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Posts posted by Redstar7

  1. Ok i issued a set-aside to the court but this was struck out. The university through the solicitors gave evidence and the judge believed them. I am on benefits and have no inccome or assets, so how do i stop the enforcement? I already sent a N244 form for the set-aside and stay any warrant of execution. Do i use the N245 form now?

    A HCEO has already visited twice (works for the LTD company HCEO) leaving a letter through letterbox. I never opened the door. All windows and doors shut, i have no car to levy on or any goods outside my flat


    How do i proceed from here?

  2. Yes i will give them what i want: nothing

    Actually i wanted advice not advise but thats neither here nor there; obviously if you were a judge i know which way you would rule. Thankfully you are not, its a shame there is no one else interested posting in my thread.

    Oh and i will defend from fraudulant claims until the end of time you can believe that.


    To all readers of this thread I will post my updates when they occur

  3. My grounds will be, What "service" did i recieve that warranted the sum of almost £5000 to be claimed against me?

    Since i did no recieve any qualification from this university. I was studying for a standard undergraduate degree, why was i being charged upfront anyway?

    Also to whom do i owe this debt? The first DCA was sent a letter by me which said prove the contract exists or go away. They did not contact me again, so why has this matter resurfaced?

    Fair enough Defence?

  4. Tuition Fee "debt"

    Hello i have just recieved in the post a county court claim from my old uni via a solictor. The claim is for just under £5000.

    I first of all sent a letter to STA GRAYDON after they started to send threatening letters in the post to me. I sent a template letter from this website which basically told them to prove the debt or do not contact me again. This worked i have not heard from this DCA since the end of July.

    Now i get a county court claimlink3.gif made against me from the uni through a solicitor called "Michael T Hadfield" which i have never heard from before, but they are based in Kent.


    POC Reads: By a written agreement made on or about 9 September 2009 the Claimant and the Defendant agreed that the Claimant should perform certain services for the Defendant, namely provide university tuition,accommodation and associated services ('the services') in consideration of the sum of £6197.34 ('the contract price') full particulars of which have been given by invoces as set out below:



    Claimant is claiming 8% interest also plus £4316.88

    How do i deal with this? i dispute the claim entirely!

    I also have virtually no net worth anyway.

    Where should i start, i believe i have 14 days to respond to this claim?

    In the documents sent there was no agreement with my signature which states i owe this debt, which i do not owe, so can i say the smae thing, prove the debt exists or go away as i did with the DCA?

  5. UPDATE: I sent a letter to STA GRAYDON from this website which basically told them to prove the debt or do not contact me again. This worked i have not heard from them since the end of July.

    Now i get a county court claim made against me from the uni through a solicitor called "Michael T Hadfield" which i have never heard from before, they are based in Kent.

    How do i deal with this? i dispute the claim entirely!

  6. ok thanks guys, i have just sent an email to my housing association anyway and they have said they are unable to assign the tenancy to me. But add me to the household list lol

    Yes i know i have a right under law to recieve this small flat to live in. They are sending a leaflet about the rules to me through the post as well. Do i need to get this in wriing from them? and how long would it take for them to evict me? Months? If i took this to court the judge has to rule in my favour doesn't he?

    What is the point of "gatekeeping" if they know someone is prepared to take this all the way, get local Mp involved etc which i am thinking of doing.

  7. Hi Redstar7, I've just read your thread and would like to suggest a couple of useful links:


    Rent in advance

    A CL can be obtained for this whether or not the applicant is leaving institutional or residential care or has applied for or obtained a CCG. Web-page c/o 'Shelter'.


    Homelessness Code of Guidance for Local Authorities

    In order to achieve lower homelessness "targets" Councils are being unhelpful. Misinformation, incompetence and "gate keeping" are widespread. It helps if you know how the Councils are supposed to apply the law because they pay scant regard to their duty of homelessness.


    Kindest regards, Paul.



    Thankyou Paul,

    I did smell something fishy about the "advice" given by the incompetant "Housing Officer" who actually did not know what a "Request to Assign a Tenancy" form was!

    Ok so i am going to send a letter to the Housing Association recorded delivery (so cant be ignored) formally requesting the flat given in my name.

  8. Thanks for replying Erikapnp,


    Yes i am going to contact the Citizens advice Breau tommorrow. I must be accepted as liable, the Housing association is duty bound to provide housing for those who need it are they not?


    edit: ok i have just found out i am legally classified as a squatter so i'm homeless! The upside is that the council are duty bound to provide temporary accomodation.

