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  1. For the reasons you have given I totally agree. Many a time I've come across 60mph in the middle lane and down to 40mph in the inside lane. It is actually an offence to not do a reasonable speed on the appropriate roads because it is dangerous to be so slow in comparison with the rest of the traffic.
  2. 1. I am actually a very considerate driver. My behaviour is not unsocial. 2. HGV's cause a lot of hassle of the roads.....why do they always insist overtaking each other at speeds of 50mph v 51mph on a hill. 3. Taking lessons won't help avoid the actual idiots on the road. 4. You obviously drive on very quiet motorways. I've had to wait at least 5 minutes before anyone will let me out and I am not going to move into the middle lane doing 55 mph because that is the perfect way to have someone go straight up the back of you. 5. Please do tell me oh guru of the motorway - just how do I get an extra pair of eyes at the back of my head? I use all the mirrors but I also have to look forward so I don't go up the back of anyone when I'm trying to accelerate in the middle lane whilst at the same time judging the speed and gap available to me? And what about those in the outside lane doing 90mph getting into the same lane as someone trying to accelerate and watch multiple vehicles? You must have driven on a motorway at some point and have something fly past you like you were standing still? well that applies to moving from the inside to the middle. First its clear and then its not. I want to point out I do not do 60mph in the middle lane. I keep up with the traffic, I'm overtaking the slow ones in the inside lane and I'm travelling at 70mph. IF there is a big enough gap in the inside lane i.e I can travel in it for at least 5 minutes without having to hop in and out or slow down I will use it. I observe the slip lanes and adjust my speed/gaps with other traffic so that adjoining traffic can safely get on because those in the inside lane can move safely into the middle lane. There is nothing worse than being on the inside lane and finding a car bombing down the slip road at 70pmh, I'm stuck at 50mph and unable to move into the middle lane to get out of their way.....it creates what I class at the S*** S*** S*** situation. - do you a) continue as you were and risk a car going straight into the side of you (accident in the making) b) force your way into the middle lane making all the other traffic suddenly slow down (multiple accidents in the making) ,c) slam your brakes on (another accident waiting) or d) sit in the middle lane where a considerate driver will make space either by slowing slightly, speeding up or moving into the outside lane (which also means taking your life into your own hands. Also is anyone else really fed up with people not using the 2 second rule? Many a time I have left what I consider to be a comfortable safe distance from the car in front (in any lane I must add) only to have some idiot pull into that gap making you have to slow down. Another bugbear of mine are those who pull in/change lanes and just miss hitting my car because they haven't allowed sufficient room. Why do they not use their mirrors to check they are sufficiently past the vehicle before pulling in. Hmmm?
  3. I will admit to using the middle lane a lot but thats simply because I feel safer and that I'm making progress on my journey. I don't think the new law has been thoroughly thought through. A car stuck in the inside lane behind something doing 50mph trying to get into the middle lane faces more danger trying to get up to speed and out especially as when you are about to pull out another vehicle moves over into the space you were aiming for from the outside lane. Essentially inside lane to middle lane you need to watch 2 lanes. In the middle lane its so much easier to see what the traffic is intending. To do what would be a 4 hour journey @ 70mph but at 50 mph is so much more tiring which is also a danger. A more logical way to sort the lanes would be to have the inside lane for those who can only do or want to travel between 50-70mph. The middle lane should be 71-85mph and the outside lane for overtaking all the rest. I do agree that some drivers do hog the middle lane doing 60mph. The actual speeds done on the motorway should be looked at not the speed limits but at the general speed of the motorway at a particular time and place.i.e there and then.
  4. I would suggest you see it through to the end especially if you are still being paid. Spend the time whilst you are suspended in trying to sort yourself out - be it by getting help for your stress/depression or by preparing yourself for a new position. If you didn't do what they said then it should show up in any investigation. You should receive the evidence of what the investigation has unearthed and if you feel there is a question that they haven't asked of certain people which you believe would help your case then request it gets asked. I know what you are going through as I have been there myself. Keep your chin up and stay strong as hard as it may be. Don't resign just yet as it could look bad for your next job and besides the suspension may be lifted and the charges dropped. Then you can walk away with your head held high stating it was time for a career change.
  5. Hi - It is unfair to give you 3 hours notice to return to work after hearing nothing for 3 weeks. You are perfectly untitled to make plans while on suspension as you can't be expected to be waiting by the phone every moment of the day. If you feel they are trying to push you out then in all likelihood they are but are trying to find a valid reason to avoid unfair dismissal. Make sure they follow their procedures exactly. Hang on in there and good luck.
  6. Hi Noebys I can understand how you feel you have been pushed into a corner and being forced to do something which you aren't mentally prepared for. Find out all your options - whether there are any other viable jobs available, what exactly your redundancy package will be (statutory/notice period/payment in lieu of notice/holiday pay etc) and talk to someone about them so you can get a balanced viewpoint on your plan of action. I also suffered from depression for a year because of the level of stress, harassment and amount of work my old company was pushing on me. It is their fault that the last year of working there in a total of 5 years was complete misery even to a point far beyond where I thought I could plunge. Having tried to force me to resign because my face no longer fitted through harassment, bullying, a disciplinary and a fabricated grievance they did me the best favour possible. They made me redundant. I too needed to work for financial reasons. The package I was given was the minimum legally I could be given but it meant that I could take a little time to sort myself out. What I'm trying to say is that although I know finding a job so close to retirement will be difficult in this economic climate, it could well give you the opportunity to get paid for getting away from the negativity that is your work environment. You might be sitting there thinking what does this person know....I know because a good friend gave me exactly the same sort of advice. Look on redundancy as an opportunity. The first month I was redundant I concentrated on my health, went to counselling, did what I wanted when I wanted. It did me a world of good. I no longer felt permanently depressed. It was like a weight off my shoulders. Keep your chin up and keep fighting - you can get through this dark patch. There are people out there routing for you.
