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Posts posted by ian001

  1. can anyone help me with the following problem.

    i signed a tenancy agreement to have a flat with a certain housing association on a friday after viewing the property. i gave a deposit of £64. they gave me the keys on the friday but the tenancy did not start until the monday after. over the weekend after viewing property again i realised it wasnt for me, so i called on the sat and left a message saying so. i then dropped the keys back off on the monday morning and told them i didnt want it anymore, but they insist i have to have it 1 month now, even though they have keys back.

    is there anything i can do - as the tenancy didnt even start when i informed them i no longer wanted it

    any help would be good thanks

  2. no i asked capquest to send it - so they must have contacted cap1 and got it from them( prob same company)


    i told capquest on the phone they could take me court over the money i owed to them as i would counterclaim for my charges so i asked them for my statements and they have sent them.


    so i guess i send a lba to cap 1 now then?

    if cap 1 pay up i take it i will then have to pay capquest for the debt they purchased?

    is this correct?



  3. hi ppl

    please can someone give me advise as how to claim my charges.

    i have ignored cap1 for about a year but they have now caught up with me ! i have letter saying that capquest have now taken over my debt and i owe them £430. i have asked them to send me my list of statements from cap1 and have worked out they owe me about £500.

    who do i claim this debt off? is it cap 1 or capquest?

    any advise would be greatfull



  4. hi ppl

    can someone please give me a little advise?

    i am currentley claiming my gf bank charges back - she has a bank account and a student visa - both with rbos. do i send just 1 sar requesting info for bot accounts or do i need to send 2?

    also does anyone have the address for these - i have a addresses but they are different for the 2 accounts.

    also are rbos paying people out quite earl? i claimed back 1500 with lloyds but they only paid up just before court - wondered what the rough timescale is on rbos

    cheers folks

  5. i have already sent the dd mandate which was on back of letter from solicitors - i have filled it in to make the agreed £10 paymet as from 15 of this month but i take it i will have to also send a cheque for the £10 missed?

    what happens to the warrant though now i dont live there?

  6. i take it that this is just a scare tactic then, as i have agreed to the ccj and said i could afford £10 to pay each month - this was on official court papers - but they accepted the £10 so does this mean i have a ccj?

    on the latest letter from their solicitors it says warrant of execution!

    a bailiff will now call - it has a warrant number but it has no official stamp from any court.

    it does say at bottom i can stop bailiff coming by paying full amout - so this might be just a scare tactic?

  7. hi please could someone give me some advice on the following situation:

    i have a debt of £2300 with tesco, after some time now of not paying they have issued me with a ccj which i said i would pay £10 a month - after missing 1 month payment they issued me with a issue of warant letter - stating that a bailiff would call to take items. this letter is off brian carter solicitors and has a warrant number

    please can someone advise me if they will call, are they allowed to take items as i dont live there now its my parents house. or are they just putting the frighteners on me like usual . any advise would be greatfull



  8. hi

    my case has been going on months now and i have court date 24 nov - is this normal - also i need to know what exactley i need to send the court as "evidence" as it states i need to send info in 2 weeks before date - please help as what to send in



  9. hi

    can someone tell me if they have had to send the working out of interest to their solicitors as in their defence it says how i calculated my sum was vague - i never sent how i worked the interest out - has any1?

    please any advise woyld be great - i now have to pay another £100 to the court and cant do anymore online so i must be getting close to court date?


  10. does any1 think it would delay my case if i did not tell them about this obvious typing error also has anyone sent the solicitors the working out of interest - dont know if i have to send this as it states in their defence that they do not know how i have gotten to that sum and it seems vague? is this normal

    cheers folks

  11. i have just checked my moneyclaim and i am claiming £1850 so it seems like they have made a mistake by entering another "1" do u think i should write to their solicitors about this as it is only in their defence bit - the court knows im only claiming £1850

    cant wait till pay up - its seems like this has been going on foreva

    lloyds are sh*t it seems like they are the worst on this forum!

  12. hi

    i will contact moneyclaim tommorrow as i have not had time.

    the £11850 was not mentioned in my claim - so dont know where they have got this from

    as for sending them the info on my charges - on both letters i sent out i showed the date and amount of each charge - but since i have now added interest do i need to show them how i have worked the interest out?? do u thimk i should post this to their solicitors


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