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Posts posted by willwork4foo

  1. Over the past 6 years, I've had a NatWest staff account (yeah I used to work for them!) and an undergraduate account, now I've got a postgraduate account. Whilst I was a student, as far as I am aware I got charged fees regularly for going over my overdraft limit as well as for unpaid direct debits. I'm going to go through my statements when they arrive and make sure my memory serves me correctly.

  2. NatWest charged me £38 AGAIN on friday... the standing order to pay my rent had gone out of my account on thursday, all fine, no problems, plenty of money in the account... and on friday they clawed it back and charged me??? Nobody I spoke to at NatWest could even suggest why any of that might have happened. It still took me 45 minutes and talking to 5 people before someone agreed to refund that particular charge.


    Something tells me that NatWest has been having a lot of requests recently from people asking for their statement history... when I asked for the last 6 years bank statements, there wasn't even the slightest flinch in the person's voice on the phone when they said it'd take 5-7 working days and cost me a fiver. I took a note of the person's name, the date and time of the call, and said "yes that'd be great, thanks!"


    Looking forward to getting my stuff soon - then I'm going to go through and start the ball rolling. I've read through loads of stuff on this site - and I'm ready.

  3. Hi All!


    I've never done anything like this before - but after being charged another double-whammy of two £38 charges by NatWest, I've decided enough is enough and I want my money back. I've ordered my statements for the last 72 months, and I am looking forward to going through and calculating the amount they owe me. I was a degree student for 4 years during that period, and my account was hit by fairly regular charges during that time, so I almost dread to think how much they've taken from me over the last 6 years.


    The double-whammy I referred to earlier is where I recently had not quite enough money in my account at a time when a Direct Debit was applied for (I think I had a shortfall of about £4) - and instead of paying the DD and making me £4 overdrawn, Natwest has applied a charge of £38 to my account (which is about £10 more than the DD was for), which has pushed me into unauthorized borrowing, for which they have applied another £38 charge. So now I'm about £52 overdrawn, and I still have a £28 direct debit bill to pay. Rather than having the bill paid and owing my bank £4. I have had this happen to me a few times in the past - I'm wondering, has anyone else seen this sort of behaviour from NatWest?


    Anyway, I don't think I'm going to bother with asking for the interest as well - I'll be quite happy just to get my charges back. I've done a quick estimation, and I reckon I am due about £2,500 back. I've been with NatWest for nearly 18 years, and I feel they owe me my money back now.


    Wish me luck!

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