  9. Hi everyone,

    i am currently unemployed claiming JSA and i live alone so i am eligible for Housing and council tax benefit.

    The previous tenant was my mother who has left the property (moved out) so has left it for me to me to pay for. I have no contract with the Housing Association however and was told over the phone by the housing officer that this was fine, the flat would not be in my name however. Is this right? Is claiming benefit about just giving a name and address?

    Is anyone and have they been in a similar situation?


    Thanks for your advice guys

  10. Hi, i attended a Derby uni last september but i left the course in April. The reason i left was the very reason that i could not afford the tuition fees that the uni demanded i pay upfront. They are demanding over £4000, I was told i was not eligable for tuition fee support. The uni has since passed on the "debt" on to a DCA. The DCA is STA GRAYDON.

    Any advice would be very appreciated, which letters should i send to the uni/DCA.:eek:

    I am not in a financial position to pay and even if i was i am disputing it.

  11. Hello there, i have an issue with my university which is demanding i pay tuition fees. Is there a remedy i can pursue to pay off these "fees". I am attending an English university.

    How can it be lawful to charge for education which is suppoded to be free?


    Also, it is my second time at university so i will not get these paid by my local authority or student finance england. They are quoting some silly rule they have about once you have been to university once you can not apparently get tuition fees paid again. Sounds fishy any one have any thoughts on this?

  12. Hello, my mother this time last year took out an 18 month contract with O2.She never uses the phone (iphone) and wants to cancel now.So there are 6months left to go of the contract which end this november. What can i advise her to do?Send a CCA? there was no written signature or telephone contact at all. All this was done online, i assume there is a remedy that can be taken, without the "cancellation charge" [problem].Thankyou in advance

  13. Dealing with "Customer Operations"

    Pay As you Earn and self-assessment


    I have recently stopped working and so started the route of claiming my tax back. I have been stalled by them with a response which demands more proof and forms i do not have.

    -P45U (Employee leaving details) since i claimed jobseekers allowance earlier in the year in 2008. (i did so for two weeks until i got employed again)


    The sum they owe me i have worked out is over £1000 so its important to me.

    They also want forms P45 (Employee leaving deails) for all employments during the taax year 2007-08

    Also P60 for 2007-08 (certificate of pay and tax)

    At the end of the letter is a snotty "i am unable to consider your claim without this information"


    I am now claiming jobseekers allowance again.

    I have read the direct.gov information but of course this is a self-interest organisation and they will not give you the whole story/truth.



    If you're claiming Jobseeker's Allowance or taxable Incapacity Benefit

    "If you're claiming Jobseeker's Allowance or taxable Incapacity Benefit, you won't be able to claim a tax refund straight away. This is because these benefits are taxable and affect any refund that you can claim.

    You'll need to give form P45 Parts 2 and 3 to the Benefit Office to make sure that you get any tax refund you're entitled to - you keep Part 1A for your own records.

    If you're getting Jobseeker's Allowance, the Benefit Office will pay any refunds you're entitled to after the end of the tax year. If you stop claiming Jobseeker's Allowance before the end of the tax year, the Benefit Office will pay any refund you're entitled to after you've stopped claiming.

    If you get Incapacity Benefit, you'll get any refund you're entitled to after the end of the tax year."




    Has anyone here tried a specific route to cut through the delaying tactics and get the repayment back in a straight-forward manner?


    thankyou for reading and helping out!:)

  14. Actually all education is free. Mature student or not, i myself am going into education this year.

    Do you think they will tell you and make it easy for you to claim the monies you are entitled to? No. They won't so you have to dig and put in the effrot to find out. The University hardship fund would be my first "port of call" as it were.

    You will get all the funds necessary you need. The UK has signed an international agreement to free education for all. If we do not claim this money "they" the fictional government will use the funds as they then see fit. E.g buying more tanks, war planes etc.


    Everyone needs to be responsible for their actions and accept FULL LIABILITY and not just limited liability being treated as a child by our nanny Government.

    This is the root of all our woes right now anyway, feeling like we are being crushed right now with these ridiculous Statute regulations (which are NOT laws) only given the force of law and these need your consent.


    Type in TUPC (the peoples united collective) check the videos section - the video "with lawful excuse" will change you, believe me.