  7. Hi Freudianslip I can completely sympathise with you on this and like Honeybee have gone through the works of stress, anxiety and depression because of work. Whatever happens keep your chin up. There are a lot of people on here who have been through similar and will be backing you all the way. Take advantage of the time away from work to look after you. Pamper yourself, eat well, enjoy the sunshine and try to relax. Maybe your GP could suggest something to help...I was thinking along the lines of counselling just to give you some survival techniques with anxiety as it could make you stronger. You sound passionate and care about what you do and I believe that makes a good employee despite what these bullies may try to instill into you. Keep believing in yourself! You are in good hands and keep us up to date
  8. Hi I can't claim to be an expert on here but I think there are a few things to keep in mind. From my limited knowledge of Health and Safety at work I know that ANY accident at work has to reported in the accident book. Was the accident on work premises or while performing work on behalf of the company? I also know that certain accidents at work fall under RIDDOR which have to be reported to the Health and Safety Executive. I have put the link below. RIDDOR - what is reportable? I would be tempted to find a good solicitor and ask for guidance on this. There are some out there who deal with accidents at work and will give a free or low cost initial consultation. I hope this gives you something to work on.
  9. Hi - I don't know how much you have been overpaid but there is a chance that the company may just write it off. I know of a couple of times where temporary/seasonal/weekly staff who have left a company and been overpaid. The company took the view that depending on the amount and the character of the employee that they probably wouldn't get the money back and the cost and time to try and claim it back wasn't worth the effort. I would wait and see if the company chases you for the amount. If you are concerned about paying it back I would suggest putting some money aside until you have the full amount due and until you are chased for it.
  10. Hi - On reading this it has occurred to me that (giving them the benefit of doubt) they may be paying this by Bacs transfer which can take 3 days from the date it is sent from their account. I would suggest finding out what date it was actually allegedly transmitted from their bank account (I used to work for a company that did a payment run on the Monday but it wasn't transmitted until Wednesday to arrive in accounts on Friday. On the other hand when I received my redundancy pay it was paid through payroll on pay day) Hope this of help and that you receive the money soon.
  11. Hi all Thought I would update you with what is happening to me. I went back to work but did find it very stressful. I managed to come off the medication for anxiety. However about a month after I went back to work I was informed that my job was at risk of redundancy. There was a 2 week consultation period which I thought was really quick and barely gave me time to digest everything at the same time as trying to get myself sorted from the suspension. It seems they brought in new technology which affected a small part of my work. There was one other person "at risk". However on reflection I think it was a fix. He went about his normal work and even arranged holiday and a business trip for after the "redundancy date". The decision was based on interview allegedly. The new position would have been a demotion for me but a payrise for this chap. It would also have meant that the line manager would have been a control freak bully who seriously disliked me because I had the gall to disagree with her once. Anyway somehow even though I have 8 years experience more than him - he got the job. (I think he was given a tip off for the questions in the interview as it was his current line manager who was in the interview and also hated me) Anyway a month ago I was made redundant on the minimum of redundancy pay (thank god I had been with the company for 5 years - so much for loyalty, incredibly hard work and long hours) Even though I think it was set up just to get rid of me because they hadn't been able to get rid of me earlier in the year by forcing me to resign, it was probably the best thing to have happened (apart from the worry of trying to find a new job and money to support myself to exist) Now I am looking a job where I can start to live. I can also report that I can in the process of coming off the anti-depressants that I've been on for the last 10 months. I realised it was down to 2 people in the department who triggered the nightmare of the last 10 months. Well if anyone has got to the end of my ramble I just want to say that you may be struggling emotionally and physically with disciplinaries and warnings (believe me I've been there) but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Trust in your friends/family and the guys on here and find the strength to stay strong and believe in yourselves. xx
  12. Yes thank you all. It was very helpful for advice and support.
  13. I have just received a phone call from the HR manager. It has been decided that I have nothing to be accounted for in the grievance. I am being moved line manager and desk and will be back at work as soon as they have resolved where to put me. But I shall still keep the grievance in mind and get things prepared just in case.
  14. My line manager (A) took offence that I didn't speak to her much on one day when I was busy. Also another member (X)of the office told her that I had been spreading lies and gossiping behind her back (someone else (B) had asked me what was up was I was particularly down and I had told her it was because my line manager had been questioning my performance and that I was giving my best and couldn't take much more of the pressure) X told A that 3 years ago I had hated my team and had threatened to poison them all and plant company property in their bags (an email that a "friend" had sent to me suggesting to do). A now feels under threat and unable to work with me and that she would leave if I returned to the office and that it was making her ill. X has always had it in for me ever since I disagreed with something and it was eventually proved that I was right and she was wrong. Its quite hilarious considering the X gossips more than anyone and A doesn't speak to me sometimes even to a good morning. While this has been going on I have appealed a verbal warning I received on the Wednesday (3rd) before I was suspended (5th)but the HR manager was on holiday so have had to wait until she was back (18th Feb) Now she is looking into everything.
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