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Everything posted by lac23

  1. lac23

    csa payments

    Thanks for taking the time to respond. Ive asked the csa and they say they only pursue the claim which has been made and not really interested. Full custody is with the nan and she is the claimant. The mum makes contributions to the nan outside the csa. I would prefer to do this and could work with the mother on this. I think this is what the csa are starting to encourage but the nan doesnt seem keen. Im going to start paying off the debt and getting the money to my daughter. I was just a bit concerned the nan was getting too much and maybe my daughter was not getting it all but thats another concern. It would be interesting to know if there are two nrps, what the situation is. Im not sure where to turn for advice.
  2. lac23

    csa payments

    Hi all Im in arrears of about £600 with csa. To cut a long story short, my daughter lives with her nan who has full custody. The nan only pursues me for payments not the mother. I'm aware the mother gives her money for my daughter but this is not taken into account when calculating my payment. This may sound like I'm trying to reduce my amount and I'm not but when there are two nrp's shouldn't this be considered. Thanks
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