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Posts posted by kregler

  1. It has recently been bought to my attention (by my wife) that 9 payments made from my personal A&L account to my personal Lloyds account have not been transfered. The money has left my A&L account but not shown up in my Lloyds account.


    The total amount that has been "lost" is £2900. Can't beleive we didn't notice this before as we are on the breadline like most.


    I have been querying this with A&L today and have been told that I will have to wait at least 5 days for a trace on the transfers. I called the complaints number this evening to say that 5 days is not acceptable in finding my money as they certainly don't give me 5 days to bring my account in to credit to avoid charges.


    Has anyone else had anything like this happen?


    Once they have "found" my money do I go for compensation? If so how do I go about it?

  2. I took my car in to our regualr garage on monday with a clutch issue. I called for an update on the Tuesday of which I was informed the parts would be in that afternoon. As the parts had already been ordered I also asked for a rough idea of price. No idea or rough estimate was given.


    Wednesday, I popped in of which this time I was informed the parts would be with them that afternoon. Again asked for a rough idea of price. They said call tomorrow morning (being today, Thursday).


    Called garage this morning of which told will be doing the works this afternoon. Had a call around 5pm saying the car is nearly ready but will be finished in the morning. Asked again about idea of price and lo-and-behold....£400 + VAT. Now, if they told me when I first asked for a rough cost I wouldn't have authorised the works. Even if they only gave me the price of the parts.


    The car is a 53 plate Ford Fusion with 195,000 miles on the clock. We had a small ding last year so the bumper is broken and made good. I reckon it's only worth about £1200.


    My wife called them back and they said they were under the impression we needed the car fixed regardless. Yes, we do need the car but at £480 I feel they should have checked this before carrying on with the works. The lack of communication from the garage has really wound me up. With the value of the car and the works carried out we could have got a newer vehicle...with at least half the mileage!!!


    Where do we stand and what can I do?

  3. Just received an offer of £270 against my claim of £390 + £91 interest. I'm happy with the offer but I'd be happier with the rest.


    The 14 days runs out on thursday. What do you think about me phoning the Litigation team and seeing if they'll pay out of full amount of charges and I'll scrap the interest?


    Has any had any success doing it this way?

  4. I won against Lloyds and it was a piece of p**s.


    Sent out the first letters for my two accounts (personal and joint) and got the usual reply. Sent the second letter asking again.


    Opened my post this morning to find they are putting the monies into my account within 10 days. The good thing is is that they are for more than I was claiming on the letters!!!! The letter stated that they wouldn't take any monies that we hadn't been informed of yet (went in to O/D on 13th).


    The Joint should have been £60 but got £150

    The Personal should have been £155 but got £275


    Hooray!!! Just awaiting replies from Egg, Barclays and Smile now.

  5. I have read the FAQ's but someone posted exactly the same question and had a different response...that being to go straight for the Court Action.


    However, I'm fortunate enough to be married to a Legal Executive who is pretty well qualified with regards to litigation. I'm not worried about the implications as she has already claimed back from HSBC and Halifax...I trust my wife won't let me be stitched up!!!

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