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Posts posted by willowrose

  1. hi there

    i rang up nationwide to see how far along the claim process claimyours had got to and nationwide have had nothing at all from them even though i was told that it was in their legal department and going through the court process, this is all lies, i have now put my claim through the financial ombudsmen and they are dealing with it but it is on hold at the moment due to the test case

  2. i waited 8 months and they kept saying the same to me, awaiting cleared funds etc, they cant be much of a company if they havent got the means to fund court action and if you look on their website it states that all claims are on hold now as they await a test case for all banks etc, do what i did and inform them that you are reporting them to to the ministyr of justice as i am not sure they are properly registered, i also know they are know as reclaim yours and nationwide finance ltd please look at this http://www.fsa.gov.uk/pubs/final/nationwide.pdf it shows they are not doing things as they should

  3. I have had the same experience with them - very little communication and they are impossible to contact. When I eventually asked my bank about the claim after three months, it emerged that they hadn't even contacted them. As the whole bank charge thing seems to have stalled in the courts now it may be that trusting these people with the claim has cost me a considerable amount of money. Is there any way we could publicize these incompetents more widely? Their website all sounds pretty plausible but I'd hate to think of more mugs losing out in the same way that I seem to have done.


    hi just by keep announcing CLAIMYOURS will ensure that if people google them then this will come up and hopefully stop people using them it has now been 8 months that i have waited

  4. hi there

    i have had the same problems with them. i think they run this 'company' from home and dont do a good job of it, if you look ay my other posts on here you will see what i and others have had to say about them, also if you look on blagger.com they are on there and you can google them to read up about them, they are useless, i claimed back in january and they still havent done anything with regards to my claim

  5. oh dear it doesnt sound good, it sounds just like the company i was using, the letters you are getting seem to be fobbing you off and blatantly lying. i can sense you are stressed, i am like this, i am a worrier anyway and all the lack of communication and lies etc from the comapany i am using has caused me a great deal of stress and it was making me ill, its not right is it as at the end of the day these people are getting paid for something that we can do ourselves but i went done this route as i thought it was less stressful!!! ho hum


    please beware and do not use these 2 companies (they are one and the same ) thye have been fobbing me off for 6 months now, they have done nothing at all despite them saying my claim was going to court back in March, nationwide has not even heard of them !!!! they also have another company called NATIONWIDE FINANCE LTD which they were supposed to be investing peoples money but wasnt authorised to do so please look RDC Template Warning Notice


    also on theirclaimyours website it says they are to registered with the MOJ that regulates claims management firms, beware they are not !!! i am in the middle of reporting them, they make out they are a company with many people, but in fact i think they are running this part time (mickey mouse) operation from their home

    just letting everyone know so that they dont get stressed like we have

  7. please can you help, i was using a company to claim back charges this was

    back in Jan but despite them saying the money would be in my account soon

    etc etc i have heard nothing, i rang nationwide ( who i am trying to get the

    charges back from ) and they say they have had no correspondence from

    claim company at all, i have rang the financial ombudsmen and they said

    they would deal with it free if i want to do a compalaint through them,

    should i do this rather than go through the court process myself to try and

    get my charges back from nationwide, do you know if the financial ombudsmen

    have much success with these claims

    many thanks

  8. Hi Guys,


    I'm new to this forum and am I glad I found it. Every letter I send to Nationwide they send back the same reply, Terms and conditions etc and we are not paying, not fair to our other customers. I was going to go to the ombubdman first before court action. Should I go straight to court action and not bother with ombudsman ??? :confused:



    in same position can anyone help ( sorry to hijack your thread !!! ) i was using a company to claim back charges this was

    back in Jan but despite them saying the money would be in my account soon

    etc etc i have heard nothing, i rang nationwide ( who i am trying to get the

    charges back from ) and they say they have had no correspondence from

    claim company at all, i have rang the financial ombudsmen and they said

    they would deal with it free if i want to do a compalaint through them,

    should i do this rather than go through the court process myself to try and

    get my charges back from nationwide, do you know if the financial ombudsmen

    have much success with these claims

    many thanks

  9. Did you not sign a form to hand over control of your account , as this would be the only way they could get statements and deal with Nationwide on your behalf. If this is the case then they would need to send you a for so you can regain control of your account .