  15. actually if you dug deeper as i have you will find that he speaks the truth.

    If you even think our currency has any value whatsoever your under an illusion also.

    You have a lot of learning to do my friend;)

  16. Education is free

    Being told it is not is a lie

    please check this site, it will change your life [EDIT]


    Worth a rep for me:)

  17. Have you ever wondered WHY we apparently have to pay for our post secondary education at all?


    Its possible to discharge your student loans, i found out about this while i have been involved with the "freeman" movement. type this in your google tpuc which stands for the peoples united community. I can't give you a url because the mods here will delete the thread.

    theres a ton of other mind blowing stuff on here too.

    For example how to discharge your mortgages, since as i understand it all shelter, food and education is a right under common law. Not the phoney statute legislation they would have us believe is law; but is actually only given the force of law. Check out their forums.


    Check it out, this information changed my life so i'm just spreading the great news!

    Also i have copied and pasted the info here. The example applies to canada here, but can be amended for use in the UK.



    Free your Bond… your mind will follow!

    This information is provided for education, entertainment and positive social change purposes only and does not constitute legal advise. It is not intended to aid any one in avoiding lawful debts.

    Its purpose is to secure for all Canadians their right to fully funded post secondary education.

    The following is from the Federal Student Loan Act.

    Canada Student Loans Act

    CHAPTER S-23

    An Act to facilitate the making of loans to students

    19.1 (1) Subject to this section and section 19.2, no action or proceedings shall be taken to recover money owing under a guaranteed student loan more than six years after the day on which the money becomes due and payable.

    Deduction and set-off

    (2) Money owing under a guaranteed student loan may 1 be recovered at any time by way of deduction from or set-off against any sum of money that may 2 be due or payable by Her Majesty in right of Canada to the borrower or the estate or succession of the borrower.

    1-In the first use of 'may', they are giving permission. That implies TWO parties. What if whoever they are giving permission to, needs permission from two sources? And what if you are the second source of permission? If you never give it, they cannot act.

    2- In the second use of 'may' they are defining the level of claim needed to be made. It does not say 'is due or payable'. All you have to do is claim, not claim and prove.

    If they owe you money, it can be used to pay off your loan. Here's the thing: THEY ALWAYS OWE YOU MONEY!!!

    Now look on the back of your Birth Certificate.

    ØYou will find a number. (If you are from Ontario, it may be on the front. It's the number they do not identify. It will start with a letter.)

    ØIt’s a Bond tracking number and every year that bond generates revenue. (Its supported by your pledge of future commercial output and your consent to be taxed.)

    ØThat revenue is in fact yours and is part of the Federal Transfer payments the federal government sends to the provincial government every year. The Federal Minister of Finance is acting as a fiduciary over that revenue and bond. Those funds are yours and they owe it to you. (Who else’s could it be, when it is supported by YOUR pledge?)

    ØBecause you never ask for it or direct how it is to be spent, they send it to your provincial representatives.

    ØWhen you direct the Minister of Finance to direct funds from the transfer payments (which are in fact yours) and deposit them into an account for the payment or set-off of the debt, you discharge your loan. (It goes to zero.)

    ØThe transfer payments received by your provincial representatives will be decreased by the amount transferred, but you as a member of the society will no longer be in debt, and that’s actually good for you and your society. Additionally, since you honourably discharged your loan, your credit rating improves, you can justify getting another loan and bringing in even more money to your society.

    ØPlus, your provincial representatives will get LESS OF YOUR MONEY TO SQUANDER AND WASTE!

    DO THIS:

    1.Read the letters attached and create a similar ones. Send the letter to the MP first, then 7 days later file the Claim of Right. After 30 days serve them a Notarized copy of the Bill of Exchange.

    2.Bring it to a Notary Public and have them notarize it and then mail it via registered mail. The original goes to the Minister of Finance and a certified true copy of the original to the financial institution you are dealing with.

    3.Your debt is set off or discharged. You owe nothing. You have paid by ordering your fiduciary trustee to act. The financial institution will have to go after the Minister, not you.

    4.Have a big party.

    5.Attend a "Think Free" Seminar and learn even more about the governments' deception. Support The Elizabeth Anne Elaine Society.

    6.Start a great life without a big debt load. Be loving, compassionate and truthful.

