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Posts posted by taloola1

  1. Hi There Welcome Coundn't Find Any Contracts Signed By Me Or My Husband So They Have Written Of All Our Accounts Worth Over £5000 What I Was Wondering Is Can We Claim Back Any Money We Have Paid Them Over The Last 10 Years Considering They Didnt Have A Contract And No Legal Right To Take Our Money.................

  2. hi there i have had dealings with welcome we sent them a cca and S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) about 30 days ago they did reply with some account information but no contracts so i rang them last week and had a row with them and left it with a woman who said that they cannot find any contracts for us.. i left it at that but today just got a letter saying that as a gesture of goodwill they have written our debt of as they cant find the contract now that is a good feeling thats OVER £5000 worth of debt gone just like that......

    my quriey is if they have no contract then how have they been able to take my money for the last 10 years and is there anyway i can get that money back if anyone could help that will be great.........

  3. Hello all! New member since I got fed up of welcome,


    I've been paying off a loan for awhile now, they Never seem to tell me how much is left and resfuse to sell me what my intrest rate is..


    Not only that but they've kept promising to change me to a closer Branch yet i receive nothing to show this, nor cant i get information on this closer branch from them..


    I'm planning to get a Reconsolodation loan at a low apr hopefully with barclays... but that fact is I cant seem to find out how much I currently owe!


    I'm goin to ring them on monday and continue to push and poke....





    hi there renamix i had the same problem with welcome so we sent them a cca and s.a.r letter they replied with a letter saying that they were unable to find a copy of our contract so as a gesture of goodwill there have written of our debt to them and it will be taken of our credit file if i was you i would try that and at least you will find out how much you owe them. you can find templates on here to copy as well hope this helps from taloola1

  4. hi there i have had dealings with welcome we sent them a cca and sar about 30 days ago they did reply with some account information but no contracts so i rang them last week and had a row with them and left it with a woman who said that they cannot find any contracts for us.. i left it at that but today just got a letter saying that as a gesture of goodwill they have written our debt of as they cant find the contract now that is a good feeling thats £3000 worth of debt gone just like that......

    my quriey is if they have no contract then how have they been able to take my money for the last 7 years and is there anyway i can get that money back if anyone could help that will be great.........

  5. hi there we have been waiting for broadband for years all the villages all around us have broad band but we dont apparently our house is too far from the exchange box so we cant have it, is this right i thought everyone was gonna get it now it looks like we will never get it and we pay more for dial up so it is costing us money .does anyone know what we can do to make them put it in for us please ....

  6. just got through to lloyds and apparently they dont know why they have sent me this letter as they are not giving me a payment of goodwill as i have already started legal proceedings bloody charming isnt it ........

  7. hi there barty we are claiming just under £5000 i have tried ringing them all morning but i cant seem to get through i have just checked the bank again but no money has been paid in at all strange one eh....

  8. hi i have just got a letter from lloyds recovery centre at andover basically saying " i know you do not wish to accept our offer,but this is a gesture of goodwill and does not affect your right to take further action.i also want to let you know that the amount we've offered you is the maximum we are able to award. if you decide to take further action then this figure will be deducted from any award that may be made. "

    the reason i am confused/worried is that they have not made me an offer and even if they have they have not told me what that offer is also i have tried to ring them to find out whats going on but can't get through what do you think i should do next. many thanks for looking

  9. well i have sent of my aq but i am now really bothered about the guy that has lost and why he lost i also dont have any copy of their t&c's does that mean i will lose also how come lots of people are getting paid out well before me we have no letters or anything from the bank ever really worried about the whole thing now




  11. oh my god i think you have done great so far i am with lloyds also and they have until the 10th may to put in there defence after reading your thread i am now scared it all sounds so confusing i was hoping it would be all over soon but if yours is anything to go by then its gonna be ages. but i suppose £4900 is worth the wait.

  12. Hi

    They don't usually close accounts, but I would be prepared just in case, by opening a parachute account somewhere.

    They won't settle the amount you are claiming without starting the Court action.

    Good luck, just ask if you need any help.




    hi thanks for answering me also could you tell me when claimin back the 8% interest do i just do that on the whole total or each seperate charge??

  13. i am currently claiming back £3900 from lloyds tsb and was just wondering how far they go before paying out bit nervous about filling in the court stuff also do they shut your account down either before or after they pay out please

  14. Hi, Im new here ( sorry If Im in the wrong place)


    I have just sent a letter to Lloyds TSB over two weeks ago, kindly requesting that they supply staments or a list of charges for the last 6 years, If any body has been through this situation with LLoyds Tsb, what has your experience been, outcomes and lengths of time taken



    hi there i am going through lloyds and when we tried to get our statements we had to wait the full 40 days and then had to send them another letter then we did recieve them. even with the first letter we have not heard anything from them we have just sent our letter before action so will just have to wait and see good luck with yours though

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