    In my situation I signed the form , which also means that all monies are sent to FRL , who then take out their charges and then send me a cheque , all my statements and letter to send nationwide to regain control of account.


    It makes me wonder if they have had your money for sometime and are cashing in on the interest, as using these companies we never have any idea of what is actually going on.


    ahhh that is a very good point, i didnt think of that, may be they have got money after all and that is why they are letting me have their money, i think i need to talk to Nationwide again and see if they have paid anything out as i did sign it to say they could deal with everything

  10. like i said before the company i am using has said they will pay me with a cheque for the full amount i am claiming as it has taken 6 months, and they said that when i do receive a payout from nationwide then to send it to them and they are willing to take a risk that they may not get it? doent this sound strange to anyone, the company i am using i think is a husband and wife team that have set up a business at their home address with different names for their companies, they have 2 that i know of for claiming back bank charges, one charges 15% the other 10% !!!

  11. Northdesk it is a con as you said, i rang Nationwide myself and they have no record of any correspondence let alone court action, which i was told was going to happen early March, the company i used said it would take a maximum of 12 weeks, i provided statements etc so they didnt have to do that, they are completely useless, if they dont buck their ideas up then i will name and shame them on here ( if im allowed !!! ) i could have borrowed the £120 from my mum to pay for the court costs and then claim them back instead of going through all this hassle, they were supposed to take all the stress etc away but they have added to it, at least if i had done it myself i would know exactly where i stand, as it is i know nothing about what is going on with regards to my account charges, othere be warned, do it yourself!!! these companies promise a lot but don't deliver and they charge a lot for doing nothing

  12. hi again

    i wish i had done it myself, actually North yours seems worse than mine !!! but......... i typed in the address given on the website of the firm i am using and lo and behold they have various different names claiming to be financial advisors etc, so i called the number on their financial advisor ad and a woman answered without stating the company , just a hello, i think it was a house number and when i asked her if that was******* ( the claims company i was using) she was very hesitant and finally said it was, i explained all the problems, no replies to e mails and telephone calls etc and she said she would get someone to call me, 5 mins later i get a call from a mobile phone saying that the claims company are going to send me a cheque for the full amount claimed plus interest less their 10%, and that as soon as I get my charges back from nationwide then i can send them the money, this seems really weird as they are prepared to gamble on me getting it back, a bit flummoxed now so deciding what to do, they were also supposed to be doing a small claim to barclaycard for me of £205. this too been going on since jan 2007 with no corresondence at all, so 2 weeks ago i used a template letter and sent it to barclaycard myself, and got £73 back as they have said that they have reduced their late fee charges from £30 to £12, but I have wrote back and said I want the rest of the money as that it is still unfair, but this was done on my own and the company that was supposed to be dealing with it hasnt even contacted barclaycard, i think these claim companies have rules etc and are governed by a regulatory body which i may compalin to, perhaps you should as well North

  13. hi all

    as i didnt want the stress of claiming myself i used one of the companies on a website to do it for me ( i wont name them ...yet !! ) the amount was for £2500

    i claimed back in january, i dont get replies to e mails i have sent and when i call then their mailbox is full and i cant leave a message, on the few occassions i have been able to talk to them all they say is that it is in their legal department, this was back in march. they also said the money would be in my account within 3 weeks !!! has anyone else had problems like this? i wish i had never started a claim with this company, i dont know what to do now, i am very stressed out and getting frustrated as i have never get any correspondence from them.

  14. hi all, i have recently sent a letter to nationwide asking for appro £4000 worth of charges, i came to this figure by multiplying last years charges by 6, they have responded saying that i will not be getting a refund, i sent another letter saying i will settle for £3500 if they pay within 14 days otherwise i will go to court to get the full amount plus interest, the 14 days is up and i dont know what to do, do i e mail them, call them or go direct to court action ( which worries me ) or use one of the services on the net where they do all the work for me but they get a % of what i get, also i am worried that nationwide will close my account as i am unable to get another account anywhere as i have tried , many thanks

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