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Posts posted by Nailz

  1. Hello,


    I have searched around but cannot find the exact advice I am looking for.


    I have a loan for 25k from Sainsburys,

    unfortunately soon after taking out the loan,

    I lost my job and have never found a role that has been permanent, or paid above minimum wage since.



    As a result I have been paying a reduced amount every month for about a year.

    This means I have defaulted on the loan and the amount I owe is now closer to 30k.


    A family member has offered to settle the debt for me,

    but when they found out the large amount,

    they said they would only be able to offer something like 10k.


    My questions are has anyone done a "Full and final" settlement with Sainsbury's for 30% of an outstanding balance?


    Are they likely to say OK we will take the 10k but you still need to pay x amount a month?

    as the family member will not give me the money on that basis,

    they want to help me move on.


    There is still no job on the horizon for me.

    I have been offered an unpaid internship in a different country within the EU which I am going to take,

    but I want to square this away before I leave


    Any help/advice would be much appreciated


    Kind regards

  2. Hi All,


    Had some assitance off of Vodafone here (Lee is very helpful) however We stilll havent recieved anything from Vodafone in writing confirming the debt still exists, we have tried to prove it doesnt exist but have been unable to conclusivly prove it in Vodafones eyes. Lowells and Fredericksons wont stop sending us letters despite us writing to them more than once telling them the debt is in dispute and to stop chasing us.


    Am I fighting a losing battle here, should I just pay Lowells, Frederiksons, whoever they are called this week? Or just continue to ignore them, the default is nearly 5 years old now anyway so will dissapear off of credit references soon.


    Thanks for your assiticance guys



  3. Hi all,


    Posting on behalf of my dad, he is getting letters from these clowns and I need some quick advice.


    He acknowledges that there may be a debt to 1&1 but it was only created because of their dodgy cancellation policy.


    He has had another letter claiming someone is going to come to his house to collect the money, is this just another one he can ignore, or should he take action and just pay it (78 quid)


    Appreciate anyones recent experiences and advice





  4. Hello all,


    My partner has recently advise me that she has been having trouble with a debt recovery agency.


    I happened across a forum where someone was having a very similar argument to my partner and upon further investigation it is Lowells... and WOW what a reputation this A-Holes have built up!


    They have sent an initial letter in October to which my partner called them and advised she was unaware of the debt, and they sent more threatening letters. She contacted them again and asked for proof and they have sent what appeares to be a fake vodafone letter.


    She wrote back and advised she would provide statments from back then to show its not owed and they wrote back saying the account is on hold but they have since sent 2 demand letters for the debt.


    My question is, what next? they have not given us a date that this non payment was meant to have happened (although my partner thinks its from around 2003) so we cant send them the Statuate Barred letter yet and they are waiting for my partner to send in her bank statements from that year to prove payment,


    My gut feeling is after reading everything here that we should not send them anything??




    Thanks in advance


    Mr & Mrs Nailz

  5. Glad to see you got a resolution here guys. My partner has exactly the same thing from a debt in 2003 so I have printed out the stat barred letter for her to send to them.


    The only difference is they have registered a default against her which shows up on her credit report. Once they give in does the default automatically dissapear?


    If not how do we go about removing it?



  6. My partner now has recieved a letter from Lowell claiming she owes 60 quid. My partner is incredibly anal about saving paperwork and actually has her telephone bills from 6 years ago. She has confirmed with Vodafone that there is no debt.


    Lowells have requested this information and I am worried that by her sending in the last bills etc Lowells could use this against her, what do you reccommend we do? thanks for your help in advance.

  7. I WON I WON I WON I WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Halifax have settled in full, they have just put the money straight in my account, no phone calls or letters or anything yet!!


    Originally claiming 1554 ended up with just over 2 grand!!


    Happy doesnt do my mood any justice!!!


    Thanks for all your help guys, and thumbs up to the mods on the site, I have made a donation, couldnt of done it without yer!

  8. I rejected their offer they sent by post, I also spoke to someone there who offered me the full 1554 pounds I was claiming originally!


    I declined their offer as I now want all of the money including interest! It did cross my mind to take the money though, but I was strong!


    Halifax have until tomorrow to enter a defence, how many times have we seen them enter a defence on the last day??!

  9. Nailz, send them a rejection of settlement offer letter (accepting this offer as a partial payment), see here:




    No need to ring them, just continue with your claim as normal and file your court claim when it's time :)


    The only time you really need to speak to them on the phone is when they call to settle with you...that'll be about two weeks prior to whatever hearing date you're given. Any steps in the interim are just part of the process to your win :)


    Hey Crash, I filed my court papers a couple of weeks ago, they have until the 5th March to defend.


    So just send them the rejection letter and wait for the call?

  10. Hi all,


    I got a letter back from the Halifax! they have offered me a settlement of 833 pounds!


    I really feel like I am getting somewhere!


    I need some help now though as I am actually gunning for 2k from them.


    1. Do I need to respond to the letter to say I will accept but only as a partial settlement? What should this letter say?

    2. Should I phone them and tell them my position and tell them I want the full settlement?


    Thanks for your help guys!

  11. Excellent, I posted all the docs to the right place!


    I got my letter back today saying that they have until the 5th of march to defend, and from what I have read here, they will do so on the 4th of March! I hope they just call me and settle, but now with interest and fees its 2 grand I want, and not a penny less!


    Hi Jonah, good luck with your claims mate, and persevere, its so worth it, I was really apprehensive before I sent the court letters, now its like, bring it on!! I want my cash!!

  12. Once again thanks for all the help guys, seems pretty clear from a legal standpoint then, still 2 weeks and no contact,


    I still think I will ride it out, rather than having to call my bank to see who initiated the transfer, then try to find a number for the company, then the right department, then the right person etc etc etc.


    I am glad that I have managed to raise a topical debate on here though, makes for interesting reading every time I log on!



  13. thanks for your help guys.


    Just to be clear i wasnt looking for opinions on whether it was morally right or wrong but what the legalities are.


    Thanks for those that gave the advice,


    I will be waiting for the bank to recover the money, as opposed to chasing them to give it back, I believe its their mistake and they should correct it. i did my bit by telling my company.

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