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Posts posted by anthony3393

  1. thats great now i know why its best not to go for interest unless it reaches court and i think CAG has made the right choice in directing us that way. but i do think it should be put in in the FAQ as many people must not, like me understand why they are told not to claim for interest in the beginning. thanks very much for your reply and il get my prelim letter sent out tommorrow cheers anthony

  2. ok i know it says do not ask for interest on your bank charges until and if it goes to court and i accept what CAG say if you do include interest in your prelim and LBA letter it will be obvious to the banks that i dont know what im doing, but i just wish to know the reason why you cant claim interest early on, because i think its only fair that i should be able to get interest even if it is settled before court action is taken so that depreciation is taken into account


    let me put it like this imagine you fine 1million people in the country 30 pounds each then 3 years later you have to pay them all back £30 pounds each or they will take you to court so after havin all that money in my account for 3 years earning interest so it doesnt depreciate, i pay everyone back £30 and after every one is paid i have a surplus and the reason i have a surplus is cos even though you pay every one back the same denomination you fined them techniacally the 30 pounds you refund everyone with is worth less than the £30 fine they paid is that fair !!!


    please do not reply with an answer along these lines you cant claim interest until it goes to court and then you claim 8% as my question is why cant you include the interest right off the bat and is it only me who understands my reasoning

    sorry for the slightly sarcy tone but i have already posted on this issue before and know one seems to have really listened to my point

  3. you know how utilities companies make mistakes even when you owe them money then they write back as arrogant as ever with the mistake justified thats the mindset u need to be in and as u will find reading through CAG you to will become arrogant with the banks even when you make one off mistake because you will be empowered with the knowledge of the uk law u need so no worries

  4. many people have been fined lets say 20 pounds around four years ago i dont know in real terms what 20 pounds in todays money is worth nor do i know how to calculate it, but im sure £20 pounds in todays money is worth less than £20 four years ago. so i am at a loss to understand why everyone cannot claim this unless it goes to the small claims court


    if this has already been answered i am sorry but i have searched until my head has become foggy for the answer to my query

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