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Everything posted by nigel1804

  1. Hello again everyone . I wonder if someone could fill me in on any progress with regard to the situation with the stays of action after we lost oft lost there case .My computer and internet have been playing up so I'm a bit behind. Did we actually do more templates with the QC after the test case. Regards Nigel
  2. Any progress anybody on the new battle towards regaining our charges. regards Nigel
  3. Thanks Caro......I think that these new charges are going to send me under.......After being unable to work for a while the bank are just adding insult to injury..............Anyway onward and upward I've a good mind to bother my local MP's who ever the hell these thiefs are. Just to see if they are aware of hardship and the reaccuring hardship the banks keep people in due to their excessive charges.......... regards Nij...
  4. Hey!!!!! have the Halifax moved the goal posts again.? So after aranging an overdraught of 750. Suddenley they can decide that they can charge me 1 pound a day after they agreed to give me the overdraught years ago. What the hell and damn nation is going on. I predicted this last year when I said that if the banks win this case thay will walk all over the poor B's who can never get out of the trap of little money coming in just to pay for the bank charges..........WHERE THE HELL ARE ALL THESE BIG WIGS THAT CAN MAKE THEM BLOODYWELL DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS......So what's happening about the charges situation now.? are we still waiting for new templates from Matin and the QC. Someone has to stop their bandwagon of hell now..............HELP some answers please please. :-xP.S. I DON'T REMEMBER SIGNING ANYTHING TO AGREE TO THESE NEW CHARGES.......ANYONE?
  5. Thats good news then. Even if the money is not returned then at least we will fight for the future charges to be fair and if the banks reduce the charges then there is surely an admission of guilt on their behalf. But I'll be hoping for my charges to be paid back after a couple of bad years of poverty the banks to me have played a large part in hindering my recuperation. Something sticks in the throught when they blame everything else but themselves for that amount of money going out of your account. If I'd just won the biggest lottery win ever I'd still be here fighting this. Thanks for the update Caro......I'll be watching this space alright. MARCHING ON TOGETHER!!!!!!
  6. Well talk about JOBS FOR THE BOYS AND THE RIGHT SCHOOL TIE. Isn't it funny how the judgement swung the other way now that the government is involved in the banking world. To me it still hasn't answered the question is it a penalty charge or is it a charge to cover the costs of the letter.?????????? Am I being penalised against free banking so that the better off get free banking. You know when you think of it, its almost a tax on the poor. Normally someone being charged means that there is no more money available to them. Benefits ,hardship and low income people are normally the ones subjected to these charges. FREE BANKING! My latest case is for 6000 pounds where's the free banking there then for someone who earlier this year was assessed by the HBOS money management team as being a hardship case free banking doesn't come into it. Why the hell should I pay for others, who have money, to get free banking. Because thats what is happening in the cold light of day. Why are the banks the only organisation allowed to go and take money out of my account without going to court are they free from the law.........Well mark my words they bloodywell are now. In any other service industry everyone has to pay at the moment it ways against the poorer end of the society. Its almost a tax on the poor. Wait for it ..! watch some pompous well to do, come up with some smart answer as to what you should do...Probably never known a zero bank balance in their lives...I know maybe I should bob to my other banks where I'm hiding thousands ....maybe I should ask the advice from our MP's as to how you go about it:mad: or should I just go shake my money tree at the bottom of the garden.? Back to the drawing board boys and girls just like they would have done. MARCHING ON TOGETHER WE"RE GOING TO SEE YOU WIN I'm a great believer in Kalma. Merry Christmas to you guys and may the bankers ckoke on their Champagne:razz:
  7. Ok. ! How's everyone.? Bank have started charging me again so back to the same old, same old. Well I'm so glad to see that the government thought it more inportant to discuss the fat cat well paid millionaire bankers bonuses. God knows they're out of control and out of touch. So Mr Chancellor what about the other end of the spectrum....what about all the unemployed that will be struggling to make ends meet and that will be added to the rest of us on the bank charges role....what about sorting some legislation for the poor, hardship people that are being charged 35 pounds per charge thats helping to keep us on the poverty line. Where's the legislation to stop banks charging poor people so much. I suppose it could be looked on now as another Tax eh. You don't see the government moving as quick for us as they do for their oyty toty friends do we........ Is thert any news from the house of the living dead yet. ? Regards Nigel
  8. OH I know what you are saying. I'm sorry to say these hard faced B.......'s don't care a hoot that your mum is disabled so long as they are getting their big bonus' every year they really aren't bothered. Its all black and white to them your mum has some savings therefore you can't be in hardship. I have done the court proceedure in every case, at least they know you mean business and when the courts rule in our favour you have your case filed and ready. Regards Nigel.
