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  1. Does this mean I can exit early then - as I am having major issues with T-Mob? Ta.
  2. Am I correct, that if you leave the office in business hours to (examples) 1. Deliver goods (with and without 'commercial value') 2. Collect food or other suppliers. 3. Visit clients. 4. Drop the post/parcels. In your private car, then it is best to have business use cover? I do, as do most other people in the office, but I wanted to treble check. My insurance company says you need it - but perhaps they would anyway ;-) Any thoughts?
  3. Lol, cheers everyone that had all made me smile and been very helpful (to others also I hope!) Fingers crossed, really I just want them to move it to out of work hours as well - because it would be better for everyone and no obligation for me to go! I actually do want it to go well for the people who want to go you see!
  4. Thanks for this one - its a done deal (because I was so reluctant to go to the first one it will seem realistic!!) Say you've had a bad experience from a work related social event in a previous job (mind you, who hasn't), and you now have a phobia of such events and would rather take leave for the day or do your normal job. Make it clear that it's just the event you have a problem with and nothing to do with the people or having to socialise with your work colleagues. You're more or less telling the truth then, plus you're being more forceful about it. I would say just be totally honest about it, but some employers may see it as negative towards their 'team building' attempts. Personally, I've always found these kinda work parties a strange and stupid idea....every year at the xmas party, where I work, at least 5-10 people get sacked in the aftermath!
  5. Love that idea - but they know I am somewhat of a non believer - lol Any other alcohol based objects that anyone can think of - like the thread!
  6. I think I will - I shall of course expect disappointment, and he may want to try and find out why - but I am allowed some secrets in life (I hope!) Lol. Thanks everyone!
  7. Lol - love that approach! do not want to spoil anything for the majority who are happy to go however the company is being very good to put this on, and the MD is not aware of peoples concerns that much ;-) Brill advice however, I will of course assume that a risk assesment will be undertaken Guess the company first aiders and HR manager will have to stay sober at least! ;-)
  8. Very good advice, but I do not want to spoil a 100% perfect non sick record for two years! I do genuinly like the company and the director so I really, really do not want to tell fibs - in fact I might mention if I get around to saying I do not want to go - that please note I am being 100% upfront and honest - curse my morality! You never know, I could just get ill thinking about it! Teehee Besides I guess that the problem will re-occur in the next one anyway, out of hour ones I just say I am busy and feel somewhat happy because I am generally busy anyway so I do not feel bad for saying it! Just chewing over on this one, I see no option but to: 1. Fess up that I really do not want to go. 2. Suck it in, go, for the minimum period of time available, hope that I do not see anything I do not want to see. Hmmmm.... My work record is clean, never been sick, late, in trouble, never been justifiably complained against - so hopefully they can respect that? Does anyone know the legal worst they can do - my contact does cover attending works events during office hours! The first one was the worst, because some people in the office made a fuss that I was not going - very nice of them indeed , the second one I got away with by making it sounds like I was going to go - until it was too late. I am so glad I did not attend the second one! But thanks for the initial idea - I shall be considering the pros and cons and it is a superb backup plan!
  9. Sorry original text did not post?? We are about to have a staff party - starting in work hours and based at an open air location - the issue is, I would rather not attend and would rather carry on with my job. The basic reasons for this are: 1- I would rather work, I am behind on some targets and very busy. 2- My partner will not go to my works events due to the ahem 'behavior' at the last one, and I am deeply embarrassed by other peoples conduct (I was not there) 3- Someone was sexually assaulted at the last event, and still suffers the ill effects. So far, I can establish that in contractual hours, the company can pretty well expect me to attend! I doubt that they would approve holiday for the date either! I cannot explain too much about the behavior without betraying the confidence of those around me - I would never do that (hence the fake user name here, and vauge descriptions!) I also do not trust myself to keep my temper, that is what I fear the most! I am dreading this - deeply, and may try to offer to: - Cover the office. - Take a days holiday. I am prepared to say I have a moral objection, but then cannot go into too much more details!!! My Managing Director is a reasonable person, but has put a lot of work into getting us as far as this event! When I wanted to avoid the first ever event, I got hauled up and quizzed on it - I guess aside from general advice, I am asking... 1- Can I be expected to provide further details, or is it acceptable just to say no! 2- Can I be fired, etc for breech of contract, for wanting to stay in the office and work? 3- How would everyone else approach this, I do not want to put anyone else off, cause any trouble, or ruin moral - other people do not want to go, but that is their battle, not mine!! I hate sexual harassment in the workplace! It ruins a perfectly enjoyable job! Thanks in advance for any advice!
  10. IF anyone wants to PM me for more specifics please feel free - any help is appreciated!
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