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Posts posted by nettii

  1. Thanks forgottenone and priorityone.


    I know it looks like i've ignored the original advise but it was a little complicated because of my husband and I separating. I sent a CCA request for the loan with Alliance & Leicester but soon after my husband and I separated so I have no evidence that he ever received a reply (he has huge gaps in his paperwork). It's possible that Global sent the CCA to him but as it's now been passed over to another DMC (Rockwell Direct)I'll request it from them - and request CCA from all other debts as well.


    Thanks again. I'll post back when I here something.



  2. Hi all


    This is only my second post on here. Much has happened since my first post. My husband and I separated (too much stress was tearing us apart, although we're still on friendly terms - we have two small children) and we split our debts so I took everything with my name on it (about 40% of the debts) and am also paying our mortgage. He took the rest of the debts (60%).


    I'm managing to continue paying my debts but my husband is in a comlete mess. Soon after we separated he was attacked in the street by a gang of drunken thugs - he suffered a fractured skull, broken jaw, broken ribs - all fixable but it's left him mentally in a complete state. He's self employed so didn't get paid anything for two months and now he's struggling to work at all because he's sunk in to a deep depression and is receiving psychaitic care. The constant harrassment from debtors has made it so much worse.


    I've taken all his paperwork off him and am trying to sort out what's what. It seems some debts have had three DCA's dealing and it's difficult to know who to correspond with. Is my best course of action to request CCA's from all the original creditors along with asking for confirmation of which DCA I have authority to deal with? Also should I write to all the DCA's telling them that's what I've done and asking them to hold action, also telling them that there should be no more telephone calls.


    Any advise would be much appreciated.



  3. Thanks dpick.


    Sorry but I've another question. Maybe I'm thinking a little too hard about this and getting myself in a confused mess (not unusual there)!


    These debts are current debts, not old ones. Isn't it likely that if I ask for the CCA now they are probably going to be able to produce it straight away? There won't be much of a paper trail for it to get lost in.


    Am I better to just tell them I'm contacting the cccs and will come back to them with an offer of repayment. Then I can save asking for the CCA at some point in the future when I'm desperate for some time ie if they are appying to courts?


    I'm so worried that I'm going to do something wrong

  4. This is my first post on the forum, so hi to everyone.


    I've had a look through lots of posts about debt and debt management companies.


    My husband and myself have several debts which we have been dealing with by a debt management plan set up by a local debt management charity. The charity is being closed down (lottery funding has not been renewed) so we have contacted the cccs and are arranging an appointment with them which will be in 3-4 weeks time.


    3 credit card companies (HSBC (£800), Barclays (£490) and Sainsburys (£1980) have accepted a reduced payment and stopped interest.


    We also have two loans with Alliance & Leicester (£8000 and £4000) and a credit card with Intelligent Finance (£6400). They have not accepted the reduced payments and said they are referring them to Debt Management companies (a&l - Global Debt Managent, IF- Blair, Oliver, Scott). I have today received my first correspondence with Global who have said they will take us to court, send an agent round etc etc. From what I've read on this site that's just normal scare tactics.


    I think my next step should be to send out a request for CCA.


    I also think I need to tell them that I can't come to any agreement on payment until the cccs have completed a debt management plan. Should I wait until I receive the CCA before getting into this type of correspondence?


    I want to make sure I do this correctly. My mind is in a total muddle at the moment and I'm at serious risk of getting this completely wrong.


    Many many thanks

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