  9. Hi everyone. Has anyone had a whiff as to what the house of Lords are contemplating or even a sign as to when we may have this judgement resolved. Also does anyone know if an old case is thrown out due to stay of action's is it possible to have the case re enstated....? I'm sure this is possible. regards Nigel
  10. High again everyone. Interesting vibes now coming from the government ,I believe, about the charges that mortgage companies are putting on customers for phone calls and letters. You know, the thing we have known for years about charges. In the light of this report about mortgage companies ...By the way I've taken my old mortgage company to court G.M.A.C...was offered amounts from there solicitors but held out for the whole lot....in the view of the stay of actions it was thrown out by the judge...QUESTION: I BELIEVE I CAN ASK FOR THIS TO BE REINSTATED TRUE??????. Anyway...I'm struggling here as to how to get my head around this.......erm........everyone knows the fight for bank charges and all we have gone through, all these threads and court cases etc. SUDDENLY some quango group have decided to make it known that they think the charges are unfair.... Good GOD (sorry I am Catholic) IN WHICH WORLD ARE THIS GOVERNMENT LIVING. I heard this on BBC news last week someone might correct me. Point being ....IF THEY THINK THAT ABOUT MORTGAGE COMPANIES SURELY IT APPLIES TO THE BANKING SHYSTERS AS WELL.?:evil: I found the page to look at: BBC NEWS | Business | MPs attack mortgage arrears fees OH TO BE AN MP.......to sail through life claiming for all and sundry .....to worry about how much wage rise I should give myself oh and my pension....nothing like keeping intouch with the world.... Quote: "The Treasury Committee said this practice was "intolerable" and demanded that the Financial Services Authority (FSA) put a stop to it". WHAT THE HELL HAVE WE BEEN TRYING TO DO YOU NUMBTIES:evil:. Oh while we are on the subject of "INTOLERABLE" CHARGES pop across to the house of Lords and rattle their cage if its so "intolerable".......As my Battle of Britain flying instructor used to say..." Don't just sit there F.........G do something" Sorry if I have lowered the tone of the site but sometimes straight forward talking is needed away from the pompous PC world. regards Nigel
  11. Well it beggers belief that the banks can have billions from the government to rescue their backsides but not play the game as to which the billions were intended. The hike in interest to customers and businesses whilst the interest to them is at an all time world record low. What are the government doing to stop this rip off that the banks are playing. Maybe the banks are trying to save some money, so that they can pay back all our bank charges using our money from the goverment........... Mr Darling take a leaf out of my old flying instructors book....when everthing starts to go pear shaped in the cockpit. He would gently ask "what's happening.?" "Well er ...er.er...." He would then bellow,,,,Ready Darling......"DON'T JUST SIT THERE, BLOODY WELL DO SOMETHING":eek: Stop the rip off now, get a grip on the banks NOW. Why can't they see that these organisations are ripping people off from our bank charges through to borrowing our government money..............oh and while your doing something have a chat with the old chaps in the next chambers to shift there arse...while they're sipping the G and T's people out here are suffering due to bank charges.....Sorry Team rant over for today. God bless.
  12. Sorry to interupt here mrsm. I have been down this line and I had ;ots of arrears in lots of fields but they still wouldn't budge. Interesting that they offer three months free charges at this time to us. I wonder if they think there will be an out come from the house of lords fiasco by Sept ..Oct.. it may sway them one way or the other to see if they think they will win the final outcome. your welcome to see my thread nigel1804 now back for the rest. I think they do realise that they can not give you an offer that is a final and full settlement. regards nigel
  13. Hi ddwales you have a browse through my thread nigel1804 now back for the rest and see if you can gain any help from that. I have just had £413 repaid back and bank charges cancelled for 3 months. speak to customer services ask to go to their money management team for a hardship assessment. Do the assessment over the phone straight away when they have assessed you and tell you that you have grounds of hardship go back to customer services. tell the money management team to send the results to the customer services team .At this point "YES YOU BLOODY WELL CAN SEND THE REPORT TO CUSTOMER SERVICES AND YOU WANT A COPY AS WELL, DO NOT BELIEVE THAT THEY SAY THEY CAN'T.This is my fourth time I have claimed money back from them.....YOU FIGHT AND YOU FIGHT>>>Regards nigel:wink:
  14. In these days of electronic transfers, its amazing how it might take up to 14 days to put the money into my account. I've been on the phone to the customer services manager (the 3rd one to deal with my case) 3 times for this measily £413. it was funny that in one of my previous court cases Deemed served on the 8th. On the 9th all charges to the tune of 8K was in my account. Why so slow this time. Anyone know the outcome of the house of Lords shower.?
