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  1. Thank you for your replies, I am concentrating on the claim but unfortunately the behavour of this person in the past where we have had to correct the court papers submitted I just wanted to make sure it is all correct now without them pulling any more of there stunts.
  2. I am sorry I have just check second bundle of papers and the form changed to a N2 with court fee £308. Does this make a difference, or have they still file incorrectly? Once again sorry.
  3. Thank you for your reply, it appears that they have paid the incorrect fee. Which leads me on to two further questions. I hope you do not mind. 1. Should I have entered a defence to this claim, as it stands? 2. What do I do now in relation to the claim not being file correctly (court fee)? Do I draw it to anyones attention.
  4. Thank you for your replies, the reason I am questioning this is due to the fact the only payment I can see is on a N208 form the sum of £308 for court fee. I do not see the 5% figure thats why I am asking?
  5. Hi It was due to the fact that the claiment started proceedings as a road traffic accident with a mixture of probate documents. Transferred to London court who told claiment to reissue claim as a probate claim. I do not know why they started it off that way but they did. Which leads me to my original question as to how do I know if they have paid the correct court fees.
  6. Pay the correct court fee? As the court ordered the claiment to reissue the claim as a probate case, when would the claiment have to pay the 5% of the amount for claims worth between £10,000 and £200,000? Is there anyway I can check to see if this has been paid, as I do not trust what this person is doing. As I believe it is at the beginning of the court claim is it on a special form.
  7. Started life as a road traffic accident in another court. Which then got transferred to London County Court as it is a probate case. Claiment ordered to reissue claim with new acknowledgement of service. So the claim was given a new number by the London Court. Received paperwork in new claim number but actnowledgement of service still issued in the old number.
  8. If a claiment was ordered by the Judge to reissue the acknowledgement of service form again and enter the particulars etc on the correct form. The claim was reissued a new court number as it had been transferred to County Court. On receiving the court papers from the claiment again the particulars are issued in the new court number but the acknowledgement of service still remained in the old court number. Is this correct or should all the paperwork and the acknowledgement of service both be in the new court number.
  9. Thank you for your help, still confused but never mind I will sit and wait I will learn going along.
  10. ok I think I understand now, permission would be required. So how long do they get to put in for permission to appeal is there a time limit?
  11. So do I take it that they have to apply to the county court first to see if they can appeal the order first? How long are they allowed before the time runs out before they cannot appeal is it the 21 day from the original strike out order Or have I read this all wrong, sorry if I have
  12. Hi Hoping someone can help. As when I have tried to research this subject I cannot seem to find any definite clarification. So my question is how long does someone have to appeal a general form of judgement or order which has been struck out in the county court?
  13. Hi Andy, Do you think it is best if I write and tell them my costs to date are X, if you want an assessment of costs I will have to get a costs draftsman and that will be added on to the bill making it x and see what happens or do I have to break down the costs in the first letter. Or do I not put forward an offer of what costs I would accept, but wait until they come back with an offer?
  14. Hi Andy, Yes we have a general form of judgement or order that states claiment must pay the defendants costs of the action.
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