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Posts posted by mileroad

  1. The original amount was £3068, the total now with solicitors and court costs is £5666.


    I sent in my defence and then the claimant had ( I think ) 28days to move it on to next stage ( sorry i don't recall the legal terminology)


    They did not move it onto the next stage and the case was stayed. I never heard anymore about it until 18mths later when i received the Defence Struck out letter.


    Sorry dor not replying quickly, I'm at work and can only use my phone on my breaks.

  2. I sent in my defence in Jan. 2014 and i can honestly say that i heard nothing more about it until i received a letter in July 2015 saying my defence had been struck out. I answered that letter saying the claiment had still not provided the cpr requests in my defence.


    I think, but I'm not certain, i received from the courts a copy of a letter sent to claiments telling them they had a certain time to provide me with the cpr requests.


    The next letter i got was the letter informing me the claim was struck out.


    Sadly I i no longer have any of the correspondence, I stupidly thought that was the end of it and threw it away.


    Also can i ask if they are allowed to add solicitors costs of £2000 plus £500 court costs?

  3. Hi


    I have been working abroad and have come back to a very thick bundle of papers from solicitors concerning this claim and I'm very confused.


    It seems that Andy was right and they are requesting the court set aside.


    Amongst everything is a witness statement from a solicitor.


    It's saying that the courts messed up and shouldn't of struck out the claim.

    They are saying I failed to file a Directions Questionnaire and that's why they got my defence struck out.


    I have never been asked to file a Directions Questionnaire and if you check the MCOL timeline I posted in a previous post,

    you can see there is no mention of it on the timeline.


    The conclusion to the witness statement says:


    The court is respectfully requested to set aside the order and the claimant would kindly request that the judgement is awarded in their favour pursuant to the Application.



    As stated above, the defence was struck out pursuant to the order, entitling the claimant to judgement in the claim.


    In the alternative, the court is requested to reinstate the proceedings to allow the claimant to continue the claim against the defendant.


    The hearing is in March and I don't know what to do, if indeed I can do anything?


    They have also added £2500 to the original claim for solicitors fees!


    Any ideas anyone?

  4. That's what it says on MCOL site, I copied and pasted it.


    I received a letter from Wrexham yesterday saying case had been transferred to my local court.


    I'm assuming it got struck out because I replied to defence struck out letter and they were told to supply my CPR requests. They missed the deadline (again ). I'm wondering if they have found a loophole i.e. getting a court date and hoping I don't turn up?

  5. No it definitely said the claim was struck out. I logged into MCOL site and it shows it was struck out on 6/11/2015?




    A claim was issued against you on 09/12/2013

    Your acknowledgment of service was submitted on 14/12/2013

    Your acknowledgment of service was received on 16/12/2013

    Your defence was submitted on 03/01/2014 at

    Your defence was received on 06/01/2014

    Defence was struck out on 25/07/2015

    Your defence was rejected on 25/07/2015


    'The claim issued against you was struck out on 06/11/2015'


    Your claim was transferred to WREXHAM on 17/12/2015

  6. Hi all


    I had a claim against me from a DCA which I defended. I received a letter stating the claim was struck out.


    Received a letter today staring that case has been transferred to my local court ( not Wrexam ).


    I logged into MCOL and posted below is the claim status. I thought the claim was done and dusted but it seems not.


    Can anyone shed some light on what I should do next or is it a case of waiting for a court date?



    A claim was issued against you on 09/12/2013

    Your acknowledgment of service was submitted on 14/12/2013

    Your acknowledgment of service was received on 16/12/2013

    Your defence was submitted on 03/01/2014 at

    Your defence was received on 06/01/2014

    Defence was struck out on 25/07/2015

    Your defence was rejected on 25/07/2015

    The claim issued against you was struck out on 06/11/2015

    Your claim was transferred to WREXHAM on 17/12/2015

  7. thanks for the words of encouragement. but i can, t pursue anyone. before i tell you why i have a confession to make. a couple of days i started a thread titled NEW YEAR NEW ME, i was a bit of a white lie. i had just discovered this site and wanted to join in so i changed the dates a bit. hope everyone will forgive me my lapse in honesty.


    ok sorry if i have hijacked someone's thread but the reason i can, t pursue anyone is because basically i, m on the run. and if you don, t mind i, ll tell you my story.


