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Posts posted by carlafandango

  1. Hello, my husband works for a satellite installation company (not sky) and was given a job to do, he asked the customer if parking was ok in her area, yes she said. When he arrived he parked in the car park of her flat, saw the clamping sign but assumed she had sorted that as she knew when he would be arriving to install her box etc. When he finished the job he noticed he was clamped, had to pay £135 to shoal enforcements for removal, the customer apologised for not letting shoal enforcements know,they said we could appeal (which we have, but unsuccessfully-what a surprise there ) . Do you think there is anything we can do? We had to put it on our credit card at a rate of 47%

  2. I am writing for a friend. She bought a car through General Motors 2003, to cut a long story short she hasnt paid for it for since 2004. They have caught up with her (she has been through messy divorce and thats why non payment-up to eyes in debt), they have now found her, want to take car back and sell it then she will have to pay for outstanding amount (bought car for 8k). HR legal said they want payment and have not instructed anyone to take car but want payment, but today had a card put through the door to say pls call to arrange delivery and collection(she thought it was a parcel) this was from TWS Ltd, they want to take car on Monday and then she will have to pay outstanding amount. Where does she stand? She doesnt want to end up with bailliffs coming round . General motors who she bought car from have told her she has to give car back as she didnt make effort to pay. Advice needed urgently. Many thannks

  3. Hello, im doing this on behalf of my cousin, who has just had a baby two wks ago(single parent). She is on a key meter for electricity (scottish power), she decided to change suppliers, and all of a sudden has recieved a bill from scottish power saying they have been undercharging her since she has been with them, they know its not her fault, apparently the key meter was set at the wrong tariff or something? They keep calling her for payment( £98) which is escalating rapidly due to her not paying. They keep writing to her also saying about court proceedings and bailiffs action. They rang her on her mobile at 8.30-8.5pm the other night. She was so tired and wornout she agreed to pay them £11 a wk, which she cannot afford. What can I do to help her? She doesnt understand why she should have to pay as its their fault!!

  4. We are are in a contract with Organe telephone, for two mobile tariffs, my husband and mine. We owe £349, they want it paid by Christmas or we wil owe £1000. We could probably stretch to pay it by Jan/Feb but definately not by Christmas. They are being very unreasonalbe. I dont know what to do, we are paying so much to clear other debts, is there anything we can do?

  5. I have drafted this letter, is it ok?


    Dear Sir/Madam

    RE: account numbers:

    I am writing to you with reference to the above.

    I am taking my arrears back to Fareham Borough Council. I cannot make the payments forced upon me by yourselves of £100 a month. Last month a sum of £571.74 was taken by mistake by yourselves, which left me in such financial difficulty until it was credited back to my account.

    I have set up a standing order with Fareham Borough Council for £10 a month. This allows me to continue paying my current council tax without getting in to more debt. I will not be paying any fees from yourselves. I also think you need to check how many “visits” I was charged for! This is totally incorrect and only adds to my ammunition.


    Cc: Fareham Borough Council

  6. Thank you for replying. My aunt was a "referee"


    I have spoke to the company and said I thought my debt was paid cos of the gap insurance, so I suppose I have admitted the debt. Can they make baillifs come if I dont pay money with in 24hours? I dont own the furniture in the house outright. All I want is installments!! They wont allow it

  7. Must also say I have never had any paperwork or letters to say I owe money, this is the first I have heard from them since 2003 when I paid them money for a loan back in full. I am now married and I have moved but we are having financial difficulties. I do not know where my ex lives as it was a violent relatioinship and police were involved, hes not allowed anywhere near me. When I spoke to a woman from the company at first(before simon), she told me to send through proof of police involvment and that they were sure that I could pay in installments, funny how different a man who is dealing with my case acts differently.

  8. in 2003 I bought a car on finance with my ex, the car was repossessed. I had the gap insurance and assumed that that was the end of it, as I had not heard anything different. Today I am notified via my aunt(she was reference on paper work I no longer have), that I need to call a Simon Jones on a Welsh number. I do so, £7k is owed, half by me and my ex. They say cos I have contacted them I may be let off with paying £2k back within 24 hours!!! Bailiffs will come to seize goods if not. Now, I am totally broke, after my wages went in today I am left with £50! I have two children and I am still recovering from my exs debts. The company do not know where I live yet but have my phone number and I am sure I heard Simon on the phone say they would go to my aunt if I didnt pay. Anyway I have to call him tomorrow once hes spoken to his director of Go.net(??) to see if they will let me pay the £2k but will need to be within 24 hours. What can I do if anything???

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