    The Elizabeth Anne Elaine Society


    Justice is Truth in Action

    International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

    Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly

    resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December 1966

    entry into force3 January 1976, in accordance with article 27


    Article 13

    1. The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to education. They agree that education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and the sense of its dignity, and shall strengthen the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. They further agree that education shall enable all persons to participate effectively in a free society, promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations and all racial, ethnic or religious groups, and further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.

    2. The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize that, with a view to achieving the full realization of this right:

    (a) Primary education shall be compulsory and available free to all;

    (b) Secondary education in its different forms, including technical and vocational secondary education, shall be made generally available and accessible to all by every appropriate means, and in particular by the progressive introduction of free education;

    © Higher education shall be made equally accessible to all, on the basis of capacity, by every appropriate means, and in particular by the progressive introduction of free education;

    (d) Fundamental education shall be encouraged or intensified as far as possible for those persons who have not received or completed the whole period of their primary education;

    (e) The development of a system of schools at all levels shall be actively pursued, an adequate fellowship system shall be established, and the material conditions of teaching staff shall be continuously improved.

    3. The States Parties to the present Covenant undertake to have respect for the liberty of parents and, when applicable, legal guardians to choose for their children schools, other than those established by the public authorities, which conform to such minimum educational standards as may be laid down or approved by the State and to ensure the religious and moral education of their children in conformity with their own convictions.

    4. No part of this article shall be construed so as to interfere with the liberty of individuals and bodies to establish and direct educational institutions, subject always to the observance of the principles set forth in paragraph I of this article and to the requirement that the education given in such institutions shall conform to such minimum standards as may be laid down by the State.

    Article 28

    The provisions of the present Covenant shall extend to all parts of federal States without any limitations or exceptions.

    The Elizabeth Anne Elaine Society


    Justice is Truth in Action


    What is a 'set-off'?

    In Sigurdson v. R. in Right of B.C., [1982] 2 W.W.R. 579 (B.C.C.A.), Carrothers, J.A., speaking for a majority, dealt with the concept of set-off at page 592, as follows:




    The law relating to true set-off is well settled. A true set-off of indebtedness can take place only between two debtors who are at the same time one another's creditors. A set-off is merely the remission or cancellation pro tanto of reciprocal debts by applying one's credit receivable from another against one's debt owed to that other. A set-off is a cross-claim for money's worth respecting mutual or reciprocal debts due and owing and to the same parties in the same right.



    Won't we be taking money from hospitals, roads, schools and emergency services?

    YES. Absolutely. (See there really is no free lunch.) Now tell me, which of those things mentioned can be designed, built, maintained or upgraded without an educated populace? Every penny you invest in education comes back in dollars.


    I had to struggle to go to school. Why shouldn't everyone else?

    You should hire a lawyer and sue whoever educated you, for they failed to teach you the most fundamental aspects of being a decent human being and community member. 'I suffered so you must also' is the thought process of an angry and bitter person. What is stopping you from thinking "I suffered, so you shouldn't have to!" ? Many died in the last century in World Wars. Because they did so, are we obliged to as well? Or are we perhaps free from those burdens BECAUSE they previously carried them? Please wake up.


    Whose Money is it? Your federal representative is transferring money to your provincial representative and neither would have the right to touch that money if not for the fact that they are acting as your representative. So, who must that money actually belong to? Plus the courts have ruled that transfer payments cannot be used for partisan purposes. It has to be spent on the people in the province.


    What if they simply refuse to do it?

    Remember a few key things:

    1.The only form of government recognized as lawful in Canada is a representative type.

    2.Representation requires MUTUAL CONSENT.

    3.If you revoke your consent, you no longer have a representative and therefore no longer have a government!

    4.No STATUTE will have the force of law over you. No government agent will have any authority over you. You can in effect SINK YOUR BOND.

    5.Tell them if they refuse to do what you wish, that you will no longer be a member of society and will never consent to governance again. Then ask who will be paying THEIR pensions? Certainly wont be you…

    6.Realize this is your right. It is fundamentally unlawful for your representative government to burden you for wishing to better yourself and your society. The threat of the debt stops many from seeking a higher education. The burdens once placed, harm our families; deny our children their parents’ time and resources and result in less volunteer work in our communities. It causes stress and immense harm. The government is the only one who benefits from an ignorant and uneducated populace.

    7.Contact Rob [email protected] and have him advocate for you. He will argue the government did not fail to meet their obligations. If any government agent wishes to argue under oath and upon their full commercial liability, that the government did fail to meet their obligations, they are free to do so.