    as i mentioned before when the foot n mouth struck i had my own business nothing big but it gave me and my family a comfortable living. i would have got through it, it would have been a struggle but i could see a light at the end of the tunnel. but what other people could see at the end of the tunnel was an opportunity to make a fast buck. in short companies that owed me money took the easy way out and folded. they were ltd companies foolishly i was not. they were only small outfits like me and ran away from their responsibilities. ok some of them couldn't help it but the majority just started up again, same directors, same premises, same business and a different name, in some cases all they did was change one word in their original name. hey presto back in business. the inland revenue got their tax and v.a.t. the liquidators who pretend to be on your side but are really helping the crooks to set up a new company get whats left, nothing left in the pot for little old me.


    well i decided i had better morals. i did what they all tell you to do. don, t bury your head in the sand talk to people they are there to help. so i made an appointment to see my "personnel business advisor" i asked him if he could give me a bigger overdraft to see me through (surely he would i had my own house as collateral and its not as if i was ltd i can, t run away from it if i don, t survive) he listened to me with a sympathetic ear. "ok mr xxxxx i can, t see a problem you have been a good customer but i, ll have to put it past head office, you will receive a letter in a few days" he said. it felt good leaving that bank a wait lifted of my shoulders boy was i glad i talked to him. a few days later a letter arrived from lloyds tsb it was a4 size great i thought they must have granted me the bigger overdraft (from experience if they turn you down it comes in a normal envelope but this was an a4 envelope it must be a new contract for me to sign.


    well it wasn't a contract it was a letter telling me they had taken over my account, cancelled all my direct debits except the one that paid my monthly business loan. the cheque book and debit card was cancelled and i could i please cut up or return my business credit card. you can still deposit cheques and cash into the account but if you need to withdraw any you have to go to your local branch and see the "personal business advisor" p.s can you please settle your current overdraft as soon as possible.


    i,ll cut this short because i expect most of you have fallen asleep by now lol



    well, that was it news got around and the vultures moved in for the kill. 1st my house then my family. and i still owed thousands to tax man, the bank, my suppliers and mortgage company who auction my house to the highest bidder leaving a shortfall of £80,000 which they chased me for.


    thats when i became bitter and twisted b---ocks to the lot of you i thought and went on the run. and i, m still on the run, a fugitive in my own country. everytime a debt collector finds me i just pack my bags and move. i live in peoples houses you know the type room for rent, usually with young family, s who live in council houses and need the xtra money to make ends meet.


    i got quite good at it, no one has found me for at least 2yrs. and then the letter from cabot. i, m so annoyed with myself how did i let it happen. i, ll have to move again now. its a shame really the family i, m with are very nice. I've sort of adopted them, they are a young couple with a baby, living in a council house. the boyfriend works hard, long hours and crappie pay. they would get in trouble if the council found out about me but they need the money, their in debt to the very parasites you good people are chasing.


    anyway thats it really. i, m not after sympathy i just wanted to explain why i can, t do what you people are doing if i go after one company the rest will come out of the woodwork then i, ll end up in prison put there by inland revenue for not paying the tax i owed from 6yrs ago. and i would given an estimate for tax i owe from 6yrs ago to the present. i have to work cash in hand, i know i,m a criminal but stone me latter.


    last words to you andrew1 my friend they have not stolen my respect, how can someone who does not know what respect is steal mine. i am better then them i always will be. so what i ask andrew and everybody else on this site is carry on the fight for me and all the other people like me for as long as you can. sooner or latter i fear it will have to stop, i, m sure as you plot your next moves the politicians are having secret meetings with their paymasters (the big corporations and their lobbyists) and they will somehow help the pigs that feed from the same troth. he watches to much telly or reads to many books i hear u thinking but i wonder i just wonder.they have to fight back at some stage. i don,t know when i can visit this site again it depends if my next house has access to the net, so remember carry on the fight for me and the many people like me, we are the silent minority we have no voice, persecuted in our own country. (blimy thats heavy stuff where did that come from) i wonder if i could smuggle myself abroad and claim asylum in brazil.

  8. thanks andrew1 for your post


    to be honest i don,t care about their threats, the money dates back to a halifax credit card i had 6 yrs ago when foot N mouth struck. i had my own business then and lost everything including my family. no i wasn,t a farmer wish i had been!!!! i dealt with stately homes. i was totaly let down by the goverment,my banks and all the other bloodsuckers i had the misfortune to have dealings with.





    i,ve been racking my brain trying to find out how they found me and the only thing i can think of is the dvd player i bought recently. i had to fill in a form something to do with tv licence they caught me off guard. maybe the bbc or the shop is sharing info. i hear there is big money to be made in selling peoples names and thier details.


