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Posts posted by redbryn1

  1. hi all i've had a DMP with payplan for around 12 months now i pay £225 a month between 8 creditors. however the letters and phonecalls from DCA's are starting again mainly asking for higher payments. my problem is with payplan i seem to get emails every couple of months from spain introducing my new case worker (i'm on my 4th now) thing is i've emailed them directly and through justabank but rarely get a reply. what do i do? i've read on here about people setting up their own DMP's or should i start CCAing all my creditors and try and get reduced payments? as i'm in this DMP for another 7 years i don't really want to be contacted by DCA's all the time about my payments. when i first went to payplan the service was excellent but it's gradually got worse and i couldnt beleive my 1st case worker 'eduardo' was actually based in spain!!

  2. to be honest the last few times they have called i've just told them i wasn't in and could i take a message when they said 'tell him lloyds tsb have called' i've put the phone down and blocked the number. i've tried a complaint through the website but you have to phone them and to be honest the way i feel about it right now they'd be doing me for phone harrasment!

  3. no it's not charges basically i switched my account from them over to HSBC about 5 years ago and used them to sort out all my direct debits etc but they must of missed the one for my GMB payment and lloyds continued to pay it for 10 months! because they said 'i was a good customer and my account was always in credit they continued to pay it' and of course because of this my lloyds account was never closed the first i heard of this was in october last year and the debt was passed to payplan in april and i thought that was that in the meantime lloyds nor HSBC will accept responsibility for this mistake but as payplan got the payment down to £1 a month i just thought 'pay it'.

  4. hi all i have a £110 debt with lloyds for an unauthorised overdraft which i have been paying for six months through payplan at a rate of £1 a month. I have now been receiving phonecalls everyday asking me to clear the arrears in full or else. I have contacted payplan who have contacted lloyds but i'm still getting calls and letters so far i have blocked 4 different numbers they have used and the last time i spoke to them (i was trying to explain to them that it was being payed by payplan) they said the phonecalls would be stopped for 5 days to give payplan time to contact them but they have started again morning noon and night. I have complained to them before about telephone harrasment (this was before i set up my DMP with payplan) but until the matter is resolved the calls will continue. any ideas?

  5. cabot/ruthbridge- constant letters threatning allsorts and non CCA compliance.

    wescot/credit security limited- constant demands for payment of the same debt.

    red castle recoveries- 5 phonecalls a day for a £95 debt they can't enforce because they don't know my address!! and they expect me to confirm it when they call!?!

    incasso-came to payment arrangement with them but have to phone weekly to do this. lines are so busy you have to leave your name and number so they can phone back been doing this for 6 weeks now never been called back now received a letter saying i've defaulted on the arrangement?!


    all these DCA's have been fended off with letters provided by this site plus a few emails to consumerdirect, trading standards and a nice little thing called 'choose to refuse' from BT suddenly it's gone very quiet!

  6. hi all i've manged to negotiate (after 6 weeks) payment of a £225 debt with wescot and on moday they sent me paying in slips. trouble is on tuesday i get a letter from credit services ltd demanding full payment of the same debt within seven days or a ccj and/or home visit to collect goods to the value. i emailed wescot immeadiatley asking them who owned the debt and got a reply from sue martin saying pay wescot not credit services and then asked me were my payment was as it was due 3 days before i received the paying in slips!! so as i'm now in default on my arrangment with wescot already and i have 2 DCA's wanting payment for the same debt does anyone have any suggestions?

  7. hi guys i've had the same problems with these idiots. they've been chasing me for a £3200 debt from 2001. after no response to my cca request and subsequent letters i contacted middlesex trading standards (where ruthbridge are based) and reported them for harrasment. this was over 2 months ago since then trading standards have informed me by letter that ruthbridge are being investigated and so far i've had no more contact from them. with the help from this site it's made me realise that prats like these are just that, prats.

  8. hi all i have a £100 debt with incasso for a car insurance cock up which i have agreed to pay at £5 a week trouble is i have to phone them on a weekly basis to pay it. the first week i had no problems the second week i got through to an answer machine which told me the lines were busy and to leave my details and i would be called back-i never was. thing is this has been happening for the last 3 weeks not once have i been called back for payment how do i stand with this? i have made every effort to pay the debt and played by their rules so what next? Thanks Bryn

  9. hi all due to a cock up by my car insurance provider (cornhill) I've had a letter from DCA incasso demanding £62. I have phoned cornhill who cannot explain to me why this has happened but it's now out of their hands and should deal with incasso from now on. I know this is an error by cornhill when i cancelled my policy with them i was told that if i provided them with proof of sale of my vehicle i would be refunded £10 but because the car was sold on ebay a while ago i no longer had the new owners details so i said i would not chase it up and thought that was that. so basically can i CCA incasso to try and see were this £62 has come from or is there another solution thanks Bryn

  10. hi all just an update after more phone calls from HSBC (5-6 a day) i emailed my payplan case worker and was told to ignore their requests for me to take out another managed loan and to let them use a DCA to recover the debt in which case the payments i'm making to HSBC now would be acceptable to a DCA after all i'm paying £99 a month through payplan for 8 years and HSBC want £99 a month for 12 years so common sense prevails anyway during the last phonecall this evening I told the nice man to stop phoning me and to contact me by post in the future and i would be looking into making a complaint guess what? phone call 15 minutes later arrrrrghhhhhhhhh!!!! so i guess it's time to ask for their complaints procedure?

  11. hi all i had a managed loan with hsbc but due to debt problems i had to consolidate it and my other debts into a DMP with payplan. the proposal that payplan came up with was £99 a month instead of the £160 i was paying to HSBC. I have now been paying this amount to the HSBC for 5 months and have been getting constant phone calls and letters from HSBC saying that they will not accept the £99 a month from payplan and want me to agree to another managed loan with them for you guessed it £99 only problem is the repayment term is 4 years longer than it would be with payplan (12years as opposed to 8 years) obviously this sounds as daft as it is and probably just to make more interest from me but is there any way i can sort this out as they are now threatning a default notice even though it says on their letters "all financial difficulties will be dealt with with understanding and sympathy!" any advice greatly appreciated.

  12. hi all got a second letter today headed 'without predjudice' saying 'despite many attempts to contact you by telephone/letter you have totally ignored all our efforts to rsolve this matter' this is untrue as i have received no telephone calls from them and i did phone them on receipt of the first letter.

    anyway basically it goes on to say 'we are now advising our client to commence bankruptcy proceedings. i would be required to attend a personal hearing in which the court may have the power to administer a bankruptcy order this order then enables the offficial receivers office to gain possesion and control of any goods and property'

    it then goes on to say this would be advertised in the london gazette and local paper and any monies gained from the seizure of assets would be distributed to preferential crediters such as the inland revenue? and any others holding a secure debt.any shortfall in monies would be recovered with an attachment to your income.

    if i do not cooperate fully i may be declared bankrupt.

    yors sincerely

    jason evans (phd a.r.s.e)

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