement of evidence that I used ...it is under "Last Question"...


  10. Good luck Nell. I think that I have most of it now. Drop a message here if you get stuck and no-one answers - I have been through most of the panics!!


    Failing all else you could use the same evidence statement (link above) plus the support stuff listed.

  11. The Court Bundle goes out on Tuesday, but I want to finish it tonight!! Can someone advise which Statement of Evidence they used for RBoS???


    I have used Gary H's one as supplied for Re: Peter Rabbit V Barclays...






    Is this what everyone else is using? I ask as it is one heck of a size after you include the 90 odd pages for the Australian Default Charges Report (Nicole Rich).


    Should have added these are the attachments (excluding statements, letters etc)


    RBoS Charge Tariffs – March 1993 to January 2007 69

    Student Royalties Terms & Conditions 70

    Miscellaneous Letters from RBoS 71 - 74

    19th April 2005 – Balance of Accounts 71

    30th June 2005 – Overdraft Limit (includes Terms & Conditions) 72

    14th January 2004 – Example Referral Charge Letter 73

    17th April 2005 – Example Referral Charge Letter 74

    Examples of Claims Settled by RBoS 75

    Relevant Case Law Summary 76 – 78

    Early Day Motion from the Houses of Parliament 79 - 80

    Dunlop versus New Garage 81 - 82

    UTCCR 1999 83 - 93

    UCTA 1977 94 - 102

    SOGA 1982 103 - 115

    OFT Statement Summary 116 – 118

    BBC Commission Conclusion 119

    Transcript of radio interview with Peter McNamara 121 - 122

    Australian Default Charges Report (Nicole Rich) 123 -

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