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Everything posted by geromos

  1. Self-employed delivery driver. I was told they needed me to make a bank transaction via my card to pay me... they claimed 3500 access for a busted tail light on the hired van...
  2. Hi, I ended up with an overdraft as a company I was working for managed to trick me into giving them my card details, allowing them to take £3500 out of my account when there was no money in the account, ending up in an unauthorised overdraft... This was 3 months ago. I was lead to believe that id be paying back £225 pound a month (roughly), on the 29th of each month. Now that I checked, they are charging me interest and some other card charges, totalling in 3 extra charges on the 3rd of every month, adding to £75 on top of the overdraft, I only have a debit card? One charge is £20 because I don't have money in the account. Is this right? what can I do? can I claim it back? Court? I'm raging! Please help, I would hate to find out there was nothing I could do, I have the dreaded feeling that there is nothing I can do... I need my credit rating up as I am trying to start a business, this all happen at the worst time... word of advice for anyone its relevant to, "Don't Work For Amazon", they are slave drivers fringing on the law...
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