    Only the educated are free. --- Epictetus

    If you can read this, thank a teacher. --- Anonymous teacher

    Let us reform our schools, and we shall find little need of reform in our prisons. --- John Ruskin

    The Elizabeth Anne Elaine Society


    Justice is Truth in Action


    How to use these documents:


    1.Send the letter (marked ‘Notice’) to your MP asking the 20 questions.

    ·When they do not respond, send off the second letter and go to the next step.

    2.Create a Claim of Right, get it Notarized and send a certified true copy of the original via registered mail to all of the following:

    1.The Prime Minister

    2.Your MP

    3.The Premier

    4.Your MLA

    5.The Minister of Finance

    6.Receiver General

    7.Head of The Student Loan organization


    3.Craft a simple Affidavit attesting to the fact you have served that Claim of Right on the people in question. (See the example) Have it Notarized and submit both the affidavit and a copy of the Claim into the court registry.

    4.Wait 30 days.

    5.If no one responds, you have established your rights claimed. Congratulations! Now create and send off the Bill of Exchange. The original goes to the Minister, your agent. A certified true copy goes to the student loan organization. (Whoever you would make your payment to) Another gets deposited in the court registry.

    6.Three days later, send off the Confirmation of Settlement Letter and have a copy deposited in the court registry.


    Congratulations, you are finished! You have not only paid off your loan, you have uncovered a fundamental truth the government never wanted you to find out! Your actions, and those of others at this time will inevitably result in a system of fully funded post secondary education for all Canadians. You are a Hero!








    The Elizabeth Anne Elaine Society


    Justice is Truth in Action









    Dear M.P.

    I have heard talk lately of the number on the back of my Birth Certificate being a bond tracking number. Apparently our pledge to consent to taxation supports these bonds. I have also heard that we have the right to access funds within those bonds, or the revenue generated by them to pay for our education. If so this would be a great benefit to millions of students throughout this great country.

    Also, over the last election, I heard a great deal of talk concerning government accountability coming from those we have elected. I feel that accountability is impossible without honesty, knowledge and competence. Towards that ends I must ask you a series of important questions. These questions are very simple and straightforward and I demand you answer them fully, completely, honestly and immediately. Failure to do so will mean you accept my right to answer these questions myself, and then inform you as my representative, what those answers are. You will then be bound by those answers as if you had supplied them. This seems very fair, reasonable and equitable to me. I have numbered the questions for your easy reference and to aid in our communications.

    1.What exactly is the number on the back (front) of my Birth Certificate?

    2.Why is it not identified as to its function?

    3.Is it a 'bond tracking' number?

    4.If so, when was a bond generated?

    a)Who generated it?

    b)Did they enjoy informed consent?

    5.What is the value of the bond, assuming there is one?

    6.Who owns title to that bond?

    7.Does that bond generate revenue?

    8.Does my pledge, promise, oath or obligation, support the bond, if there is one?

    9.If yes, when did I pledge, promise or make oath?

    10.If there is no money in my bond generating revenue, who stole my money?

    11.Who initially put money in the bond?

    12.Is interest paid on that bond?

    13.If so, to whom and how much interest is paid?

    14.Does the revenue generated by the bond, if there is any, form part of the 'Federal Transfer Payments' the Federal and Provincial levels of government bicker over?

    15.Would either level of representation have the right to control or access those payments if they were not acting as a representative?

    16.To who do those Federal Transfer Payments actually belong?

    17.Is there a fiduciary over the bond?

    18.If so who is it?

    a) If not does this mean NO ONE is in charge of the bond?

    19.Is it true we have the right to deny consent to be represented and thus governed?

    20. Has your hand been 'in the cookie jar'?


    Please answer these questions as herein directed. Many people want and need to know the answers to these simple questions. If you cannot or will not answer them, all must conclude that you are grossly incapable of representing me, and appropriate and lawful steps will then be taken.


    Sincerely and without malice aforethought, ill-will, vexation or frivolity,

    Will U. Tellme DaTruth




    All rights reserved, non-assumpsit, With Prejudice

    The Elizabeth Anne Elaine Society


    Justice is Truth in Action




    DATE: _________________________

    Dear M.P. _______________________



    Hi! I am _______________________ and I recently wrote to you, asking twenty simple questions. I informed you that if you failed to respond and answer those questions, I would answer them for you, and you would be bound by those answers as if they had been your own. As you have had time to respond, and have not, and as I am sure you have seen these questions before, your reluctance to answer is strongly indicative of fraudulent activity. Here are the answers to the questions. Now, if you are ever asked them again, you can refer to this correspondence and your other constituents wou’t have to wait or otherwise feel they are being defrauded.


