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Posts posted by Mack7000

  1. Hi, basically, I've had my benefits stopped, I've got Bi-Polar and Social Anxiety Disorder, I only ever leave the house to go the Doctors and I've probably only left the house 9 or 10 times these past 2 years, I was due an ATOS medical maybe 7 months ago and when I got the letter I panicked and phoned them to tell them I wasn't going, a week after I was due to go, I got a letter saying my benefits had been stopped so I wrote them a letter appealing and reiterated I have Social Anxiety and a week or two later my benefits went on like normal.


    About 6 weeks ago I got another letter to attend the ATOS medical, I again phoned them and told them I wouldn't be going but they were free to come my house. A week later I got the letter saying my benefits had been stopped again so I appealed again and pretty angrily this time. My benefits restarted and then I got a letter last week dated October 9th, saying they'd reviewed my case and I was no longer due any benefits as they deem me fit to work and to apply for JSA.


    I just feel like I'm banging my head off a brick wall, I don't want to be like this, I worked hard all my life, coping with the undiagnosed at the time Bi-Polar until it got worse and I spiralled down into a black hole, I forced myself to the Doctors because I knew my life was over if I didn't and over the past year I've gradually rebuilt my confidence and my life back, I'm by no means ready to go back out in to the wild yet though, but I'm getting there slowly.


    Is there anything I can do? If worst comes to worst, I'll do without the benefits and starve, they will not force me out until I'm ready though.

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