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Posts posted by sb118

  1. This topic was closed on 03/07/19.

    If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there.

    If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened.

    - Consumer Action Group

  2. This topic was closed on 03/07/19.

    If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there.

    If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened.

    - Consumer Action Group

  3. Right, my wife currently on maternith leave and will go back to her 24 hours/week rota in a few weeks, ouside of work she cares for me (I have a spinal problem, weak discs etc, going in for my 3rd operation at some point this year which "might" make me more mobile). I am in receipt of middle level care and higher mobility dla, mh wife does not receive carers credit as she earns too much.

    We have 4 chidren, 1 in seconday school, 1 in primary and 2 young ones.


    She is considering giving up work to care for me, I used to look after the kids while she was at work but my condition has worsened to the point where I can not manage that well.


    What sort of penalty would sbe receive if she was to voluntarily give up work and apply for income support?


    Many thanks.

  4. Just to update this, she's just started her maternity leave, the maternity allowance is coming through @ £85.40/week.


    BUT the carers allowance has effectively stopped due to the "overlapping benefit" rule, so we contacted the DWP to change over to the carers premium and it turns out we need to make an Income Support claim!


    Haven't dealt with this many separate departments in years!

  5. Ahh, right, thanks.


    Looks like we won't be too much worse off while she's off work then.


    (wish they'd take the number of kids into account in a different way, my eldest lives here 4 days a week, but spends 4 nights with my ex, meaning she doesn't exist in this family on "official" paperwork, makes budgeting fun!)

  6. Hopefully somebody here can help me, i'm somewhat confused by the paperwork/info regarding maternity payments.


    Our current situation is that my wife works 16 hrs a week at a takeaway @ minimum wage. I am disabled and in receipt of medium level DLA. We have one child together (6 years old). We get HB, CTB (currently paying off £1500 from when i didn't fill out the benefit paperwork correctly a few years ago), WTC, CTC, DLA & my wife gets carers allowance (for putting up with me!)


    We've looked at the info for when she goes on maternity leave, but we're not sure how it works out.


    From what i can understand she won't get maternity pay from her employer as she is under the threshold for employers payments (16 hrs @ min wage seems to be about £3/week under the threshold), so we've mention of getting a form SMP1 signed by her employer, but in the pamphlet we have it says her average wage should be around £30, whereas she earns just under £100.


    If she gets whatever this other benefit is, how does it effect the WTC & CTC amounts we recieve?


    Many thanks.



    ps, quite annoying that they've dropped some of the maternity grant stuff, we didn't know the £500 maternity & £200 healthy eating things existed last time around, this time around they've been stopped! argh!

  7. Im not gona lie...Euro Car parks are not serious...its been a month and only now they want to charge me £90! after demanding for £70 in seven days.


    i am kinda scared and im finking of advising the RK to let them no that she wasnt the driver at the time...they will take the issue to debt collecters nd it may damage her credit scoring.


    what do u fink?


    Don't want to sound harsh here, but have you read any of the other responses to this thread?


    Tell the RK to ignore EVERYTHING they send, they have not "issued a FINE", they have "posted an invoice", an invoice that doesn't need to be paid as the contract the invoice is based on is slight dodgy to put it mildly.

  8. I've been helping my dad renovate a house for about 2 years now (extension, replumbing, rewiring, etc)


    He bought the kitchen appliances roughly 18-20 months ago and we only just fitted them two week ago, after 8 days of being connected the microwave (large multifunction unit, cabinet mounted) started to smell of burning and then turned off. The fuse in the plug was intact.


    He's got no idea where he bought it (he's as organised as me) and he didn't ring up and start the warranty (large sticker on the window of the microwave.


    My query is, does the warranty start from when you purchase the item, install the item, ring the company? I'm guessing it's from the point of purchase, but would the value of item/expected length of life procedure come into play?


    It's had less than a fortnights "use", we haven't even used it to warm things up, it's even got the delivery plastic on the front panels still.


    He's a bit put out, he told me he paid out nearly £600 for it (it's a bleedin microwave for crying out loud, even if it is ever so shiney)


    Any ideas?



  9. I'm intending to badger him with emails for a bit and then start sending things be recorded post. If there is still no joy then maybe inform trading standards (are they the ones to talk to if companies are ignoring the law?)


    I know it's not a huge amount of money, but where do you draw the line? "it's only a fiver, forget about it" "it's only a tenner, forget about it" "it's only fifteen quid, forget about it"... it annoys me greatly that the guy can totally ignore the law of the land and there is no comeback on him and it costs me money.

  10. But we don't have closure yet, the beggar hasn't refunded the return post (even though he claims to have, he's actually refunded the original shipping but called it the return postage refund)


    I've emailed him explaining how consumer laws are in place so that i'm in no worse (or better) a situation than before i received the faulty goods and i'm waiting for another reply.



    edit. He only owes me another £8.21 (got a nice discount as i've paid in advance for X deliveries), but it's the fact that it leaves us out of pocket. "oh well one of those things" doesn't sit well with me! ;)

  11. Just a quick update to this.


    Company have refunded the cost of the bike and the original carriage costs but are refusing to pay the return costs, BUT they're claiming that they've refunded the cost of the bike and the return post but they won't be refunding the original delivery costs.

    Which is odd as the amounts they refunded exactly match the bike and original shipping costs and not the return costs.


    The joys of ebay business sellers (who turn out to be drop shippers operating from their living room!)

  12. Started reading last night, just finished now, very impressed with the level of support and research provided by members of the board.


    Utterly confused as to the result from the hearing though, no further damage has occurred to the item so how can their be "damages"? If you throw a brick at a broken window, it's still a broken window!


    Fingers crossed for Fred when his appeal is in action, i'll happily stand outside the courthouse waving a placard for him. Although i might spend my time at the tea shop across the road ;)

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