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Posts posted by jackbauer01

  1. Didn't want to telephone as I have always been advised to do things by letter as there is a risk of emotions taking hold on the telephone.


    Sent this letter to them on the 13th June:

    Thank you for your letter dated ..... I wish to accept your offer of settlement on the above account. This will be on the basis of a full and final settlement of my complaint on the above account only.


    I am still currently in the process of awaiting a response from yourselves regarding reference xxxxxxxxx; this complaint was acknowledged on ............

    I would appreciate a consistent speedy response on that equal matter as soon as possible to avoid any further action.

    To clarify my position, I am accepting this offer as payment for my first claim, not both. I require repayment of my second claim in full. If you do not comply fully within 14 days then I shall begin a claim against you for the full amount plus interests plus my costs and without further notice.

    I have supplied a list of all charges and interest applied to the second account for your reference. I am enclosing a copy of the schedule of the charges which I am claiming. I have already sent you a copy of this in my original letter .......

    Finally, to assist me in further in my financial commitments, I would like to ask that you transfer the funds to the following bank account:

    AN Other Bank


    Account Number: xxxxxxxxx Sort Code: xxxxxxxxxx

    Alternatively a cheque will suffice.

    Have now had the following reply:


    Thank you for your correspondence received here on 18/06/07 relating to your claim for a refund of charges applied to your account.


    Unfortunately, due to the outstanding debt on open account number xxxxxxxx I am unable to comply with your request for payment to be made into another account. If you wish to proceed with your acceptance and have the funds transferred to this account then please confirm to us in writing.


    Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of further assistance.


    Yours sincerely.....


    The outstanding debt is an agreed overdraft.


    Should I just have it transferred and hope they don't try and cancel my overdraft? Or should I request a cheque, as I have advice that a cheque is best, in case they cancel the overdraft?


    Also, they haven't acknowledged my other claim in this correspondance.


    Any suggestions as to how I should reply?


    I am thinking about just writing to instruct them to transfer the funds into my account as payment for my first claim and to settle only that one and not both. I will then advise them that I will be proceeding with the second one in due course, advising them that as they received my letter on the 18th June 2007, I will give them 14 days from then to reply to that second claim, which gives them until the 2nd July 2007, at which point I will put in my claim to the courts.


    What do you think?


    Thanks in advance



  2. Had my reply...


    Thank you for your correspondence received here on 18/06/07 relating to your claim for a refund of charges applied to your account.

    Unfortunately, due to the outstanding debt on open account number xxxxxxxx I am unable to comply with your request for payment to be made into another account. If you wish to proceed with your acceptance and have the funds transferred to this account then please confirm to us in writing.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of further assistance.

    Yours sincerely.....



    The outstanding debt is an agreed overdraft.


    Should I just have it transferred and hope they don't try and cancel my overdraft? Or should I request a cheque?


    Also, they haven't acknowledged my other claim in this correspondance.


    Any suggestions as to how I should reply?





  3. Thanks for your resonse T4FF. It seems as though you have quite a fan club!

    Please could you have a look at the drafted letter as a response to the bank and see if it seems ok?



    Thank you for your letter dated xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. I wish to accept your offer of settlement on the above account. This will be on the basis of a full and final settlement of my complaint on the above account only.



    I am still currently in the process of awaiting a response from yourselves regarding reference xxxxxxxxxxxxx, this complaint was acknowledged by yourselves on xxxxxxxx.

    I would appreciate a consistent speedy response on that equal matter as soon as possible to avoid any further action.

    To clarify my position, I am accepting this first offer as payment for my first claim and not both as I will be proceeding with the second one in due course. I require repayment in full of this second claim also. If you do not comply fully within 14 days from the date of this letter then I shall begin a claim against you for the full amount plus interest and plus my costs and without further notice.

    Finally, to assist me with my unfortunate financial commitments as a result of these charges, I would like to ask that you transfer the funds to the following bank account:

    A.N. Other Bank




    Account Number: xxxxxxxxx Sort Code: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Alternatively a cheque will suffice.


    Yours faithfully,


  4. Just over 1 week ago. I have heard of people fast track a second claim once the first one is settled.


    My two claims cover the same time period and the same kind of claims. They are just for two seperate accounts (Joint and Single).


    Any advice is welcome.



  5. All,


    Sent off two applications:

    Single account = £4,207.00

    Joint account = £3,006.00.


    Asked for statements at the end of January.

    Received at the end of February.

    Sent off first letter beginning of April 2007.

    Sent off second letter 14 days later.

    Received settlement on single account letter last week for £4,207.00.


    I am presuming that as I made my applications seperately RBOS will respond seperately and so I am still waiting for my £3,006.00 response.


    I know I can go to the Small Claims Court but what I wish to do now is to write back asking them to fast track the 2nd outstanding claim stating should they wish to make the same kind of offer on that one then I would be prepared to accept both out of court.


    Is this wrong to do this? I have read about others doing it. Should I just wait to see what happens on the 2nd one or should I use this offer to fast track the second with a follow up letter?


    What do you think?


    The other point I wish to clarify is that RBOS are making the payment directly into my account, however I wish to have this made by cheque. How do I go about requesting this? Do I just write to advise?




    Jack Bauer

  6. Can anyone help?


    I have some partially good news!!


    I originally sent off two applications, one for my single account (£4,207.00)and one for my joint account (£3,006.00).


    I have had my first letter back from RBOS offering £4,207.00. I am presuming that as I made my applications seperately, they will respond seperately and so this is just for the single account application.


