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  1. What is the nature of your job? How long have you had these problems with your knee?
  2. You're entitled to legal aid for discrimination matters. Call Civil Legal Advice and ask to speak to a discrimination solicitor. The service is free. You'll be referred to either Stephensons or Howells.
  3. Tactically a letter in such terms could be quite damaging - it comes across as quite litigious. I would make no reference in your letter of claim to the amount of damages you are seeking, just mention damages for injured feelings.
  4. It certainly does sound to me that you have an at least arguable case that they have failed in the reasonable adjustment duty by failing to bring these other jobs to your attention.
  5. It sounds as though there is an argument that this could amount to "discrimination arising from disability", presuming that the reason you are out of work is that you are unable to work because of your disability. Is this the case? If so, do you receive ESA (and which type - income based or contribution based)?
  6. Sounds like potential discrimination against your child by way of failure to make reasonable adjustments. What comments are in the SEN Statement regarding transport to school?
  7. Not a problem. Feel free to post back to this thread with your draft letter of claim for my comments. This is an area of some knowledge for me.
  8. I presume from the post you intend to make a claim under Part 3 of the Equality Act 2010. Your claim should be for "injured feelings". As for the relevant bands of compensation, look up the following cases: Vento v Chief Constable - established the "Vento bands" for injured feelings Purves v Joydisc - established the minimum level of damages for injured feelings Da'bell v NSPCC - Uprating the "Vento bands" for inflation" Hops this helps
  9. Sorry for my delay in replying. In my view going down the route of a subject access request is a red herring - it's over-complication for the matter which you simply don't need at this stage. The footage will be disclosable following your letter of claim for discrimination. If the footage goes missing, adverse inferences can be drawn from that against the company under the discrimination legislation. From the description of disability - and bearing in mind that I am working from limited information - it is very much possible that your friend has the protected characteristic of disability on account of his diabetes. The test he needs to meet is to show that he has a physical or mental condition - diabetes which has a substantial - more than a minor or trivial and long term - has lasted longer than 12 months/will last longer than 12 months/will last the rest of the person's life adverse effect on the ability to do normal day to day activities The test is to be carried out on the basis that all non-permanent medical treatment has been withdrawn. This means the assessment is made in this case on the basis of how your friend would be if they were not taking their medication. e.g. Person X has fibromyalgia. He has suffered for two years and is likely to do so the rest of his life. Without medication, he suffers extreme fatigue such that he cannot safely drive a car, cook a meal or supervise his young children. He usually takes medication to correct this. He is likely disabled under the Act. Based on this test, do you think your friend is likely to meet the definition of disability? I would suggest as a next step serving a discrimination questionnaire. There is a template form, and guidance for completing the document, at: gov. uk / equality-act-2010-guidance I would consider asking questions along the lines of the following: Was the incident recorded on CCVT? If yes, please provide a copy of the CCTV or an explanation of why you cannot provide a copy What training have the relevant staff members had in disability awareness and/or first aid? I would suggest completing the form, posting a copy here and then I can look at the document with you and propose amendments where necessary.
  10. There would be a claim here under the Equality Act 2010 for disability discrimination. Can you post further details about the event and I can give fuller advice. In particular can you cover the following: Diabetes - what type? when diagnosed? what treatment is taken? how often do these coma events tend to take place Circumstances - when did the event take place (how long ago, what time of day)? Had you or your friend been drinking? Was an ambulance sumonsed? Were the police? What medical treatment was required? Who witnessed the event other than you? Has the ban been notified in writing? If so, can you provide the wording?
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