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  1. thanks, natwest have just been takeing the **** £4700. when i win there is going to be a big party.
  2. just got the defence help please 1 this defence is filed and served without prejudice to the right of the defendant to apply for summary in respect of and/or to strike out the particulars of claim. 2 the defendant is embarrassed by the lack of particularity pleaded in the particulars of claim to the extent that the particulars of claim fail to disclose reasonable grounds for bringing a claim against the defendant. in particular. 2.1 the the particulars of claim set out no facts indicating what the claim is about. are incoherent and do not disclose any legally recognisable claim against the defendant. 3 the defendant invites the claimant to remedy the above in the event that the claimant fail to do so within 14 of the service of the defence then the defendant will apply to the court for an order striking out the particulars of claim. 4 the defendant reserves the right to plead further to the particulars of claim once and if the claimant properly particularises the same. in the meantime it is denied that the claimant is entitled to relief climed or any relief whether as pleaded or at all. so what next to do.
  3. hi sharon what bank r you with? you will be so happy when you get your money back just get one over on the banks.
  4. hi sharon this is a great site iam just done county court claim to natwest for £4750. just have to see what will happen, are you makeing a claim my is peter from surrey.
  5. natwest bank over 5 years charges and fees was £3500. and to run the business acount was £4750. so i have just started the court claim. i let you know how i get on.
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