    What I wish to do now is to write back advising that I have a 2nd claim outstanding and should they wish to make the same offer on that one then I would be prepared to accept both out of court.


    Is this wrong to do this? Should I just wait to see what happens on the 2nd one or should I use this offer to fast track the second with a follow up letter?


    I want to do it for 2 reasons:


    - To ensure that this first offer isn't for both claims

    - To try and get a quick resolution on the second.


    What do you think?


    The other point I wish to clarify is that RBOS are making the payment directly into my account, however I wish to have this made by cheque. How do I go about requesting this? Do I just write to advise?





  7. Thanks for helping me with my spreadsheet.


    I have received a reply regarding the interest calculation as time goes on and you are given more charges by the bank, it is likely that more of the overdraft interest will exist as a consequence of those charges. This is how the spreadsheet works it out.


    I have also noticed now though that some of my charges have gone over the 6 year limit (2 months over). Will I need to take these out now, if I wish to keep my claim less opposable (for want of a better phrase!)

    It's about £355 worth.





  8. I've had a look around, but cannot see a thread that answers my question.


    Using the Advanced Excel spreadsheet, I wish to claim for the Interest Charged on my penalties.


    When putting my figures in, it seems to allow me to claim more back on different dates for the same amount of interest charged with the same overdrawn balance.


    For example:


    On the 27th March 2003 I was charged £2.36 interest. My account balance at the time was -£402.24, and the spreasheet allows me to claim back 0.59p.


    However, if I put...


    On the 27th March 2007 I was charged £2.36 interest. My account balance at the time was -£402.24, the spreadsheet allows me to claim back £2.36.


    Why the difference?


    I have tried to put in 12 fictional charge amounts of the same value as a test and run the interest charged the same for 12 months with the same overdrawn balance, in attempt to understand a pattern and it seems the amount I can claim back goes up in 8p's with each month.


    Can anyone explain how this works before I send my prelim. letter off?




    Jack Bauer



  9. Thanks for agreeing to quickly run over the interest on penalties for me.


    I have sent the two files over.


    About midway down each one, the Interest Charged and Interest on Penalties become the same.


    Have a look and see if seems right to you. Thanks again. I will send it off once I feel more comfortable with this.


    I may run the two at the same time and hopefully get a fasttrack if succesful on the second.



  10. Thanks for the reply.


    Regarding the 7 days, apologies. I did actually put 14 days in the letter, so that was a error on my thread. I have used the standard template letter on this website.


    As for the interest calculation, the amount I have worked out was done using the advanced spreadsheet. I just couldn't understand the different amounts given back on different days for the same interest charges and balances. However, I now see that may be because I was combining my two accounts and so it was throwing the formulas out.


    I have taken my letter back out of the post tray and am going to rewrite it so that I am making a claim in full.


    Am I still OK to seperate the claims into 2 for each account? For example, deal with my Single Account claim first in full and see how that works out. Then start the process again for my Joint Account?


    The only reason I didn't do this in the first place was because one of the accounts was for £4,500 and so when the 8% would go on, it would have gone over the £5,000 limit and I was worried about going out of small claims and I didn't want to reduce the claim to keep it within the limit.


    I was told the small claims limit may have included interest and so was just trying to play it safe.


    Thanks again!

  11. Received my 6 years worth of statements on my single AND joint account.


    Total amount eventually with 8% will be just under £10,000.


    I have decided to combine the two accounts and then split it into 2 claims so I keep it under £5,000.


    I have sorted all account charges and interest charges into date order and it works out if I claim between January 2002 and 16th August 2004 it comes to just over £3,500. This is what I am claiming for first. Once 8% is added in court, this will take the claim to £4985.


    I will claim for the second £5,000 once this is settled. I want to play it as safe as possible.


    Sent my first letter 28th March 2007 to:

    The Royal Bank of Scotland

    Retail Regulatory Risk

    Business House B

    PO Box 1000


    EH12 1HQ

    Will wait the 7 days now for a response before sending my second.

    Only thing I am a little unsure of is the Interest Charges as I couldn't understand why sometimes the formula worked out I was not due any interest, yet the same amount on a different year worked out I was due it all back.

    For example:

    04th February 2001 I was charged £17.12 interest with an o/d balance of £-837.65. The formula worked out I was ok to claim £4.19.

    However, put the same information into the spreadsheet with date of 04th February 2007 and you get the full £17.12 back.

    Can anyone explain this to me, so I understand what I am claiming for?

    My understanding though is that even if I don't understand the interest forumla it is up to the bank to work out a different method of calculation.

    Still it would help to know!

    Thanks, and I will keep you posted on both my claims as they happen and donate at the end if succesful.

  12. Regarding the 'interest on penalties' column on the spreadsheet, could someone answer the following (I have looked for a similar thread but couldn't locate one):


    I am putting my dates in as the last date of the period they are charging for and getting the balance from that date:


    If I put for example the following in:


    Int.Date Int.Charged Account Balance Interest On Penalties

    4/02/2001 17.12 -837.65 £4.19


    However, if I put that same detail in but with a date of 04/02/07 it comes out like this...


    Int.Date Int.Charged Account Balance Interest On Penalties

    04/02/2007 17.12 -837.65 £17.12



    Why is that? It may make perfectly logical sense, but I am about to put my first claim letter into the bank and I feel I need to understand it.




    Jack Bauer 01 (!)

  13. This is my first thread, so bear with me. Just collating all my charges over the last 6 years and I have noticed that RBOS have changed the Card Misuse charge of £35 to a Guaranteed Card Payment Fee.


    Does this effect my right to get this back, or am I alright to add this to my list of amounts I wish to claim?



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