    What exactly is the number on the back (front) of my Birth Certificate?

    Answer: Bond Tracking Number

    Why is it not identified as to its function?

    Answer: Government does not want us to realize the Bonds’ existence.

    Is it a 'bond tracking' number?

    Answer: YES!

    If so, when was a bond generated

    Answer: When our parents registered our birth.

    Who generated it?

    Answer: The government did, with the apparent consent of our parents.

    Did they enjoy informed consent?

    Answer: NO, they did not!

    What is the value of the bond, assuming there is one?

    Answer: At least One Million Dollars

    Who owns title to that bond?

    Answer: Whoever holds The Record of Live Birth (Government)

    Does that bond generate revenue?

    Answer: If it does not, someone is guilty of either theft, or gross negligence.

    Does my pledge, promise, oath or obligation, support the bond, if there is one?

    Answer: YES!

    If yes, when did I pledge, promise or make oath?

    Answer: Your parents initially made oath, you confirmed when you applied for your SIN.

    If there is no money in my bond generating revenue, who stole my money?

    Answer: This requires an RCMP investigation.

    Who initially put money in the bond?

    Answer: This requires an RCMP investigation.

    Is interest paid on that bond?

    Answer: This requires an RCMP investigation.

    If so, to whom and how much interest is paid?

    Answer: This requires an RCMP investigation.

    Does the revenue generated by the bond, if there is any, form part of the 'Federal Transfer Payments' the Federal and Provincial levels of government bicker over?

    Answer: YES!

    Would either level of representation have the right to control or access those payments if they were not acting as a representative?

    Answer: NO!

    To who do those Federal Transfer Payments actually belong?

    Answer: Whoever is being represented.

    Is there a fiduciary over the bond?

    Answer: YES, of ocurse!

    If so who is it?

    Answer: The Minister of Finance

    If not does this mean NO ONE is in charge of the bond?

    Is it true we have the right to deny consent to be represented and thus governed?

    Answer: Absolutely!

    Has your hand been 'in the cookie jar'?

    Answer: This requires an RCMP investigation.


    As all can tell from our agreed upon answers to these questions, there is clearly a need for an RCMP investigation on five or more seperate issues. If you do not agree this is the case, please get back to me within 7 days. I will be including a copy of this letter to the Commissioner of the RCMP and informing them that both I and my Member of Parliament feel there is a need for an immediate investigation.


    Sincerely and without malice aforethought, ill-will, vexation or frivolity,

    Will U. Tellme DaTruth




    All Rights Reserved, Non-Assumpsit, With Prejudice


    Claim of Right


    DATE: _____________


    I, __________(Name)________ ___, a Human Being in a Common Law jurisdiction, born in ______( ********* City)____________ on or about the ______________ day in the month of _____________ in the year _______________ to _____(mother)______________ and _____(father)___________ have the ability and power to establish rights by use of a Claim of Right.


    I do hereby claim that among my rights are all of the following:



    • I claim the right to an education.
    • I claim the right to use the funds either in my bond (evidenced by the bond tracking number on the Birth Certificate issued to me by the government) or to use the funds generated by the bond to either pay off any student loan if I do have one, or to pay directly for my education if I do not have a loan.
    • I claim the right to use the funds in the bond or revenue generated by those funds to pay for food and shelter and any other rights recognized by the United Nations.
    • I claim the right to fire any one acting as a fiduciary over my bond if they fail to acknowledge all rights herein claimed.
    • I claim the right to revoke or deny consent to be represented and in doing so free myself from all statutory obligations and restrictions, if doing so is, in my opinion, in my best interest.
    • I claim the right to direct my fiduciary as to what to do with the revenue generated by my bond, provided the directives are a benefit to my society and me.
    • I claim the right to order and direct my federal representatives to transfer directly to me funds and moneys which they would normally transfer to my provincial representatives in the absence of any directives, if doing so is, in my opinion, in my best interest.


    These Rights are hereby lawfully claimed and are established as Law thirty days hence.