    anyway sorry to rant but its nice to get things of your chest now n again good luck to every single person on this site who chasing these parasites. and every time someone beats these bar stewards i,ll open my window and shout out to the world YES YOU BLOOD SUCKING PARASITES THE PEASANTS ARE REVOLTING

  9. hi all

    i,ve been reading this thread with interest. its taken a long time but like any good book (non fiction of course) it,s been hard to put down.


    anyway the reason i,m writing is because i,m being harrassed by cabot (or woodrot as i like to call them) for a while.


    after finding this website i realise i have dealing with them the wrong way.


    i welcome their phone calls it brightens up an otherwise boring day. infact i gave them my mobile number and told them to only contact me on that. i can hear the sharp intakes of breath and the tut tuts but i reckon the long phone calls to me means the cost of them phone calls is getting close to the sum they paid for the debt.


    this is a typical short conversation if i,m busy:



    hi is this mr xxxxxx

    yes speaking

    my name is blah blah from blah blah, for data pro act can you tell me your full address with postcode and date of birth.

    no i,m sorry i can,t

    why not

    because i don,t know you and you my be trying to steal my identity

    but i have to ask by law

    tell me what it,s about and i,ll give you the information you seek

    i can,t because of the data pro act, and anyway if i was a crook i wouldn,t have this information about you.

    what information

    i can,t tell you because of the data pro act, you have to tell me so that i know i,m talking to the right person.

    but if you don,t tell me what information you have about me then i can,t be sure that you are the person you say you are.

    mr. xxxxx we are just going round in circles

    i know what do you suggest

    will you confirm your full address with postcode and date of birth

    then we repeat the hole conversation at which stage they put phone down on me.

    i reckon that short conversation cost them about £2 times 50 calls, not alot i know but it makes me smile.


    i actualy think there is a flaw in this data pro thing. just picture this:

    conman picks up a phone book picks a name he likes the look of.

    phones unsuspecting person and states the data pro act, bingo he/she has your full address with postcode and best of all he /she has your date of birth and i,m pretty sure theres alot they can do with that information once they log onto the web.


    i won,t bore you with the longer conversations, but they are funny you really can tie the morons in knots, i sometimes think i detect despair in their voices it might even be a little whimper.


    anyway there is a point to this post. i got a letter today from an outfit called ROBINSON,WAY & CO LTD. has anyone heard of them? are thay connected to woodrot. they claim to be debt collectors and are acting on behalf of woodrot, i thought that woodrot were debt collectors so why employ another debt collector. the reason i ask is because i live up north and they are based near me in manchester. i,m wondering if they are now going to get heavy wonder what thier next move will be.

  10. i have just post a thread and noticed yours.

    cabot finance are the people phoning me. at first they said they were working for halifax but after some enquiries i found they had bought the debt from halifax. i don,t know how much for. the original debt was for £1900 and they offered me a settlement figure of £1200 so i expect they bought the debt for a lot less then original sum.

  11. hi can you help

    about 3 yrs ago i had a halifax credit card. i got made redundant and hit hard times. couldn,t afford the min payments on the card but i did pay some each month. then the card reached its limit ( £1000 i hadn,t been using it it got there with interest and late payment charges). i phoned them to ask them to stop the charges and come to some agreement to pay it off. they weren,t interested. then i started getting over limit charges as well as latepayment charges. they phoned me every night demanding payment in full, they would not except any payment agreement they just didn,t care about my circumstances. in the end i just told them to stick the card where the sun don,t shine and i,ll see them in court.then came the phone calls from the debt collectors i told them the same, then came the collectors at the door they got the same responce. finally i got a court summons which i was sure was a scare tactic. so i decided to defend it . i sent in my defence stating that the charges were to high and the refused any offer i made to pay it off as and when i could ( the card was at £1900 by then. i recieved a letter from their solicitors stating they were droping the case because it would cost more then i actualy owe. week later i got a letter from halifax stating they had closed my current acct. and taken the money to pay my credit card( there was only a few pounds in it because i suspected they would do something like that and i had already opened an acct. with another bank)


    bear with me nearly there.


    that was 3yrs ago, i am now getting phone calls from a company claiming to have bought the debt from halifax. i have never heard of this before. i now have a job and could pay it but the thought of a company buying peoples debts (and they probably only paid a few quid for it) and making money from other peoples misfortune makes me angry.


    has anyone else heard of such companys(i thought they only existed in gangster movies)


    anyway i have told them i,ll see them in court. does anyone think they will pursue the debt or just give up like halifax, when they realise they can,t scare me with court action which i expect makes 80% of people pay up.

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