  15. Hi again everyone. agreed money and three months no charges from today. So lets see what comes now. I'll be watching my account like a hawk. Don't default on your agreement HBOS.
  16. Hi again everyone. The bank are replying with the same offer that they originally offered me. They won't budge an inch on that so onward and upward. regards nigel
  17. Hi I'm doing a claim on the grounds of hardship........first I started my court proceedings...then went through the bank asking for my charges back.........I think my next step will be through the Ombudsman........They like to slow things down the banks...........I'd do all this by yourself with all the help from this website..... At the rate they're going I think you have good grounds for terminating the contract to them on the none supply of goods or services act. not sure maybe one of our learnerd professionals might be able to help here. Regards Nigel
  18. Its a ploy by the bank to hold on to everyscrap of money they can. I wonder do they need it more than me.After all they have been doing some bad dealings......... I mean which idiot took the decision to take over a bank with so many bad debts..? yes lets criple the hardship cases .....they will always be going overdrawn....they're good customers....Think we won't or can't fight back.............I got news for ya.........watch these threads....
  19. Ok, hi again everyone. Sent back my partial acceptance on the grounds that they pay cheques direct to my priority debtors and a copy sent to cheif exec. Will be ringing next week to negotiate further. regards Nigel
  20. Or well, letter sent accepting partial payment on the provision that they send cheques to my priority debtors. Letter made ready to send to FOS if non compliance by HBOS. don't know why they can't pay all the charges back. Stop being hero's to the bank . Soon they will be drossing a lot of you off into the unemployed world anyway without a care in the world.......But wait you in the repayment department might be lucky......They are going to need all the hands they can get when they have to pay EVERYONE'S charges back. Just think your redundancy will be with a clear conscience that is.... 1.the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one's conduct or motives, impelling one toward right action: to follow the dictates of conscience. 2.the complex of ethical and moral principles that controls or inhibits the actions or thoughts of an individual. 3.an inhibiting sense of what is prudent: I'd eat another piece of pie but my conscience would bother me. 4. My moral was so low my conscience beaten out of me, but in my days of unemployement my conscience is back and i can face that new job interview with a smile as I know I payed back all those charges to people in hardship.:grin: sorry thought for the day over.....
  21. Sorry to high jack the thread but would it also be appropriate to mention the further action to the FOS if they fail to go with you on this.They don't seem to be worried about the FOS at all. Regards Nigel
  22. Hi yourbank. No this payment merely covers my charges for the month of May alone. They then have offered to cancel any fees I incur for three months after receiving my acceptance of this offer.They owe me nearly £6K so its not much of an offer is it. When you say "provisionally accept it" do you mean just fill in the form and return it and get the payment for now. Can I just ask here .? Sorry to sound green so now I raise the issue with the FOS for them to look at so later on there may be a chance I get paid out the rest by their ruling of my case.? I'm waiting for report to come to me from the assessment that the Money Management team did on me. I asked for a copy of the report as these can come in handy for various reasons first one being... Surely this would be good evidence in my favour if their own MMT have said that I am a serious case of hardship....No.? Regards Nigel
  23. I spoke to a senior manager and he informs me that they have an instruction not to pay out full six years charges back until the out come of this OFT case. This was a good will gesture on their behalf and when the court case was settled then they would pay the rest if we won. I tried to negotiate the debtors direct payment route and he wouldn't move.So I think its time to go to the Ombudsman to see if they can break the other arm to get them to pay out more of the charges. regards Nigel
  24. Hi again everyone. Just heard from the MMT team that I have a letter posted to me say that they are going to offer me £400 or so out of the £6000 back in charges. Now I have seen in a thread that they are supposed to offer 100% I believe.
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