    Any and all concerned parties wishing to discuss or dispute these claims must send a Notice of Dispute or Offer of Discussion within thirty days via Registered mail to the address below.

    Failure to do so means that all parties agree that these rights herein claimed are lawfully established and will not be infringed, violated or abrogated in any way.

    All parties who have been served proper Notice of this claim and fail to discuss or dispute, and then infringe, violate or abrogate said rights, directly or through their agents, employees or proxies, agree they do so under FULL COMMERCIAL LIABILITY and further agree to pay to me upon my demand a sum certain of One Million Canadian Dollars for every infringement, violation or abrogation.


    This Claim of Right is made and served with the intent of bettering my society and myself and, without ill will, malice aforethought, frivolity or vexation.


    Claimant: ______________________________



    Notary: ________________________________


    Date: __________________

    Addressed To: _______(Minister of Finance , by NAME)

    CTCO: ______(Financial Institution_

    RE: Student Loan #:______________________


    I am ______(NAME)_________________ and my Birth Certificate registration number is ____(# From FRONT)______________ and the bond tracking number found on my Birth Certificate is ______(# on Back)_____.


    It is my understanding that the Bond evidenced by the tracking number generates revenue and that you are acting as a fiduciary in Trust to administer that bond and the revenue generated by it for my benefit, within our societal structure.


    In the Act governing my student loan, ____________ section _______ does state:


    Money owing under a guaranteed student loan may be recovered at any time by way of deduction from or set-off against any sum of money that may be due or payable by Her Majesty in right of Canada to the borrower or the estate or succession of the borrower.


    Furthermore, Article 13.2© of The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, to which Canada is a signatory, was ratified on January 3rd, 1976 and does state:

    © Higher education shall be made equally accessible to all, on the basis of capacity, by every appropriate means, and in particular by the progressive introduction of free education;


    Therefore TAKE NOTICE, that I am hereby directing you my fiduciary in Trust, to seize and direct sufficient funds and no more in the sum certain of $_________, generated by my Bond which you administer and to direct said funds to the financial institution herein mentioned to be used solely to set-off and discharge my student loan honourably, fully, completely and immediately.


    This lawful directive is a benefit to myself and my society, fulfills the UN Covenant and is well within your fiduciary authority.


    Failure to do as you are hereby lawfully directed within THREE juridical days will result in your dishonour, charges of nonfeasance and an immediate termination of your fiduciary responsibilities and Trustee status over my bond.


    Failure to discharge this account immediately may also result in legal action being instituted against you by the aforementioned financial institution.



    Jane Q. Student


    SIGN _________________________


    NOTARY _______________________





    Notice of Confirmation of Settlement


    With Prejudice


    Law of Agent and Principal Apply





    National Student Loan Centre


    Their Address here



    Dear Sir/Madam,


    I am _________________________________ and my student loan number was _________________________.


    On _____________(DATE of Claim if Right)_________ I created, served and filed a Claim of Right, a copy of which was forwarded to you via Certified Mail, Registration # ___________________________. According to my records and the registry, you failed to deny or express a desire to dispute my claims.


    Among those claims was the right to discharge my student loan with the revenue generated by my Bond, evidenced by the Bond tracking number on the back of my Birth Certificate.


    According to my records, I also created and served on your behalf a Bill of Exchange which was properly presented to my fiduciary agent via Certified Mail, registration # _______________________ directing them to discharge this loan immediately. A certified true copy of that bill was also sent to you via Certified Mail, registration # _______________________ and another copy of the same was filed in the registry on __________________.


    According to my records, I also transferred full liability for this debt to my fiduciary agent and as such have no more obligations to you of any sort. Collection of this debt from my fiduciary agent is entirely your responsibility, as I have exercised what authority I could, to cause them to release to you, funds sufficient to cover this debt.


    ORDER: Demand the Minister of Finance honour the Bill of Exchange presented to them and then balance the above account to zero and ensure that your records accurately reflect my honourably discharging this debt, using lawful yet little known means. Failure to do so may have a negative effect upon my credit rating, livelihood and happiness and will be cause for action against you personally for nonfeasance, misfeasance and gross negligence equaling fraud. Failure to do as you have been ordered will also be seen as an acceptance by you, of liability for this debt, and any and all harm your failure to act may cause.


    Sincerely and without malice aforethought, ill will, vexation or frivolity,


    Print Name




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