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Posts posted by scousegirl

  1. Hi,


    I had a boiler fitted 18 months ago through a Warm Front grant, they came to service it last week and found that a aprt was faulty (No suprise considering the make of the boiler). The engineer told us he would put a referral through and advised us to contact Warm Front and ask if they had ordered in the part if we hadn't heard from them within a week to arrange for it to be fitted.


    We have not yet heard from them and I was going to phone but I have lost the letter from them, does anyone have the telephone number for them. I only have the Eaga number and they don't know what I'm talking about.


    Also, does anyone know what the length of the warranty is on boilers provided bt this scheme.


    the telephone number for warm front is08003166011

  2. Hi, this is my first time on here, i have requested 6 years of Bank Statements from Abbey, to see how much my charges are. The only thing i am worried about is, that they might turn around and say that they will take my overdraft of me, which i don't want to happen. Can anyone give me any advice please.:)

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