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Posts posted by janet.jone

  1. Hi my son has been waiting 6 months now to get his charges £4000.00 from RBS returned he is now due in court on 28th June can anyone give us any advice as what to say or do when we attend. They seem to be dead set on him not getting his money back.

    We are obviously now very concerened that it has got this far with not even an offer.

  2. Hi have got Allocation Questionaire and Defence pack etc from Cobbetts also they are requesting further information ( this request is served pursuant to CPR Part 18 alternatively with regard to CPR Rule 27.2 (3).

    You are asked to provide a responce to this request in accordance with CPR Par 18 by March 15th 2007.


    Having read through several posts an I right in thinking that the letter I send back to them is:- I have provided everything I feel I am obliged to, for clarification I once again submit the following.

    Account No

    Total amount being claimed

    Schedule of charges

    Is there anything else I am required to write in the letter, also does the letter go to Cobbetts and the Court?

    Many thanks

  3. Hi have got Allocation Questionaire and Defence pack etc from Cobbetts also they are requesting further information ( this request is served pursuant to CPR Part 18 alternatively with regard to CPR Rule 27.2 (3).

    You are asked to provide a responce to this request in accordance with CPR Par 18 by March 15th 2007.


    Having read through several posts an I right in thinking that the letter I send back to them is:- I have provided everything I feel I am obliged to, for clarification I once again submit the following.

    Account No

    Total amount being claimed

    Schedule of charges

  4. On filling in the Allocation Questionaire i am totally confused what does it all mean about proposed directions i have looked at several posts but cant work out what they mean, also other information on the form (have you sent these documents to the other parties) i sent the list of interest charges and bank charges to the bank when first starting the process or do they mean have i sent documents to Cobbetts? I am getting worried about this form my claim is for £5999 can this still go through small claims court?

  5. Today received from Cobbetts Allocation Questionaire can anyone advise how to fill this in, also the defence paperwork do i have to do anything with that, also request for further information and clarification this looks so daunting and confusing also do i have to pay £100 on return of any of the paperwork? I have to reply by 15th March, i am also going away on a course for work on 13th March therefore need urgent help.

    I have looked through so many posts but cant find the help i need.


    Many thanks for your help

  6. I sent my LBA to Nat West Bank on 31st October 2006 and had no reponce from them so on 16th November 2006 I filed my MCOL and have had acknowledgement, now on 21st November (today)I received a letter from Nat West offering me a partial refund as a gesture of goodwill, I wouldnt have accepted it anyway, but as I have already filed MCOL what do I do with the letter I have received, ignore it or reply? they obviously havent got the MCOL details through to their offices yet, if I reply what do I say? Their letter is dated 17th November which is still over the 14 days that I had originally given them.

    Many thanks in advance for your replies and help.

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